Water World

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This mod adds a new dimension called the "Water World", and adds 2 new items called the "Water Wand" and the "Return to overworld."

Information about the mod:

The Water World Dimension can be accessible using the "Water Wand". You can use the "Return to Overworld" tool to return back to the overworld. Both of these tools will be given to the player when they join a world containing this mod. Once you are inside the dimension, you can see that you are underwater, with coral reefs all around you. You can swim up to the surface to find food such as Cod and Salmon and even Dolphins! If you are wondering: "Well how on earth am I supposed to breathe when Im 100 blocks underwater?" There will be magma blocks inside the coral reefs, but they are covered in coral vines so you have to break them before using the magma block. Magma Blocks if you don't know, will give you oxygen when crouching on top of them. But be wary as standing on top of them will damage you.


If you wish to build a base in the dimension, Use the Return to Overworld tool given to you to return back and gather materials for a base.

Also, I am making this project alone so do not expect constant updates, I hope you understand.


If you don't know how to download this mod, Please click this link: https://mcreator.net/wiki/exporting-mods-and-installing-them   

It will redirect you to the MCreator wiki on how to export and install these mods.


Also, If you lose the Return to Overworld tool and the Water Wand tool, you can access them in the creative tab "Tools and Utilities".


The download of this mod will be below.

Also, I found some mods with the same name as this one, so to avoid any drama, I will be linking their mod. It can be seen below.

Mods with the same names:



Major Bugs: None

Minor Bugs: Tiny holes on some of the coral reefs. Currently hard to come across.


Ill patch these bugs later on.


Due to many unfixable bugs, I have decided to return to this project once I have managed to find a solution to these bugs. I will now continue on other projects, Play this at your own risk.

Minecraft mod files
Water World V1.jar - Version 1. Expect many bugs and missing features. Uploaded on: 06/30/2023 - 03:36   File size: 1.18 MB
Water World V1.1.jar - Version 1.1 Patched a major bug and added new changes. Uploaded on: 06/30/2023 - 04:44   File size: 1.22 MB

V1.1 Changelogs:

Coral reefs spawning near the surface are now fixed.

Found a bug where there would be holes in the coral reefs. Pretty hard to come across one tho.

Given the player 5 seconds of water breathing to give them time to swim to the surface or find a magma block.