The End Reimagined: The Nowhere

Published by SOOSMART on
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We all agree that vanilla End dimension is so boring.

So, I made this mod with reimagined The End!


there are 4 new biomes added


[Sea of Constellations]

Sea of Constellations

Sea of Constellations biome is a fields of glowing land corals.

Spirit fish are flying over voids, decorating the sky with beautiful glowing particles.

But be careful. the ground is infested with Stargazers, which are ambush hunters


you can tame a stargazer with spirit fish. it will be a flying ridable pet


[Desert of Futility]

Desert of Futility

Desert of Futility is pretty much same as vanilla End.

but with new small chorus plants, the End became more Endier.

You can find end city in this biome.


Criers spawn here. they are hostile and throw ender pearls


[Forest of Warmth]

Forest of Warmth

Forest of Warmth is the brightest biome in Nowhere.

Lamplighters spawn here. who you can trade with.

Lamplighters love glistering melon. so if you give it to them, they will give you some items

you can also find Lamplighter village.


Flasheyes spawn here. they are hostile mob that make you blind.


[Forest of Hermits]

Forest of Hermits

Forest of Hermits is lush forest biome.

It's infest with hostile monsters, such as Headegger and Moth Facer.

But the Pioneers are very useful mob. if you give them a Flasheye' eye, it will give you some good enchantments


Divine Pioneer

There is a new boss, the Divine Pioneer.

It can be summoned by a boss spawner, which is on the Pioneer's Statue.

you can find pioneer's statue by looking for beacon.


and there are 2 new ores added, Starite an Floatium

There are also achievements that can help you what to do

Minecraft mod files
nowhere 1.0.1.jar Uploaded on: 01/06/2023 - 00:25   File size: 11.14 MB


Advancement bug was fixed

Sometimes things just don't work how they're supposed to. I once tried to copy a workspace, and it got corrupted every time. But Klemen told me that it should work fine on a functional computer. Now, I would like to say, my computer isn't perfect (but it's relatively okay).