Magic Witchcraft

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Magic Witchcraft

Magic Witchcraft adds many magical items that are made to make your life easier.

Fight with various magic wands, explore new dimensions and challenge yourself to beat the Dangerous Dragon ...

The recipes are based on an advanced crafting system (using machines, energy and a tier system)

All of the mod is divided into 3 tiers : Mysterious, Magical and Spectral.

Simplify your life with utilities such as hammers, flyers, teleporters, but also the "cave block", the highlighter, the block placer and remover, the enchant manager table, the magical library, the dimensional switcher, the magic carpet to name a few ...

Meet atypical creatures such as unicorns you can ride, dangerous witches, ...

Play like never before with features like being able to stick to walls and jump like Mario, or even walk on water...

For hardcore players, there are also end-game tools that replicate some aspects of the creative mode. Good luck !

From exploration to special potions, gadgets, farming, and items designed to play pranks on your friends, enrich your Minecraft experience in a surprising and original way !


No dependencies required but Patchouli for the in-game guide and JEI for the recipes are highly recommended !

This mod has integrations for CreateMekanismTinkers Construct (which is not yet available in 1.20.1), Mystical Agriculture, and WTHIT/Jade/TOP.


More details on CurseForge and Modrinth.

Minecraft mod files
[1.21.1]MagicWitchcraft-2.1.0-neoforge.jar - v2.1: Ported to NeoForge 1.21.1 - see changelog for more details. Uploaded on: 11/03/2024 - 19:06   File size: 4.62 MB
[1.20.1]MagicWitchcraft-v2.1-forge.jar - v2.1: Ported to 1.20.1 + Improvements (see changelog) Uploaded on: 10/10/2024 - 17:45   File size: 4.74 MB
[1.16.5]MagicWitchcraft-v2.0.jar - v2.0: The Ancient Update ! Uploaded on: 09/15/2024 - 13:22   File size: 5.39 MB
[1.16.5]MagicWitchcraft-v1.4.jar - 1.16.5 version update ! Uploaded on: 05/15/2021 - 17:39   File size: 4.12 MB
[1.15.2]MagicWitchcraft-release_1.1.2.jar - The first 1.15.2 release available on ! Uploaded on: 01/19/2021 - 18:21   File size: 3.95 MB

v2.1 :


- Ported to NeoForge 1.21.1
- Updated and fixed Auto Block Remover so that it fully takes in account the tool it has into (fortune and silk touch are now correctly supported)

- Ported to 1.20.1 (targeting forge version 47.3.0, but you should use the latest version instead. Untested on NeoForge, appears to work)
- The existing integrations (Create, Mekanism, Mystical Agriculture, JEI, Jade/WTHIT, Patchouli) have been ported too, except with Tinker's Construct which is not yet available in 1.20.1.
- If you use the EMI mod, please install JEI too so that it loads runtime integration compatibility.
- The Magical Carpet is now solid.
- Added integration with The One Probe (similarly to Jade and WTHIT)
- Fixed Dangerous Dragon's bounding box. It's now easier to beat it or mount it (if you don't get killed in a second …)
- Magical Leaves (from the pink trees in the Mysterious Dimension) now may drop Magical Orbs as a fruit.
- The FE to MER Energy converter's behaviour has been updated so MER now is more expensive.
- Unicorns, when mounted, can climb up to 2 blocks high at once !
- Updated the ICE specialization in the ancient wands so that any entities will be visually encased in ice blocks, with the size determined by their internal width and height.
- Some minor bug fixes and improvements.

Changelog for v2.0 can be found on CurseForge or Modrinth. (too long)

Changelog (1.16.5 only):
- Added JEI support
- Fixed troll water cannot be crafted
- Fixed magical bushes not growing
- Fixed some translations bugs and fully translated in FR
- Updated bounding boxes
- Improved chunk analyser system (now writes a txt file in game dir)


Lol our mod has almost the same name, I want to add that my mod was in no way built by any idea of this mod XD mines completely different. Though it's name is WhitchCraft. Kinda throwing a spin on the word "Which" as in WhitchCraft will you choose? Nice mod though! I can see you put tonnes of time into it. Great work

the description and photos are quite a mess, you just repeat things and i didnt understand much of the mod, but from the photos i can see some sick stuff, so if you improve the description im sure this can be easily motw