[YAH] You Are Herobrine Mod!!!
Here is A Video:
Coming Later Today!
I Created this Mod Because the Original developer was not continuing this mod and I saw a lot of the community wanting it back! So I Created it! Get Ready World! This is an awesome Mod!
I added very few tweaks! Please put ideas and reviews below!
- Many of the Features from the Original You Are Herobrine Mod!
- Steve Returns
- New Type of Villager called Villager 2! This makes it more challenging to find Corazon! The Villager 2 and Steve only spawn in the Herobrine Biome!
- New Command/Cheat //spawnsteve this can be used to spawn steve if you don't want to look for him! There is no command for spawning villagers though! Also The Crafting recipe for the Steve Egg is modified and easier to get so you can spawn him legitly with out needing to find Steve!
- Evil Diamond and Evil Diamond Tools
- Corazon and Corazon Tools/Armor
- Corazon Ingot
- Necronomicon I, II, and III (In The Future IV and V)
- Steve Soul
- Steve Head
- Herobrine Head
- New Herobrine Dimension! (Steve and Villagers spawn)
Crafting Recipes!
Skin Book:
Flesh Stick
Evil Flesh Stick
Invisible Dust
Necronomicon I
Necronomicon II
Necronomicon III
Spawn Steve Egg!
Evil Diamond Matter
Evil Diamond
Steve Head
Herobrine Head
Corazon Ingot
Tools and ARMOR!!!!!
Corazon Armor
Corazon Sword
Items used:
2 Corozon Ingots, Flesh Stick
Evil Diamond Sword
Items Used:
2 Evil Diamonds, Evil Flesh Stick!
Herobrine's Tool
Items used:
Steve Soul, 3 Evil Diamonds, and 1 Evil Flesh Stick!
Hope You Like The Mod! Add Requests Below!!!
This is 5 years old... Why is this on trending mods page?!