Beauty of Nature

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Beauty of Nature Mod

Nature is beautiful, isn't it?

This mod aims to intruduce new elements to make Minecraft's Wilderness even more fun to explore! Dryads, Sprites, New Mysthical plants...we got it!

This mod is currently in its first release tho, so don't expect much content, other than that presented here.


Meet the Dryads!

These nature-attuned spirits can spawn in forests in their "Rooted" form, that will periodically fertilize blocks in the vicinities.
If you'll try breaking their block, you'll essentially kill them, leaving no remains but a withering reminder that nature should be respected.

If you really want to harvest one tho, you will need to use a Forest Axe, a tool sold by wandering traders and clerics at a high enough level.

Picture below: the two dryads the mod currently offers, Forest and Birch Forest dryads.

two dryads
















Currently, the mod offers only Forest and Birch Forest dryads, but a forest dryad is planned for all the different forests/biomes (dark, jungle, savanna, taiga, etc) as well as some more biome-specific ones (see "Planned Content" below for more info).

Dryads can be very useful to a world! They will "Unroot" at night, walking around and sometimes fertilizing blocks around them, or planting a sapling.
Here is a list of the blocks that can get fertilized, and their counterpart:

Dirt -> Grass Block
Stone Bricks -> Mossy Stone Bricks
Mycelium -> Grass Block
Podzol -> Grass Block
Coarse Dirt -> Dirt
Dead Bush -> Grass
Any Sand -> Coarse Dirt
Crying Obsidian -> Obsidian

During the day, they will "Root" again, so be quick to act if you want them to be your friend, as a tamed dryad will not Reroot themselves!


Dryad Levels and Taming

Dryads can be very useful on their own, but they are even more if tamed.

To tame them, you need to make clear your intentions of helping them protect and grow the forest, by giving them certain items!
The following items will yield various "scores", that will add up to the level of trust the dryad has in you.

Bone Meal - 2
Various Crops - 0.75
Any Seed - 0.5
Honeycomb - 1
Honey Bottle - 3.5
Honey Block - 15
Any Sapling - 1

By increasing the trust, you will also increase the Dryad's Level. You can check the level at any time by Shift+RightClicking a dryad.

There are 5 levels for the Forest Dryads:

0) Untrusting (0 points): the dryad will not trust you, and will attack you if hit.

1) Mercyful (50 points): the dryad has mercy upon you, and will give you regeneration if standing nearby. Will also stop attacking you if hit.

2) Grateful (110 points): the dryad will now be tamed! They will follow you, and aid you in battle!

3) Vanquisher (225 points): the dryad is proficient in the art of combat magic, and will apply various debuffs to your opponents.

4) Avatar of the Forest (1000 points + Right Click with Heart of the Forest): the dryad has now became the Avatar of the Forest thanks to you! She will purify blocks faster, get stronger in battle, and aid you with even more powerful buffs!


Dryad Specializations

Dryads can also have multiple "Specializations". This can also be seen from the level tab.

These will determine what special power the dryad will have, and how they'll assist you. As nature spirits, many of their specializations can be useful in farming.
A dryad can get a specialization if given certain items a certain number of times.

These are:

- Overgrowth (50 bone meal): When fertilizing blocks, also applies bone meal to anything that can be applied to. For example, growing grass, tall grass, and trees, or speeding up crops growth.

- Forest Spreader (75 saplings): Greatly increases the chances of planting saplings.

- Friend of the Bees (25 honeycombs, or other honey-related items): When fertilizing blocks, they will also harvest bee nests or beehives, if full, giving 1 Honey Bottle, and a chance for a honeycomb. They will also not enrage bees in the process. If any angry bees are near, she will try to calm them. When she will reach "Avatar of the Forest" level, she will unlock the chance of getting something more than honey from beehives/nests: Ambrosia!

Ambrosia is a very interesting food, as it will adapt to the user's needs! Try it out for yourself to discover its useful capabilities!


Dryad Utility Items

Not wanting the dryad to bring forth her mission to purify the earth! No problem! Just Right Click them with a dead bush when tamed, and they will not execute any task that might modify the world in a considerable manner! Right Click again with a dead bush to return to the normal tasks.

Do you not want to be constantly be followed around by your dryads? Just Right Click one with a Poppy or Dandelion to make them not follow you anymore! WARNING: Dryads are not dogs (and should not be treated as such), and they will still move around after the action is performed! Right Click them again with the items to make them follow you again.


Dryad Terraformation Example

A Savanna beach before, and after, the dryad's intervention. Cool, isn't it?beach 2

beach 1













The Tree of Life! (As seen in the previews)

The tree of life structure will spawn in any forest, and will hold a great treasure: the Heart of the Forest!




It will spawn on an altar on top of the tree. The altar will need to be broken with the right tool tho (Axe of the Forest), or it will vanish into nothinggess!

Hearts of the forest are essential to power up your Dryads!


Planned Content:

- More forest dryad variants!

- More biome specific dryads, with their own levelling and specializations!

- More mysthical encounters in the wilderness

- New Plants, with original and specific functions in the game progression

- Tools, and armors, to make you the ultimate protector of the forest!

- A dark and ominous enemy that will threaten the natural order itself...

Minecraft mod files
BeautyOfNature_v100.jar - Version 1.0.0 of the mod Uploaded on: 10/18/2022 - 17:59   File size: 243.01 KB

Welcome to the Beauty of Nature mod!