The first snapshot of the 2022.4/2023.1 release is here! This update adds a new feature mod element, and many other new features (no pun intended) too! Read more in the article.
2022.4 or 2023.1?
I think we need to clear this up first so things don't get confusing in the next weeks. So the 2022.4 will not be a full release in 2022, so versions 2022.4 and 2023.1 will be the same version with a full release happening in 2023. But because of the naming scheme we use and the fact we wanted to do a snapshot in 2022, we need to call this first update 2022.4 instead of 2023.1.
So the 1st snapshot is 2022.4, and the 2nd (and potential 3rd, etc.) snapshots will be 2023.1.
Snapshot changelog
This is a full changelog of this snapshot with more notable changes highlighted with bold text.
- Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.5
- Updated 1.19.2 Minecraft Forge version to 43.2.0
- The default particles setting is now All in the test Minecraft environment
- Added some new buttons to the toolbar for easier action access
- Added custom code snippet procedure blocks to the AI builder
- Custom GUI and overlay texts are now included in localization system and can be translated
- Added new entity with ranged attacks parameters: ranged attack interval and radius
- Added option to define custom GUI input slot limits using item tags
- Added option to separately specify slot pickup and placement parameters with conditional procedure support
- Changed is item of tool type procedure block to more general is item of item type procedure block
- Removed GUI and overlay label tokens and replaced them with string return procedures system
- Improved biome generation parameters system
- Added feature mod element
- Added feature types: simple block, lake, huge red mushroom, huge brown mushroom, block pile
- Added feature placements: on heightmap, with random XZ within a chunk, with a chance, within a biome, on surface water depth, based on block survival
- Added feature height placements: at height, with uniform distribution, with triangular distribution, n blocks above world bottom or below world top
- Added procedure blocks to get block, item, and entity registry names
- Added entity procedure blocks: set entity frozen for a number of ticks, get number of ticks entity was frozen, make entity stop riding an entity
- [Bugfix, FG 1.19.2] The wait procedure block sometimes crashed the game
- [Bugfix] Biomes did not register to the overworld dimension properly in some cases
- [Bugfix] Melee attack AI task had too big of an attack range in some cases
- [Bugfix] Using break and continue Blockly blocks outside the loops caused build errors
- [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements
Release notes
- Migrated biome generation system to the new biome parameter point ranges system. Existing biomes will be converted automatically.
- Labels using tokens in custom GUIs and overlays will no longer replace tokens with values but show raw tokens instead. This system was replaced by string return value procedures that can be used as a text source for labels. Manual conversion will be needed.
- Particle parameters were removed from the custom block and living entity mod elements. Procedures should be used instead. Existing particle spawning parameters need to be manually converted to procedures.
- Using the MCREATOR_HOME environment variable, one can specify an alternative folder location for data storage
- [Plugins] Added support for list inputs and list statements, making custom Blockly mutators possible
A download of the snapshot is possible on the Download page under the Snapshot downloads section.
Make sure to install and test this snapshot, so we can fix all the bugs you find as soon as possible! Leave your feedback in the comments and keep on modding :)
This version will support 1.18.2 and 1.19.2