"Millennia ago, there was a great civilization on the surface of a moon orbiting a gas giant. They were mostly scientists, but with a goal: create a world without wars, death, or evil. But as we all know, knowledge leads to a thirst for power in those who can't control the desire. Their final project, a Dyson sphere around their sun, ended up dooming them all. A wave of mysterious energy wiped out almost every life form from the moon, forcing the survivors to seek shelter in the nearby solar systems. After many years, an overworldian adventurer seems to have found a way to visit this place ..."
Welcome to Forge Rings, an adventure mod that aims to give our beloved cube game an entirely new concept of interdimensional (or specifically interplanetary) exploration, with new mechanics. challenges and sometimes existential paradoxes. This experience will not be like your usual vanilla experience, as you will have to take into account that almost everything in this place wants to kill you, starting from the moon itself.
Warning: this mod is still in beta and most features are not implemented yet and there might be bugs. Install at your own risk.
What is this mod about?
Forge Rings introduces you to Olmiter, a frigid dark moon orbiting a gas giant. Huge abandoned cities, surrounded by dead forests, are the main view of this world, but don't get mesmerized by their uncanny beauty, because the moon's old security system is still watching for intruders. The old robot helpers have turned hostiles and will not hesitate to attack you on sight.
Descending in the moon caves, you will notice how the surviving life forms have adapted to grow underground, creating bioluminescent prairies that will make your journey less dark. However be careful, because the most dangerous enemies hide here.
How do I get into the dimension?
Easy, find an abandoned outpost in the Overworld (They're pretty out of context with the surrounding environment, so you shouldn't miss them), use the materials dropped from the Sentries to craft a drive core and use it to light the teleporter found in the top room of the outpost.
Like the End, the teleporter will create every time a structure around it in the dimension, so don't build anything important inside it or it will be destroyed!
Check the Official Mod Wiki for more info
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JEI (Just Enought Items) is recommended for most recipes
Shaders might break the custom sky, be careful
Do not ask for Fabric port, version port or Bedrock add-ons port in the comments or I will personally steal your kneecaps (I will do things when I want to, ok?)
You can freely use this mod in your modpack, credit is not needed (but appreciated)
You are not allowed to repost this mod without my permission. The only allowed sites are Curseforge, Planet Minecraft and the MCreator site. Mod stealer might modify this part, do not trust suspicious sites.
Do not the Mining Drone at 3 am! (Extremely scary, called police, end of the universe might happen guys !!111!!!1)
Curseforge Download
Special thanks <3
The MCreator Team
The Minecraft Java Team
You that read this page till the end :)
beta-1: mod updated to 1.19.2. Removed the core layer from the main dimension for performance reasons and moved to a new dimension. Added new ores and weapons. Added two new mobs: peeker (hostile) and scanner (neutral). Added new advancements. Changed some textures. New world generation. Added carbon generator.
beta-2: fixed flare gun recipe
beta-3: Mod updated to 1.19.4. Olmiter dimension generation updated. Added new building types. Added new biome: Permafrost Expanses. Re-added cave layers, with the Calorium Layer replacing the old Core Layer. Added funny bio horrors in the Calorium Layer. Added Rogue Mining Drone hostile mob. Sky Texture updated. Added a new tool system with new tools (of course). Added new foods. Added lots of achievements. Removed sealed crates, flare guns, the carbon generator and other items (more work required lol). I swear there were other things, but I forgot :skull:
Glad to see it getting new updates! :D