Survival Of The Minecraftist Remade

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This is a remake of an old mod I made, due to limitations at the time and my own lack of skill, I did not make the mod the way I wanted, so here is version 1.1 of the remake

I have removed a few Screenshots of Mobs temporarily


Overworld World Gen




Salt - Spawns in Sand (Mostly Deserts) can be used to craft different foods




Dacite - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite

Gabbro - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite

Gritstone - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite

Limestone - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite



Nether World Gen




Nether Mud - Slows you down

Nether Grass - (Both variants are identical to Grass)

Ash Block - Spawns Rarely, can be used as gray dye

Glowing Obsidian - Glows and is used to travel to the Underworld

Lava Sand - Similar to Sand (Glass is bugged)

Coesite Sand - Similar to Sand (Glass is bugged)




Nether Rock (and all its variants) - Similar to Stone

Netherstone (and all its variants) - Similar to Stone

Red Lavarite - Similar to Stone

Pink Lavarite - Similar to Stone

Quartzstone - Similar to Stone

Netherwrought - Similar to Stone




Nether Dark Quartz - Similar to Quartz

Nether Shadow Quartz - Similar to Quartz

Nether Steel - Similar to Iron

Nether Gold  - Gold in the Nether




Blue Netherwart - Similar to Netherwart

Red Netherwart Plant - Natural spawning Netherwart



End World Gen




Ender Sand - Similar to Sand (Glass is bugged)




Blue Enderlium - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite

Purple Enderlium - Similar to Andesite Granite and Diorite

Eletrin - Similar to Stone

Crystone Endstone - Similar to Stone

Enderwrought - Similar to Stone

Shulkerite - Similar to Stone




Crystalline - Similar to Quartz

Grenelite - Similar to Quartz



Underworld World Gen




Ash Block - Spawns in Carbon Deserts

Carbon - Spawns in Carbon Deserts

Slime Fluid - Similar to Water

Shadow Wood - Spawns in Void Bramble Forests

Shadow Wood Planks - Similar to all Vanilla Wood Planks

Shadow Leaves - Spawns with Shadow Wood Trees

Corroded Bedrock - Drops Bedrock Fragments - Fragments can be made into Bedrock and Corroded Bedrock

Light Oak Wood - Spawns in Light Oak Forests

Light Oak Planks - Similar to Vanilla Wood Planks

Volcanous Dirt - Similar to Dirt

Volcanous Grass Flowerless - Similar to Grass

Volcanous Grass Flowered - Spawns in Flowerless Volcanous Grass

Coarse Volcanous Dirt - Spawns in Volcanous Dirt

Sapphire Wood - Spawns in Mistyst Plains

Sapphire Planks - Similar to Vanilla Wood Planks

Gray Sand - Similar to Sand

Gray Sandstone (and all its variants) - Similar to Sandstone

Frost - Spawns in Frosty Plains

Frostwood - Spawns in Frosty Plains

Frostwood Planks - Similar to Vanilla Wood Planks

Crolphin - A new substance found in Carbon Deserts - Similar to Terracotta (Stained Clay)




Carborite - Similar to Stone

Basalt Cool - Similar to Stone

Ghostite - Similar to Stone

Blue Mistyst - Spawns in Mistyst Plains

Purple Mistyst - Spawns in Mistyst Plains

Green Mistyst - Spawns in Mistyst Plains

Carnelian -  Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Impurerite -  Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite (Texture is placeholder)

White Marble - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Black Marble - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Brown Marble - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Green Marble - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Red Marble - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Blue Herrorite - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Green Herrorite - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Yellow Herrorite - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite

Purple Herrorite - Similar to Granite Andesite and Diorite





Cinistine - Similar to Quartz

Crystal - Better than Diamond

Void Emerald - Only spawns in Void Bramble Forests underground - Better than Crystal

Actinium - Better than Void Emerald

Echorite - Similar to Coal

Rabidium  - Stronger than Actinium





Void Bramble Vines - Hangs from the Shadow Wood Trees - Drops Void Brambles

Begonia - Gives you Orange Dye

Black Poppy - Gives you Black Dye (See Below)

Cactus Fruit Plant - Gives you Cactus Fruit

Cyan Rose - Gives you Cyan Dye

Orange Dandelion - Gives you Orange Dye

Forget Me Nots - Gives you Light Blue Dye

Four Leaf Clover - Currently no use

Gebera Daisy - Gives you Red Dye (See Below)

Lisianthus - Gives you Magenta Dye

Cosmos - Gives you Purple Dye

Petunia - Gives you Pink Dye

Pink Poppy - Gives you Pink Dye

Purple Tulip - Gives you Purple Dye

Red Rose - Gives you Red Dye (See Below)

Pink Rose - Gives you Pink Dye

Taraxacum Dandelion - Currently no use

Eurola Bush - Gives you Eurola Berries

Dragon Citron Bush - Gives you Dragon Citron

Corn Plant - Gives you Corn

Black Undershroom - Similar to Mushrooms

Yellow Undershroom - Similar to Mushrooms

Turnip Plant - Gives you Turnips

Blue Berry Bush - Gives you Blue Berries

Sweet Berry Bush - Gives you Sweetberries (Just like 1.14)

Strawberry Bush - Gives you Strawberries

Garlic Plant - Gives you Garlic





Raw and Cooked Chicken Leg - Raw Chicken Leg drops from Chickens

Raw and Cooked Squid Tentacles - Raw Squid Tentacles drops from Squids

Crackled Netherwart - Put Netherwart into a Crafting Table

Blue Crackled Netherwart - Put Blue Netherwart into a Crafting Table

Baked Crackled Netherwart - Cook both Crackled Netherwarts

Void Bramble - Drops from the Void Bramble Vines

Pear - Drops from Light Oak Leaves

Actinium Pear - Gives you a slight buff once eaten (Needs some work)

Cactus Fruit - Drops from Cactus Fruit Plant

Soul Fruit - Drops from Shadow Leaves

Eurola Berry - Drops from Eurola Bushes

Dragon Citron - Drops from Dragon Citron Bushes

Apple Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie

Baked Apple - Put an Apple into a Furnace

Beef Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie - Replace Sugar with Salt

Chicken Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie - Replace Sugar with Salt

Chicken and Mushroom Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie - Replace Sugar with Salt

Cooked Carrot - Put a Carrot into a Furnace

Corn - Drops from Corn Plants

Popcorn Kernals - Put Corn in a Furance

Raw and Cooked Duck - Raw Duck drops from Ducks

Fried Egg - Put an Egg into a Furnace

Melon Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie

Undershroom Stew - Similar to Mushroom Stew

Raw and Cooked Goat - Raw Goat drops from Goats

Orange - Drops from Frosted Leaves

Actinium Orange - Gives you a slight buff once eaten (Needs some work)

Shepards Pie - Uses Meat and Veg to make

Turnip - Drops from Turnip Plants

Raw and Cooked Nether Beast - Raw Nether Beast drops from the Nether Beast

Raw and Cooked Bacon - Raw Bacon drops from Pigs

Horse Beef and Horse Steak - Horse Beef drops from Horses

Blue Berries - Drops from Blue Berry Bushes

Sweet Berries - Drops from Sweet Berry Bushes

Strawberries - Drops from Strawberry Bushes

Berry Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie

Strawberry Pie - Similar to Pumpkin Pie

Garlic - Drops from Garlic Plants



Extra Items and Tools


Pig Leather  - Similar to Leather

Wooden Shears - Similar to Shears

Charred Shears - Can be used as a Fuel Source

Ash - Similar to Gray Dye

Blue Netherwart - Drops from Blue Netherwart Plants

Tallow - Used to get the Iron Lighter which is used to go to the Underworld - Drops from Pigs

Iron Lighter - Used to go to the Underworld

Salt - Can be used as a replacement for Sugar for savoury pies

Bone Shards - Currently Useless - Cannot be obtained in Survival - Looking for ideas

Blaze Rods Bundle - A block of Blaze Rods

Scorpion Venom (WIP)





Magic Book / Flying Book

Ghostly Knight






Nether Beast

Minecraft mod files
SurvivalOfTheMinecraftist-1.12.2-1.1.0_0.jar - Improve your Minecraft Experience without changing the main aspects of Minecraft Uploaded on: 11/03/2019 - 18:50   File size: 3.4 MB

Cool mod, but all the textures original? Because I think I saw some of them in other (older) mods