Topic category: Plugins and third-party tools
When I try to run the client I get the One or more of your main mod files did not compile properly. Regenerating code does not solve the issue, as well as reinstalling mcreator, or the fabric plugins.
The error seems to be on this line
ServerPlayConnectionEvents.JOIN.register((handler, sender, server) -> {
if (handler.getPlayer().getExtraCustomData().getCompound("PlayerPersisted").isEmpty()) {
handler.getPlayer().getExtraCustomData().put("PlayerPersisted", new CompoundTag());
I've been troubleshooting this issue for weeks and I rely heavily on the fabric generator so any help is appreciated.
EDIT: After more testing this happens on every fabric mod I try to use and deleting the gradle folder does not work either
SOLUTION: In workspace settings > external api's fabric api and terrablender have to be turned on for the fabric essentials plugin to work