1.16.1 forge
beacuse its out for forge
Issue comments
In 2020.5??! thats long (for me)
Check the 1.16.x "mapped" code in the current state, try to make anything useful, and then remap after complete mappings again. Then comment about taking too long.
Also, this is a free project provided to you by a hard work of people working on this to you for free, you are not helping anyone with comments like this.
It's totally fair Klemen, you are doing a great job and I understand that the most reasonable thing is to wait until things settle down and develop the support on a solid foundation.
Thanks to you and the team for the amazing job and the cool features in the upcoming 2020.4 version!
Likely in 2020.5 for 1.16.2
I will wait for mappings to settle down and some more testing
If you're want 1.16 right now, there is a plugin - MCreatorFabricGenerator, and it supports most of the important stuff. It's currently being rewritten as the one for 1.15 was very difficult to update.
You'll need the latest MCreator snapshot. Instructions to build it are in the description - https://github.com/ClothCreators/MCreatorFabricGenerator
but would be used for updating old mods to new versions
If your MCR lacks say 1.12.2 version and you open 1.12.2 workspace in it, it will suggest you to select one of the supported versions so to migrate from say 1.12.2 to 1.15.2, you don't need actual 1.12.2 installed.
Really agree it should be in 2020.5 like drop 1.14.4 support like 1.12.2 support and add 1.16.2 generator. 1.14.4 would then become a legacy unsupported generator like 1.12.2, and like 1.12.2, it would be encouraging people to update 1.14.4 mods to newer versions. This would be better by using the same version with any mod whether 1.12, 1.14, 1.15 or 1.16.
Migrated to https://github.com/MCreator/MCreator/issues/4
Read bottom of https://mcreator.net/news/67474/mcreator-20205-pre-release
Likely in 2020.5 for 1.16.2
I will wait for mappings to settle down and some more testing