The Cheese Mod: Lands to explore!
This version of the Cheese Mod has been discontinued.
If you'd like to use the new version, the link is right here: https://mcreator.net/modification/86353/cheese-mod-redux
This, is the cheese mod. Including cheese, obviously.
This mod has the best of things. Here's a list:
Block of Cheese
Cheese Biome, yes, we have it.
Cheese Flower
Cheese Pickaxe
Cheese Dimension Portal Igniter
You heard me right when I said cheese dimension. This mod adds an entirely new dimension, and the portal is made with only cheese blocks.
And the return? Infinite cheese! You make this portal igniter with 1 flint and steel and 2 cheese. Simple! Cheese is also made with just a bucket of milk. Not sure how it works.
Cheese Mod Changelog
Added the cheese pickaxe, trees now generate in the cheese biome and added the cheese flower.
this mod got me into mcreator... I saw it and I was like "wait I can do this stuff without code?"