shadow fall

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welp i made this mod however i can't see the stone very good and also the ores not so good how i try my best and still not good to see it well  but here is my shadow fall mod however i can't creator on the new version if it so so dark color form my eyes to see it also i put my screen on mcreator on 200% to see it good still too much blur and hard Sharpness to see the tools and blocks and items hard see it for my eyes even if am autistic and Ocular Motor Apraxia, Cogan

pls my English stay always bad even i do use Netherland is also the same way i just put my words in the wrong line order 


well i keep making the same thing noting new like mean no biome or other things that i can not make on this mcreator 2020.1 


version 1.0.1 

blue shadow ores 

shadow aqua ores 

shadow lightning  ores 

shadow storm  ores 

version 1.0.2

goals about 1 to 4 

boost on tools and armors in a small way you get 

black hart ore not yet tools or armor soon will be 

version 1.0.3 

chaos diamond ores 

tools for black hart 

chaos diamond tools and armor 

goals  add 3 new 

version 1.0.4 

two new ores 

two tools

two new goals 

version 1.0.5 

add new blocks 2 

version 1.0.6 

add new ores 

add new tools 

add no armor 

add more new goals 

version 1.0.7

add new ore 

add new tools 

ad new goals

version 1.0.8

add new tools

add new armor 

add new goal 

version 1.09

ores blocks are fix more spawn 

new ores 

new tools 

new armors 

new goal 

one trick ore 

version 1.1.0

ores new

tools new 

goals new  

there fuse types 

Minecraft mod files
shadow fall version 1.0.9.jar Uploaded on: 02/06/2020 - 15:11   File size: 643.56 KB
shadow fall version 1.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 02/07/2020 - 14:27   File size: 768.95 KB

i will no new mod want i have hard to do on the new want it to blurry to see if say zoom in or out i still can not see it all want the old version of mcreator 1.8.3 can i only see that good but so long i not use or that the mcreator is not fix it the problem i have then can't work with it want also hard to focus at all if my eyes problem then i can't not of my handicap call Ocular Motor Apraxia, Cogan and that i can also not good in reading in the spell of my handicap not let me focus then i have no other then stop here and wait to fix the problems if say one thing over my english that do it bad it all bout my handicap that not let me good spell it