Unusual End

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Unusual End is a mod enhancing the End, by providing more diversity and content to the dimension, while trying to fit Vanilla and Modded End experiences.

The mod is currently went through a major rework. Your feedback and bug reports could help a lot, so don't hesitate to give opinions, feedback and reports in the comment section or on my team's discord (link here)

Trailer : https://youtu.be/47yeWt9LWTo?si=u_jx2dHSa4lnp_6p
More detailled wiki : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/unusual-end

Overview (1.20.1+)

Vanilla Biomes :

End Highlands will now be covered in patchs of diverse vegetals and Raw Purpur (this changes can be removed in the config).
You will also now encounter Firefly Nests, home to Ender Fireflies, and Chorus Cane patchs. Both will provide you with Chorus Cane Planks, that will provide you with small amounts of wood. Ender Fireflies can be tamed with End Blob, and will protect you from Endermites, Enderblobs and Small Enderblubs.

You might now rarely encounter in emptier places the Endstone Trappers, hiding in Infested End Stone. You can spot it by its paler apparence, despite the similaritude to regular End Stone. This creatures can't be killed, and will bite your feets. However you can either sneak to stay undetected, break the block to kill it, or capture the entity with an End Stone block.

Undead Enderlings will also fly around, as an aggressive counterpart to Endermen, making it more dangerous to navigate on bridges above the Void. Each time they are hurt, their ability to enter a spectral state will turn them invisible and grant them a larger attack reach for a few seconds, making them especially dangerous. To prevent them from disrupting your Endermen farms, you can use a Citrine Candle, despawning nearby Undead Enderlings

Gloopy Plains

Gloopy Plains are chunks of land, distorded and covered in purple agglomerates, inhabited by Endermites, Enderblobs (Larger Endermites), Small Enderbulbs (Cubic Endermites able to jump) and Enderbulbs (A flying agglomerate of Enderbulbs). Some of this entities will be able to inflict you with "Ender Infection", resulting in inflicting you with more debuffs (sure as periodical damages, random teleportation, etc.)

The Gloopy Plains are covered in plants that'll slow you down. The Crystal Flower will periodically inflict nearby players will weakness, and interacting with it will make you nauseous. The biome is home to Shiny Crystals, a new gem mainly used for Regeneration-related purposes. You'll also more rarely encounter Prismalite, a more precious ressource, found on the upper part of gloopy spines, and inside of Gloopy Nests. You might also occasionally find ruins or shrines containing Gloopy Urns, that can be broken to obtain a large variety of items.

Warped Reef

The Warped Reef seems to be the result of a mutation, that probably evolved at some point into the Warped Forest that can now be found in the Nether. It's home to various entities, reminescent of aquatic creatures, like the Bluk, that can be hunted for food, or the Bolok, that can be traded with to "warp" items into "warped" variants. You will also encounter new plants, like the Warped Squash or Warped Berries. Fishing in the Warped Reef will allow you to obtain various warped items and foods.
The Spunkler is a rare Shulker variant, hiding in Warped Reef to knock away nearby entities. On the other end, entities sure as the Glub will help you to evolve in the biomes; you can interact with it to "wear" it on your head, which will provide you with advanced jump boost and slow falling. To remove it, Sneak + Right Click on a block. You can also summon your own Glub by interacting with a Warped Potion on a Warped Squash. Citrine Islands can be found at the bottom of Warped Reef. Citrine crystals grow from it, and will emit particles when ready to be harvested.

Structures  (1.20.1+)

Special Entities

Draglings are new small entities, only found in structures. They'll randomly inflict you with Disruption, negating your block interaction reach, making you unable to interact with / destroy blocks.

Structures in Vanilla Biomes 

The End House is a new common structure, that'll provide you with randomised rewards and challenge. It'll most of the time provide you with a map to the nearest Ancient End Tower

The Ancient End Tower contains loots and challenged for players with advanced gears. They are filled with deadly traps such as the Infused End Stone Tiles or Shulker Shooter. By using a Dragon Breath Bottle on the Altar at its top, players will be able to summon the Endstone Golem, a powerful boss that'll grant you the Golem Orb.

Flying End Ships are found flying above the Void. Instead of Elytras in an Item Frame, players will be able to find an Ancient Podium holding a Void Totem. It'll most of the time provide you with a map to the nearest End City.

Wanderer Islands are small houses inhabited by Wandering Traders, trading items from the mod and buying Chorus Fruits for Emeralds. They will also sell the Wandering Stew, a unique item allowing you to get back to the Overworld at any time.

Structures in the Warped Reef

You can find Warped Ships and Warped Station in the Warped Reef. Both contains Warped Chests, special chests that can be obtained by multiple players. When a player that didn't opened it before interact with it, the Chest will spit a few random items. Particles around the Warped Chests will indicate if the player can be opened.

Items like the Warped Anchor and Warped Infusion can only be obtained this way.

Structures in Gloopstone Plains

Ruins and gloopstone piles can be found in the Gloopstone Plains, containing Gloopy Urns. Some of them, are inhabited by Endermites, leading to small underground rooms, full of Endermite eggs and Gloopy Urns

The mod also adds lot of additional content, especially blocks and items that aren't covered here

Credits (Music)

Thanks to (the GOAT) Redwolf (Youtube) for the Endstone Golem Theme, "Flying Ships" and "Queen", all available as Music Discs
Thanks to Oh Height (Youtube) for his tracks "The Great Abyss" and "Moog in Space 2", both now occasionally playing while being in the End

You can put Unusual End in your modpacks :D
If you have ideas, suggestions, bugs to report, consider joining the Unusual Squad discord server to post about it on it (by clicking the image below)

Minecraft mod files
unusualend-2.2.1-forge-1.20.1_0.jar Uploaded on: 11/17/2024 - 12:18   File size: 19.03 MB

also do you have some tips for other people like with texturing, modeling, and mod creation as a haul?

Practice, practice, practice. You'll make a lot of ugly and broken things but you'll understand many things, tips and tricks. For texturing use Libresprite. Don't start with too ambitious projects because your first mods will always be ok/bad when you start modding / texturing / etc. Try to be original anyway, and don't create a mod to create a mod, create a mod if you really have interesting ideas or it won't be interesting to play and to work on

how do i play the mod?? i know how to download it but everytime i open it, it just opens mcreator

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