Nature Biome Packs

Issue description

As you know, there is already Ore, armors and tool packs, but there are possibilities to add more, like... - Nature or Biome Pack ---> Makes the Wood/Leaves possibly grass and dirt, a plant for a Biome of the name we insert, all details of the blocks will be vanilla ones, like same hardness for wood, leaves..., And of course, all recipes made for them, and Oredictionary for it aswell

Issue comments

I have noted this idea.

Although my general preference is to not add too many packs as this could render many mods unoriginal due to misuse of pack users.

This would be a great idea. However, I must agree with Klemen, this would encourage unoriginal mods to be created. So, to fix that, it should only be a wood/log pack (it would only be the blocks not the tree structure and), because it takes so long to make the recipes for each wood type (Pickaxe, ace, shovel, slab, stair, etc). Also people would pick their own textures.

Yes, I prefer to keep the features of this in the convenience area, not in idea making area ;)

Yeah good idea Trolmaso, for all stairs, slab, door, trapdoors, it's more useful only for that