The Brask

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Hey guys. It's been a while hasn't it? So if you are just now seeing this mod, you might be confused. It's clearly unfinished and there's a lot of polish needed on the "completed" features, and honestly the entire mod just feels a bit abandoned.... uh because it was. This isn't me saying I'm coming back to update it more, it's more like me saying that I haven't completely forgotten about this mod. The Brask 1.20.1 Pre 5 is coming soon with a few new things and changes that I honestly don't remember since I made it a while back and never released it. It will be out in less than a week if you are still able to see this message. 

I recommend this mod because Experimental Settings needs to shut…



You can battle The Brasken Terror by using the Brasken Guardian's drop near 0,0.

You can battle The Hivelord Egg by waiting about 10 minutes after killing The Brasken Terror and going to coords -500 ~ -500. You may not be able to battle him after updating a world. I will fix this soon. In the mean time you can rekill the Terror by going into creative, summoning him, and running the command: /kill @e[type=the_brask:brasken_terror_phase_2]

You can battle The Hivelord immediately after breaking The Hivelord Egg


The Brask

Welcome to the Brask! This dimension mod adds many new items, blocks, and entities. Enter the Brask by traveling through a portal made of Gemines; the coolest thing in this mod. Gemines can be found underground in ore veins. Mine and refine it to obtain pure Gemines ingots! Combine Gemines with Glowing Cores (which are made from Netherite and some other stuff) to get Glowing Gemines which is stronger than Netherite! Gemines has a very high enchantability rate, meaning you can easily obtain the best enchantments for your new shiny, green armor! Can't find enough Gemines to meet your desires? Craft an Igniter and enter the Brask to find far more Gemines than you will ever need!


In the Brask, you can make houses and buildings out of the different variants of wood and stone that are provided. You can also find structures such as the Forgotten Library and Wanderer Safehouses that will provide you with many useful items (and shelter!). You can also make Srakened Glass by smelting Barren Srak in a furnace to add to your ambience. 


When journeying through the Brask, you will need to watch out! Brasken Wanderers lurk around all throughout the Brask! These hideous entities will attack on sight and call all of the nearby Wanderers to attack you. They are insanely fast, so be on high alert.

Brasken Crawler

Not afraid of Wanderers? Introducing the Brasken Crawler! This little spiderling will knock you super far and deal a fair amount of damage! You definitely want to stay clear of these guys! Also their whispers are super creepy. You're welcome. 

All Brask Mobs (including souls on left)

Bored of the Brask? Well you shouldn't be since I add things almost every day (not been true in a while don't let my past self lie to you)... BUT if you are, you might want to start creating Encased Souls (all variants on left). When you place a Soul Box and click it, you will be presented with an invulnerable entity that will do nothing. To activate it, simply click it with a Soul in a Bottle (read Soul Bottle lore for information). If you give it a normal Soul, it will be passive and just stand around unless you attack it. If you give it a Dark Soul, it will summon a beast that will destroy anything in its path. You can also create this beast by punching a passive soul. PASSIVE SOULS WILL HAVE TRADES AND STUFF SOON SO STAY TUNED!


Notice: You can make a suspicious stew using the new Srak Flower. I'm sure its fine to consume.


If all of these reasons don't convince you to try the Brask, then nothing will! Go download it below! 


Current Mod Plans:

Make a new mob. Stop above-ground lava pools from spawning. Other random bug fixes. Music for bosses. Music for ambience. 


Upcoming Features (Next Update): New hostile mob. Music for The Brasken Guardian bossfight! Fixes for the portals (some things are broken). Fixes for The Hivelord. Add a new boss!? Fixes for travelling to the Brask Islands in multiplayer. Notes: I am going to make travelling to the Brask Islands a journey that is useful even after you have slain the Brasken Terror. This is planned for the future and will not be in the next update.


Check it out on CurseForge! - (OUTDATED)


Check out my Discord Server for exclusive updates! -


Please report any and all issues through the discord! I'm always open to fixing things and I love hearing feedback! Thanks guys! 

Also if you want to join the exclusive Brask Beta-Testing team, just ask me in the Discord server! (CLOSED)

Minecraft mod files
the-brask-1.3.0-Pre4.jar - The Brask 1.3.0 Pre 4 - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 12/06/2022 - 20:38   File size: 4.28 MB
the-brask-1.2.11.jar - The Brask 1.2.11 Release - 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 07/02/2022 - 17:38   File size: 3.08 MB
the-brask-1.2.1_0.jar - The Brask 1.2.1 Release - 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 07/01/2022 - 17:33   File size: 3.08 MB
the-brask-1.2.0.jar - The Brask 1.2.0 Release - 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 06/28/2022 - 20:27   File size: 2.96 MB

Latest Version - 1.3.0 - Pre 4 - Added The Handlord! There are so many additions and bugfixes that I can't even begin to explain everything. The Handlord is incomplete, so it will not do anything other than spawn until the next update. Added Ancient Tome. Oh heck yea. This thing is a must for PvP in the Brask. You will see what I mean. R to repair tome (1 level) . ONCE AGAIN I HIGHLY RECOMMEND JEI FOR RECIPES!! (Pre 4 because of some private tests 1-3) ALSO Updated the mod to 1.19.2! I WILL NOT continue to update for old versions.


(x.x.x1, x.x.x2, etc. Updates are a micro updates. These are usually bugfixes.)

Previous Versions -

1.2.11 - Bugfixes 

1.2.1 - The Hivelord Release - I decided to go ahead and release The Hivelord. He will be fightable right after you destroy his egg. You will need your Shard Gun to fight him. I also added three variants for a new Brasken Monolith (structure) in the Overworld, as well as a new Ruined Brasken Portal (also for Overworld). The Hivelord will constantly drop ammo so don't worry about running out. I also added a potion which is really cool, as well as 3 new enchantments (found in monoliths). You will need to find many monoliths to get max level for all (except the fireproof one). All of these enchantments' effects can be cancelled by using the new potion effect (Braskened). In 1.3.0 all Brasken mobs will inflict the Braskened effect on hit. Also Orchamia (new boss) is in early dev and is in base game along with his armor. Trust me I know he looks weird. He isn't done yet.

1.2.0 - The Invasion Update - NEW CHANGELOG FORMAT - Something terrible has fallen from the sky! After beating the almighty Brasken Terror, you will feel at peace. What bliss! You have slain a gigantic monster that wished only to destroy everything in sight. But inevitably this bliss is shattered by the realization that an alien monstrosity has landed in The Brask (wait about 10 minutes after killing the Terror)! This giant egg possesses all nearby Brasken Wanderers and attempts to build an army. You must attempt to slay it to stop this madness. Apon 'killing' the egg, the almighty Hivelord will emerge and fly into the sky.

1.1.0 - The Terror Update - Added The Brasken Terror. Added Terror Eaters. Added Terror Grappers. Added The Brask Island and The Withered Brask dimensions. Added Dimensional Bridge, True Srak, Withered Gemines Igniter, Bored Barren Srak, Withered Gemines Block, Withered Block, Withered Shard, Shard Gun, Bored Srakstone Scraps, Withered Scrap, and Scrapswitch. I have been so excited to release this update since it adds The Brasken Terror in all of his glory. To kill him, you need to kill his Terror Eaters. In Phase 2 in The Brask, you need to kill his Terror Grappers first (they will heal him) and then take out his Terror Eaters. When entering Phase 2, go to the coords 400 ~ 400 in the Brask to find and kill him. When you kill Phase 1 you will need to travel to the Withered Brask. To get to the Withered Brask you need to collect a dark soul from a Withered Wanderer in the Overworld, and combine it with a Coal Block. Then put the coal block into crafting and turn it into 10 Withered Shards. Then combine those shards with Gemines Blocks and make a portal out of the Withered Gemines Blocks that you get. Then you must find Withered Scraps in the Withered Brask to craft a Shard Gun and a Scrapswitch. You need the gun to kill the Grappers in the Phase 2 fight, so I made it a requirement before you can activate the Scrapswitch which will re-enable The Brask. After killing Phase 2, you can enter both The Brask and The Withered Brask. Have fun!

1.0.0 - The Release Update - Finished Brasken Guardian Bossfight (may be music in a future update tho). You can battle him by going to his arena at coords 0 125 0. NOTE: IF YOU PLACE/BREAK A BLOCK IN ARENA IT WILL BE FIXED. PLACING A BLOCK WILL REMOVE THE BLOCK FOREVER AND BREAKING A BLOCK WILL REGENERATE THE BLOCK. Added Glowing Orb which is a summon from The Guardian. Added Magic Sword which is another summon from The Guardian. Added Brasken Moss, Brasken Moss Grass, Brasken Moss Roots (which do not currently generate), Glowing Srakstone, and Bored Srakstone. Also changed project status to Stable/Release. 

0.9.0 - The Brassium Update - Added Brassium with Ores, Tools, and Armor. If you wear full Brassium armor, you will get constant Water Breathing and Dolphin's Grace. Brassium can only be found in underground Ocean biomes. Added Brassium Block and added recipes for Tintium and Brassium Stairs, Slabs, and Walls. You can upgrade your non-glowing Gemines armor (as well as Tintium) to Brassium. You can also upgrade Brassium to Tintium and Gemines. Tools cannot be upgraded. Added Tall Srak Grass and Srak Flower. Also added ScreamFly for more ambience in The Brask. I'm tired of making armors/tools, so next update will be the Guardian update. No spoilers.

0.8.1 - Fixed Gemines Tool recipes (I'm not going to call this a micro update since this is a big problem)

0.8.0 - The Cutest Update - Added the Doron; a new and very cute passive mob that can be found in The Brask! They will drop Doron Meat of death which can be cooked for the highest saturation in the game! Also added Gemines Stairs, Slabs, and Walls. Also I forgot to mention that I added a crafting recipe for Gemines Dust although it does nothing at the moment (IT WILL DO SOMETHING SOON!!). Also added lore to many items. You can now upgrade your Gemines armor to Tintium armor and vice versa so that you don't have to have Glowing Gemines before reaching the same protection as Diamond which is a problem I thought of. Have fun!

0.7.0 - The Shiny Update - Added Tintium with Ores, Tools, and Armor. Also added Tintium Block. Added Brasken Stick. Make Tintium tools only craftable with Brasken Sticks. Added Brasken Trapdoor and Brasken Door recipes (somehow I forgot to make them previously). Added recipes for all Tintium Tools and Armor, as well as Smelting recipes for Gemines and Tintium Ores (only the raw variants could be smelted so I had to fix that). Added a lot of Advancements (FIND THEM!!)

0.6.0 - The Stalking Update - Added Brasken Stalker. Brasken Stalkers are a new mob that will watch you from a distance and try to avoid you. If you manage to hit them though, they will attack you. Thankfully their health is fairly low so it is not hard to kill them. Made Withered Brasken Wanderers spawn in the Overworld occasionally. Trust me they are rare. BRASKEN STALKERS WILL GIVE YOU A BAD EFFECT WHILE THEY LOOK AT YOU IN A FUTURE UPDATE. PROBABLY 0.7.0. Have fun!

0.5.1 - Completely removed Brasken Fluid. It just didn't meet my expectations. Water is now the primary fluid in The Brask. All water in the brask is now red. Also if you guys didn't notice, 0.5.0 changed the fluid to water but I didn't say anything because I forgot. NOTICE: IF YOU HAVE A BRASK DIMENSION IN YOUR SAVE, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO MOVE EVERYTHING OUT AND DELETE IT BEFORE UPDATING TO 0.5.0 or 0.5.1. WATER-BRASKEN FLUID MECHANICS WILL CRASH YOUR GAME. I don't know what will happen to worlds that HAD brasken fluid but now it is removed. Expect issues if updating. Added Brasken Vines. I wanted to for a while but I was still figuring it out lol. They do not generate naturally yet. Expect that in 0.6.0. I am currently working on The Brasken Guardian (and a new mob), so stay tuned. Sorry for the wait! It takes a long time to model and script a boss!

0.5.0 - The Encased Soul Update - Added Soul Case "Block" and Mob. Soul Case mob is unkillable. To remove it, you must give it a soul to turn it into an Encased Soul and then kill the Angered Encased Soul. Angered Encased Souls will go on a killing spree. Nothing can stand in their wait (except other Angered Encased Souls (they will attack normal Encased Souls to turn them into the Angered variant). Added recipe to craft chest with Brasken Planks. Random Bugfixes.

0.4.0 - The Perfectly Balanced Update - Balanced Gemines Armor and Glowing Gemines Armor as well as all Gemines and Glowing Gemines tools. Regular Gemines now balances well in between Iron and Diamond Armor. Glowing Gemines now balances as better than Netherite. Also added Brasken Crawler. The Brasken Crawler is a new spider-like entity that whispers in a very creepy tone. They can easily swarm you and eliminate you. This is not the final update for Crawlers, so stay tuned. BOSS COMING IN FIRST FULL RELEASE!!!

0.3.0 - The Soul Update - Added Soul Bottle, Soul in a Bottle, Dark Soul in a Bottle, Wanderer Echo Block, and Withered Wanderer Echo Block. Changed name of Glowing Center to Glowing Core. Changed name of Impure Gemines to Raw Gemines. Changed crafting recipe for Glowing Core. Random Bugfixes.

0.2.02 - Fixed Gemines drop rate. I hate my life. Now it drop 4 like it was always supposed to...

0.2.01 - Fixed Gemines generation. They now spawn from Y 0-64 with 18 veins per chunk and about 3 ore per vein (each ore yields four raw ore). Previous versions do not seem to generate ore, so please use this version or later for Survival.

Beta 0.2.0 - The Beta Update - I have decided to go ahead and migrate to Beta. Not much has changed since the last Alpha, but there are a couple. Added "Gemstone" Creative tab. Moved a few items under the Gemstone tab. GEMSTONE IS NOT OFFICIALLY ADDED. IT IS A PLACEHOLDER. IT DOES LITERALLY NOTHING. If lightning strikes a normal Brasken Wanderer then it will instantly kill it but spawn two powerful Withered Brasken Wanderers (WBWs still spawn naturally, but rarely). Added Srakstone Coal Ore. Added a lot of various tags. Random Bugfixes.

Alpha 0.1.3 - The Structure Update - Added three new structures: Wanderer Safehouse, Ruined Wanderer Safehouse, and Forgotten Library. Safehouse aren't extremely common, but they provide valuable resources if you can find one! Forgotten Libraries are extremely rare and are great structures to build a base in. Also you might want to check the attic... Also did various bugfixes and added Srak Glass, Srak Glass Panes, and Brasken Trapdoors. 

Alpha 0.1.2 - The Wanderer Update - Added Brasken Door. Added new "forge:wanderer" tag to Wanderers. Wanderers now spawn!!! Sunken Wanderer variant changed to Withered Brasken Wanderer. Withered Brasken Wanderers now do twice the amount of damage and knockback, but are 33% rarer. Environment lighting removed in favor of day/night cycle. Removed thick fog. The Brask is now 67% spookier according to statistics. Random bugfixes.

Alpha 0.1.1 - Added Srakstone and variants. Still working on getting the above-ground Wanderers to spawn...

Alpha 0.1.0 - Modified Tree Generation

If you like the mod, please upvote it! I am adding new things every day! (NEXT BETA WILL ADD A NEW MOB!!)