The End Update

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Is The End... Boring?

Well, Not anymore! This mod adds 4 New Biomes to the VANNILA END ( not an fully-new made dimension that is similar to the end ) Adds 5 New Mobs, 3 New Ores and 2 new stone types! Let's get into the first biome ( biome photos will be in the start of this post )

1 - Poison Forest

By far, the most Common Biome in the end, has a unique Purple Wood color, Here, it has a abundance of Chestlings, That just walk around, but, if you right-click it, you can store itens in it's inventory, a Very Peacefull Biome, The vegetagion in here is called the Poison Wart, And at the Very top of the trees, There is a Poisoned Shroomlight

2 - Fungus Forest

The 2nd most common biome in the end, It has a cool lookin' Blue wood color, Here, we have Some Fungus and Tall Fungus ( as the name of the biome says by the way ) and too, at the very top of the trees, you can find an Fungus Shroomlight

3 - Shadow Meadows

This is a VERY Scary biome, and the "Meadows" part does not mean that the biome is Nice, Here, we have Obsidian Pillars, Which reminds me of the Dragon Fight..., we have here too the Shadow Shroomlight, which, can be smelted into Shadowstone, and with shadowstone, you can Make tons of new blocks, Because it is a new Stone Type, and we have the Shadow Flower in here, try not to walk through it, it will give you a 10 seconds Blindness Effect, The most Scary part of this biome, it's the Shadow Monster, a very rare Mob to appear, but it can appear more frequently on The Shadow Meadows, The Shadow Monster is a mob which does an ABSURD Amount of Damage & Knockback, you can fight it Back by making a pillar, just like how you could kill an Iron Golem, but, be Fast, because the Shadow Monster is... after you kill it, you will get an Shadow Star, with this item, you can do an incredible amount of damage in mobs, but it only has 30 Durability

4 - Crystal Desert

The rarest biome in the end, but, probaly the nicest, it has a very fragile Crystal block, that you can break with your fist really quickly, It's so fragile, that even with Silk Touch you can't break it, The only way to get it, it is by Mining it and getting Crystal Shards, that you can put 9 in the crafting grid to make a Full block, and with the crystals, you can make the Nicest Stone Type, that can circle around in a Rainbow Color! you can smelt the crystal and get an Crystal Shroomlight, That circles around a raimbow color as well

The New Ores

1 - End Diamond Ore, By mining it, you can Get Diamond Nuggets, you can put 9 in the crafting grid to make an full diamond

2 - Uranium, Probaly the funniest ore in the Game!, you can make 3 Cool things with it: 1 - The Nuke, which is a Very Strong TNT 2 - The Pickaxe Block, which when powered by redstone, it explodes and mines blocks around it and 3 - The Slippery Ice, which is Very slippery, and can transport dropped items at Max Speed

3 - Enderite, The End Netherite, which is Stronger than netherite! when you find these, you Can't mine it, first, explode it with TNT, and then, mine it with an Netherite Pickaxe Or Better, then, smelt it on a Blast Furnace, and you can get a Enderite Scrap, Combined with Diamonds in The Crafting Grid, You can make a Enderite Ingot, which you can use in a Smithing Table to upgrade netherite tools & armor to get Enderite Armor & Tools

Observation: If you play this mod on a world that has Structures OFF, the end biomes will NOT spawn, and Buggy World Generation is to be expected

Minecraft mod files
theendupdate-4.0.0-release1.jar - Latest Version, No Changelog Uploaded on: 05/07/2023 - 22:17   File size: 5.63 MB
theendupdate-4.0.0-release3-forge.jar - The End Update 3rd Release Uploaded on: 05/10/2023 - 15:55   File size: 5.71 MB

- Added new blocks for the Crystal Family, such as Crystal Bricks and a unique block, called Reinforced Crystal

- Now, to get enderite, you need to blow Void Debris 3 times

- Fixed some bugs For Better Gameplay Experience

You can get more updated versions of this mod on Curseforge! our goal in mcreator is an MOTW, so if you could, please, help me out!