My Mobs dont ask me for animations (Ticket Version)

Published by Trolmaso on
Issue description

What the title says. 

Link for original version:

File for model attached below.

Issue comments

The code of this model uses RendererModel which only exists in 1.14.4 and will not even exist in 1.15.2 anymore. I will add compatibility for this so MCreator will fix this, but devs of the modeler you use need to fix this (use ModelRenderer instead of RendererModel as RendererModel only existed in 1.14.4 for some reason). These models also lack setRotationAngles method.

For anyone else who wants to fix this problem before 2020.3,

go into your java code and press CTRL+H (on windows at least) and do this:

Find What: RendererModel

Replace With: ModelRenderer

and click replace all and import it again. If you are doing this on or after 2020.3, this bug is fixed and no longer an issue

For some reason Blockbench gets the order of the words wrong.

Also, this bug only happens when Blockbench exports the model for 1.14, it does not happen for 1.12 and 1.15