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Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion
This is a thread for the Immersion mod by Aethelwyn, an early WIP mod designed to enrich the gameplay experience by filling gaps & adding new things to do.
Feel free to leave suggestions, feedback, or report bugs... and im not talking about spiders.
also a spider is an arachnid not a "bug"
Touche, spiders are arachnids haha
Currently fleshing out a petal & flower breeding system, textures for the petals are still in WIP, the cyan flowers are Myosotis (Forget-me-not) flowers.
Anyone know of a way to make some kind of wiki for my mod, Would like to make a centralized location to have recipes, items & mechanics explained. In-game would be grand.
Updated the mod with the new features; flower breeding, petals, horticulture, grapes, more flowers, squid & more weapon shenanigans!
0.002.0021 is out!
Updated the mod to 1.16.5 following the pre-release
Spent all day trying to work out a two-handed mechanic, and I feel like I have a good way of implementing it.
Enjoy the minor update whilst I work on some of the features for the next major additions, expect some cool shenanigans.
(also enjoy the Zweihanders)
Hi there; been hard at work on the next major update, still finalizing a few things before I can release it. The Dimension will no longer be apart of this mod, I will likely expand on the ideas I had for it in another mod. For now, I'm focusing on bug fixes, as a fair few systems I added brought with them a large amount of bugs.
I cannot currently give a general time for release, but I'll try to keep this forum updated.
Do you have 0.002.0021 version somewhere on your PC? I'd so love to have Immersion for 1.15.2, but it's gone from mod's downloads :c
Hi there, I'll have a look on my backup drive, I havent touched the mod in months due to things beyond my control, but if I can find it i'll be sure to send it. If I cannot find it, i'll try to make a 1.15 version of the rework to this mod (since I lost the workspace, and have to recreate it)
I had a look through my backup drive, I had backups for every 1.16 version, however 0 backups for 1.15. Apologies for that.
Once my rebuilding of the mod is in working order again, I'll make an attempt at a 1.15 version
Such a shame with the workspace lost :c but I'm really happy about 1.15 version, it's definitely one of my building favourites <3
(fun fact: I made soul sand renewable in my mod just for sake of Immersion soul sand bricks :D)
If I can help you in any way with rebuilding, just let me know. I don't have code knowledge, but if there's any field I can help, I'd gladly do so.
I appreciate the offer however I wont need the help just yet, for now though I just need the time to get everything back to where it was, I luckily still have the textures so it should only be a few weeks until I have a version fit for upload. I'll probably change some things like Nitre since it was not the most fleshed out system.
It has been a bit but I wish to offer an update on the progress of the mod's rebuilding, currently have the various stone types, (including 1.17 variants that are currently planned), aswell as the various organic blocks.
I decided to try a few new ideas for some of these blocks, primarily with the mossy & overgrown mud bricks & paper walls.
I did attempt to make a 1.15.2 version but due to the limitations presented within the 1.15.2 version of MCreator I didnt want to risk losing features between the versions so it will remain in 1.16.5.
Andesite, Diorite & Granite Bricks & their Variants

Calcite Bricks & it's variants, and Dripstone pillars in prep for 1.17
Various organic blocks including Mud, Mud Bricks & its 3 variants, Honeypuff (Honey-based Light Source) & Paper Walls
I did make an attempt to make a decorated lantern to go along with the paper walls, but for some reason JSON models aren't working properly on the snapshot version of MCreator
I am currently working on remaking the flowers that were in Immersion's horticultury update, aswell as adding new variants for these blocks
Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Bricks, Terracotta, Concrete, Quartz, End Stone & Nether Brick/Red Nether Brick. + Soul Sandstone & it's variants.
Hopefully I'll be able to have a version out by the end of next week, but I want to be sure that everything I add will be in a perfect condition. I may make a new thread aswell seeing as this is now a different mod from the original Immersion.
That sounds awesome ^^ I hope it will work well, I miss this mod so much (even though I started YT Let's Play series with them, so I hope it will get more recognision once my channel starts getting popular someday)
By the way, awesome thought on 1.17 blocks, I really miss their variants and was hoping for mod taking their variants. I'd really appreciate dripstone being expanded, if you don't mind, it's my absolutely favourite from this update ^^