Keepers of the Stones II

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Upvotes: 2
Project status
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions

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Keepers of the Stones II, a sequel to the original mod, introduces 48 new elemental stones to enhance character abilities. This version enhances combat mechanics, offering diverse features and powers. Players can utilize stones for defense, healing, and time manipulation, expanding strategic options. The ability to combine elements allows for unique customization. Furthermore, improvements to leveling and crafting systems in Keepers of the Stones II elevate the overall gameplay experience, adding depth and excitement.


The mod requires GeckoLib to work:

The official Discord of  the studio:

Modification files
Keepers-of-the-Stones-II- on: 06/10/2024 - 20:47   File size: 9.38 MB
Keepers-of-the-Stones-II- on: 06/16/2024 - 19:34   File size: 13.15 MB

What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version

- Added new element - magnet
- Added energium vault and energium key
- Added cursed ladder and cursed lamp
- Added new argument for pw command - debug
- Removed the slow-motion drop when using the third speed ability
- Amplifer blocks now emit some light
- The elemental power generator has been updated
- Copyrium ore now appears in snowy biomes
- The structure of the Energium Temple has been updated
- Now the star regeneration effect level doubles the recovery rate of star points
- Changed the weapon for the teleportation master
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the cause of death from an Energium Golem
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the Amber Master's poison abilities were replaced with speed abilities
- [Bugfix] Fixed display of rain bow in second hand