The Cyberverse

Published by Stray123 on
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Welcome to the Cyberverse, a dimension taken over by the leader of all viruses. It is your duty to discover this land, using its many resources to defeat all of the infected electronics the virus has taken over. once you destroy all the bosses find a summoning altar and put in the three keys dropped from each one, starting the fight for your life and the future of Minecraft itself. (I purposely did not include the final boss in the images because it's a surprise.)

This is pretty much my first real mod I started working on this before even my last post.

so here are some of the items

1. Plants:

Binary Cabbage (wood)

Thick Cane (food)

Thorny vine (damage plant/fuel/bad food)

Glitchy Stalk (specialUse:Debugger)

Binary flower (no use)

2. Mobs:

Coding Bug: Flying chicken (watch its wings its hilarious) drops bugged meat

Glitch Fish: rideable, WAY too fast on land (do not ride in survival, I fell in the void last time)

Binary Villager: not actually a villager at all, it's a weak neutral mob that is pretty useless.

Virus: just floats around, attacking glitch fish.


Infected Arcade Machine: shoots things at you, found in arcades.

Strange Entity: spawns naturally, so fast it basically teleports. Try to trap it in a hole.

Infected TV: summoned through a crafting recipe, hitting it teleports u 10 blocks above it (don't push it in the void or it will take you with it)

King Virus: Final boss, is surprise.

4. Structures:

Cabin: contains one neonite block

GlitchTower: contains elytra, very good.

Ruined Cyberverse Portal: found in all dimensions, chest is empty HAHAHAHAHAHA (totally not because I didn't know how to get loot tables to work)

Arcade: home of Infected Arcade Machine

Also there are several different random types of "villages" that have no mobs, entities, or loot.

5. Biomes:

GlitchPlains/GlitchForest: regular biomes wth grass and stuff (no trees in forest, because the custom dirt I used broke the tree system.

GlitchBarrens: no plants, no grass.

BedrockWastelands: Pretty self-explanatory.

CyberverseOcean: same thing very self-explanatory.

Sky Islands: full of phantoms, and platforms in the sky

6. Ores

Neonite: Used for tools/armor. right-click on block with the sword to teleport 10 blocks up and get slow falling

Viralite: Used to make Viralite Bomb (see last picture in images for example) WARNING: explodes on right click, unless you are wearing full blast prot 4 neonite, do not right-click


Virus Potion: Give lagging and glitching effects (those are annoying)

Stabilizing enchantment: only goes on neonite boots, makes you immune to glitching.

Infected Enchantment: armor curse, when you take damage u get lagging.

advancements for basic actions: killing bosses, getting materials, using debugger, etc.

debugger: drops from arcade boss, uses glitchy shards as fuel, try different items to see what you can make with your Glitch items! (tip, try the custom ores)

megaweapon: uses drops from ender dragon, wither, and (still secret) cyberverse final boss drops to create the ultimate weapon/multitool.

Minecraft mod files
TheCyberVerse.jar Uploaded on: 02/21/2022 - 13:04   File size: 3.17 MB