The main banner for the mod's current version.
All versions Beta 1.24 and onward require the Geckolib mod to be installed
Disclaimer: as this mod is in Beta, updates may break worlds, such as when features are removed.
Nether Update Expanded is a vanilla+ mod, currently in Beta Testing, that adds to the Nether Update with many new features being added every update.
Key Features
Fungal Jungles
Fungal jungles are fungal-based forests. They come in two variants, elder and dragon. Elder fungal jungles are purple, while dragon fungal jungles are pink. Elder fungal jungles can contain elderberries, and dragon fungal jungles can contain dragonfruit. Both fungal jungles each have their own unique wood type.

Frosted Nether
The frosted Nether is a region of biomes so cold that they cannot be melted, and attempts to place water here will instead be met with the water instantly freezing. Nether fortresses and fossils can be found in frosted wastes, and a new wood type can be found in frosted forests, along with sleetberries.

Crimson Valley
The crimson valley is a large, open crimson biome, devoid of fungi or piglins. However, it is still a very dangerous biome, as even though piglins do not spawn here, hoglins still do, along with zombified piglins and even zoglins. As zoglins are very aggressive and tend to fight anything and everything, you may occasionally get a scare from this biome, too - are the growling zombified piglins angry at a zoglin, or are they angry at you?

There are many new stones that generate in various Nether biomes. Some of these stones are exclusive to certain biomes, while others can generate in any biome. The new stones added to the Nether are:
- Elderrack (a purple stone, exclusive to fungal jungles)
- Draconite (a pink stone, exclusive to fungal jungles)
- Crimsonite (a red stone, exclusive to crimson forests and valleys)
- Netherwarp (a bluish-green stone, exclusive to warped forests)
- Soul Slate (a brown stone, exclusive to soul sand valleys)
- Zaronite (a gray stone, exclusive to soul sand valleys)
- Quarsite (a white, quartz-based stone)
- Ironite (a brown, iron-based stone)
- Pyrirock (a yellow stone)
- Monolite (a green stone)

There are several new ores added to the Nether. These ores fall into three categories: Nether, Blackstone, and Plasphite.
Nether ores are ores based in netherrack, just like the existing Nether Gold Ore and Nether Quartz Ore. Coal, iron, lapis lazuli, redstone, emeralds, and diamonds now have nether ore variants. There is also a nether ore for a new material called verbo.

Blackstone ores are ores based in blackstone. Every nether ore also has a blackstone variant, including quartz, gold, and verbo.

A plasphite ore is a deposit of minerals encased in a hardened zaronite shell. Plasphite can contain any of the following materials:
- Netherrack
- Blackstone
- Basalt
- Magma Block
- Bone Block
- Gravel
- Obsidian
- Crying Obsidian
- Siprute Shard
- Gold Nugget
- Iron Nugget
- Netherite Nugget
- Lapis Lazuli
- Verbo Shard
- Diamond

Verbo is a new metallic material. It can be found from Nether Verbo Ore and Blackstone Verbo Ore, and has a chance of dropping from Plasphite Ore.
Verbo can be used to make a Verbo Pick Axe. Unlike normal tools, this tool can do the job of multiple different tools - a sword, a pickaxe, an axe, and a shovel. It's quite handy! In versions before Beta 3.23, the Verbo Pick Axe also requires a siprute shard to craft.
Verbo has a special function called nitrogenization, however this function varies in recent versions.

After Beta 3.23: Similar to copper oxidation, verbo-based blocks will nitrogenize slowly over time in the Overworld and the Nether. Nitrogenization will not occur in the End dimension, as there is no atmosphere there. The Nether has a sealed atmosphere with lots of nitrogen, so nitrogenization will occur somewhat quickly here. The Overworld, however, has an open atmosphere with less nitrogen, so nitrogenization will typically take much longer here. However, it can occur faster in the Overworld if the verbo block is in close proximity to a source of nitrogen, happening faster the closer the source is. Having multiple sources will not make the chance stack. The following blocks/fluids are considered nitrogen sources:
- Fire
- Soul Fire
- Lava (Flowing or still)
- Lava Cauldrons
- Magma Blocks
- Soul Magma Blocks

Verbo will not nitrogenize if any of the six blocks directly adjacent to it are at a lower level of nitrogenization, unless the adjacent block is glazed. In order to glaze a verbo block, a bowl of elderberry syrup must be used on it or combined with it via crafting to be used as a sealant of sorts, preventing it from nitrogenizing further. Fully nitrogenized verbo blocks can be glazed. Glaze can be scraped off with an axe. Scraping a nitrogenized verbo block with an axe will additionally reduce its level of nitrogenization.

Before Beta 3.23: Similar to copper oxidation, verbo-based blocks will nitrogenize slowly over time in any dimension. The effects of nitrogenization can be undone by combining a nitrogenized block with magma cream through crafting, or it can be stopped completely by combining a verbo block with a siprute shard through crafting, if it is not already fully nitrogenized.
Arm Guards
Arm guards are a new form of armor which can be equipped on either hand. They come in iron, gold, diamond, and netherite variants.

Elderberries are dark purple berries that can be found and grown on elderberry bushes, found in elder fungal jungles. These berries can be eaten, and they give quite a bit of saturation. They can also be combined with sugar and a bottle or a bowl to make juice, which can be drank, or syrup, which can be combined with the following foods to buff them:
- Apple
- Baked Potato
- Beetroot
- Bread
- Carrot
- Dried Icicle Reed
- Dried Kelp
Elderberries can also be combined with two wheat to make elderberry cookies, or sugar and an egg to make elderberry pie.

Dragonfruit is a light pink fruit that can be found or grown on dragonfruit cacti, which can be found in dragon fungal jungles. It is very nutritious and can save you in a pinch. Eating dragonfruit while burning, levitating, being poisoned, or withering can help counteract the effects, giving you more time to get yourself out of danger!

Important Info
This mod was created with MCreator.
The current version is Beta 2.24, for Forge 1.20.1. To download older versions, visit our page on Curseforge or Modrinth.
This mod is developed by Herobrine Productions, a group that creates Minecraft modifications and Roblox games.
Please report any bugs in our Discord server, link is provided below.
- Armor Types: 1
- Biomes: 5
- Blocks: 237
- Foods: 16
- Gamerules: 1
- Items: 16
- Mobs: 16
- Music Discs: 7
- Plants: 10
- Potions: 2
- Recipes: 420
- Structures: 5
- Tools: 13
- Weapons: 3
Extra Links
Check out the YouTube playlist containing all NUE soundtracks, and check out "ENDER" by Piano Vampire on Spotify!
Support development of the mod on our Patreon!
Join our Discord server! (Minecraft or Roblox account required)
Follow Nether Update Expanded on Twitter!
Also check out Skies of Ender!
Herobrine - owner, modeler, texture artist, builder
ManiGlowBug - composer, modeler, concept artist
Piano Vampire - composer
_Crackers0106 - original creator of the "nether ore" template used in the mod
This version requires Geckolib.
-Retextured Frosted Planks
-Retextured Frosted Stairs
-Retextured Frosted Slab
-Retextured Frosted Fence
-Retextured Frosted Fence Gate
-Retextured Frosted Door
-Retextured Frosted Trapdoor
-Retextured Frosted Pressure Plate
-Retextured Frosted Button
-Retextured Dragon Trapdoor
-Changed: The Totem of Unburning is used if the damage an entity is about to take would put it at or under the health percentage limit set with the gamerule unburningMaxHealthPercentage
-Retextured Sleetberries
-Retextured Dried Icicle Reed
-Retextured Sweet Dried Icicle Reed
-Changed: Rooted Snares generate less often
-Changed: Rooted Snares now bypass armor and shields
-Changed: Rooted Snares now drop themselves when broken with shears, rather than when right clicked with shears
-Changed: Rooted Snares now have a hardness of 0.5
-Changed: Frosted Sprouts are now replaceable
-Changed: Frosted Sprouts have a new inventory texture for consistency with Nether Sprouts
-Changed: Eldergrass has a new inventory texture for consistency with Nether Sprouts
-Changed: Frosted Fungi can no longer grow on their own
-Changed: Frosted Fungi can now be bonemealed
-Changed: Frosted Fungi are no longer offset when placed
-Changed: Elder Fungi can no longer grow on their own
-Changed: Elder Fungi can now be bonemealed
-Changed: Elder Fungi are no longer offset when placed
-Changed: Dragon Fungi can no longer grow on their own
-Changed: Dragon Fungi can now be bonemealed
-Changed: Dragon Fungi are no longer offset when placed
-Retextured Icicle Reeds
-Retextured Frosted Fungus again
-Changed: Shroomlets can now walk on powder snow
-Changed: Modified Shroomlet spawn weights
-Changed: Techno is now 2x4 blocks (wide x tall) instead of 1x2
-Changed: Nether Fortresses can now generate in all NUE biomes
-Changed: Nether Ruined Portals can now generate in all NUE biomes
-Changed: Frosted Wastes now have an ambience theme, "Icy Isolation" by Piano Vampire
-Added block tag minecraft:replaceable_by_trees to Rooted Snares, Icicle Reeds, Frosted Sprouts, and Eldergrass
-Added biome tag minecraft:spawns_cold_variant_frogs to members of the tag nue:is_frosted
-Added biome tag minecraft:is_nether to Crimson Valley, Dragon Fungal Jungle, Elder Fungal Jungle, Frosted Forest, and Frosted Wastes
-Added biome tag nue:is_crimson to Crimson Forest and Crimson Valley
-Added biome tag nue:is_frosted to Frosted Forest and Frosted Wastes
-Added biome tag nue:is_fungal_jungle to Dragon Fungal Jungle and Elder Fungal Jungle
-Added biome tag nue:replaces_water_with_packed_ice to members of the tag nue:is_frosted
-Added damage type tag minecraft:bypasses_armor to Rooted Snare damage
-Added number gamerule unburningMaxHealthPercentage, defaults to 50
-Fixed an issue where the Techno painting was incorrectly scaled
-Fixed an issue with Shroomlet walking speed
-Fixed an issue where a Totem of Unburning could be activated by any non-fire damage source if the entity was burning
-Removed Herobrine
I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any suggestions on how we can make our mod better? A retextures update is already on the way if that's what you're referring to!