Biome improvement

Published by Goldorion on
Issue description


I know that I can put Vnilla tree in my biome, but I would like choose the type of tree. Can you add possibility to choose wich tree spawn in the biome, and I don't know if it's a list, but, can you add in same time, possibility to spawn Vanilla structures, and choose wich structures can spawn in the biome ?


Thanks you,



I am very sorry if I maie a list, but in my opinion it's very similar.

Issue comments

For vanilla structures, I doubt there is a doable way to achieve this, but I will check.

For the vanilla trees, I will check what can be done in this way :)

Vanilla trees, he means Acacia tree, dark oak, spruce and jungle Model,

Basic vanilla trees are Oak and Birch only

I will add an option to select between these three types when vanilla trees are selected in 1.8.3:

  • default
  • big trees
  • savanna trees
  • mega pine trees
  • mega spruce trees
  • birch trees

Thanks you ! But little version of trees will have appreciate, but it is already better than before.