The second update of the year is here, adding support for Minecraft 1.19.4 and many new features, while not forgetting to fix all reported bugs too. Read on!
Minecraft 1.19.4
The first new feature of this update is support for Minecraft 1.19.4, meaning we now support the latest 1.19.x Minecraft release fully with an improved code generator to make the generated code as clean as possible.

Villager professions
This is a big one. Requested for quite a while now, finally coming to reality. Option to make custom villager professions, defining their profession block, hat style, sound, name, and trades they offer.

Apple Silicon support
This one may not be important to everyone, but all users of Apple Silicion powered Apple devices will now be able to fully benefit from the performance of their CPU by running MCreator natively supporting AArch64 ARM64 architecture.

New worldgen features
The feature mod element introduced in MCreator 2023.1 has also received some new features. One of them is a custom geode feature, allowing one to place custom-define geodes anywhere in the world, as specified by the placement configuration.

This one may not be that shiny at the first glance, but even more useful. One can now define any configuration of ore generation. This allows one to expand basic ore generation defined in custom block mod elements to a much more complex and refined ore generation configurations with targets depending on block type, weighted randomized choices, and much more.

Speaking of randomized choices, we are also introducing new weighted list providers for heights and integers. This allows one to generate features with eg. different sizes or locations, depending on the weighted randomized chance.

VCS (remote workspace) plugin
As announced on our social channels, VCS has been moved to a community plugin. The reason for this move is as this feature is not the main feature of MCreator and was thus not really improved as much as we would want it to be due to the limited resources of maintainers. Now being a community plugin, it will be able to evolve and get new features and fixes much faster and will be able to grow a better community of users that actively use this feature.

Bounding box from JSON model utility
We are adding a button to generate the bounding box definition from a block JSON model, allowing one to define the bounding box of custom models much faster than manually entering each box.

Optional dimension portal igniter item
You can now optionally enable not just portal, but also portal igniter. This allows one to add portal igniter functionality to one of the existing items and at the same time disable the default igniter which is not needed in such cases.

New custom range melee attack AI task
One may be interested in having entities perform melee attacks out of the default bounding box of the entity. To achieve this, a new AI task was added that can be used to specify a custom melee attack range that can be larger than the bounding box of the entity itself, allowing for a wider variety of attack options.

Improved min and max value selectors
Places in the UI where minimal and maximal values could be set were not validated in all cases, allowing one to enter a smaller maximal value than the minimal value, possibly introducing bugs or Minecraft game crashes. We have replaced all those cases with improved selectors that prevent one from entering such invalid combinations and also improve the process of changing the value range.

Living entity step height functionality
MCreator now supports specifying the step height of custom living entities. At the same time, we have also added procedure blocks to get and set the step height of any entity, allowing one to modify existing entities or change the step height on the fly depending on custom entity logic too.

Procedure improvements
We have added side indicators to all procedure blocks needing them. These indicators (icons on the right side of the procedure block) show on what side they can run on, as some procedure blocks only work on eg. clients, and some procedures only run on the server side and do nothing when executed from a client-side-only procedure trigger.
We did not forget to include some new procedure blocks either. You can see some of the new procedure blocks in the image below. These include procedure blocks to check if there is a village at a given location, a raid happening at the location, procedure blocks to check the spawn coordinates of a specific player, and more.
New texture editor randomizer presets
This one is not that major, but is really useful. We have added new generator templates to the texture maker template generator. One can now quickly generate and prototype new block, ore, and gem textures that can be then used as a base or inspiration for new mod elements.

Release notes
- Vanilla creative tabs differ slightly between generator versions but target Minecraft 1.19.4 with namings
- Removed biome custom features (grass, flowers, cacti, reeds, ... per chunk). Existing configurations will be converted to default biome features if possible. For more control over biome features, a feature mod element should be used.
- Workspace VCS system (remote workspaces) has been moved to a community plugin
- [Plugins] Plugins can now define new preferences dialog sections and entries
- [Plugins] Plugins can now define recent changes when using a plugin update data file
- [Plugins] Plugins can now properly add actions to the main toolbar
- [Plugins] Plugins can now add custom vertical tabs to a workspace
- [Plugins] Plugins can now add buttons to the workspace selector
Important bug fixes
Many bugs were fixed in this update. All the bug fixes are listed in the list below, but more notable bug fixes are:
- [Bugfix] Custom living entities with biped or silverfish models were positioned strangely when riding another entity
- [Bugfix] Several logic procedure blocks caused build errors with certain procedure setups
- [Bugfix] Get entity submerged height procedure block could cause build errors or did not function properly in some cases
- [Bugfix] Custom block, plant, or biome sounds could cause multiplayer connection problems
- [Bugfix] Add potion procedure blocks sometimes caused the potion effect never to expire
- [Bugfix] Player enters/leaves dimension advancement triggers were not triggered for custom dimensions when traveling through their portals
- [Bugfix] Biome generation parameters were disabled for data pack generators
- [Bugfix] MCreator Link procedure triggers caused build errors
Other improvements
You can see the full list in the full changelog of this release here (some more notable features not mentioned before are highlighted with bold text):
- Added support for Java 9+ SDK source code browsing
- Added native support for Apple silicon (aarch64)
- Added side indicators to more procedure blocks
- EAP releases now have a different icon to distinguish between stable releases and snapshots more easily
- Some minor UI improvements and usability changes
- Added new UI notifications system for updates, plugin loading problems, and similar use cases
- Improved workspace selector window
- Added many new simplified Chinese help tip translations
- Added many new traditional Chinese help tip translations
- Improved minimum and maximum value validation across mod element editors
- Improved living entity mod element editor UI
- Improved recipes mod element editor UI to hide fields not applying to the current recipe type
- Improved biome mod element editor UI to better match how biomes are defined in Minecraft
- Added new entity parameter: step height
- Added a button to generate a block bounding box from a JSON model
- Added random block texture generator to the image maker
- Added compact substring procedure block to the procedure editor
- Added villager profession mod element
- Added option to disable default dimension portal trigger to allow for custom igniter items
- Added random gem and dye texture generator to the image maker
- Added new feature mod element feature types: geode, ore, scattered ore, single block ore
- Added rule test blocks to the feature mod element used by the ore features
- Added new feature integer providers: weighted list of int providers
- Added new feature height providers: uniform height distribution, weighted list of height providers
- Added new world data procedure blocks: is village at the location, is raid happening at the location
- Added entity procedure blocks: make entity look at location, get entity step height, set entity step height
- Added new player procedure blocks: get spawn location
- Added new entity AI tasks: do a melee attack with a specified range
- Added base support for Minecraft Forge 1.19.4
- [FG 1.19.4] Added support for mod elements: tags, functions, music discs, custom elements, sounds, creative tabs, commands, overlays, potion effects, potion items, villager trades, enchantments, structures, armor, item extensions, key bindings, particles, paintings, loot tables, game rules, GUIs, global triggers, tools, features, blocks, fluids, dimensions, plants, advancements, advancement triggers, living entities, AI tasks, biomes, items, recipes, ranged items, procedures
- [DP 1.19.4] Added support for mod elements: tags, functions, loot tables, biomes, dimensions
- [Bugfix] Loot table and villager profession editor could have uneven component spacing in some cases
- [Bugfix] Custom living entities with biped or silverfish models were positioned strangely when riding another entity
- [Bugfix] Opening class from the exception trace did sometimes not work in the Console tab
- [Bugfix] Several logic procedure blocks caused build errors with certain procedure setups
- [Bugfix] Undo and redo did not work properly for certain Blockly actions
- [Bugfix] Armor chestplate is now called properly instead of word body in the UI fields
- [Bugfix] Localization keys that are not used by a certain mod element are no longer generated if not needed
- [Bugfix] Get entity submerged height procedure block could cause build errors or did not function properly in some cases
- [Bugfix] Custom block, plant, or biome sounds could cause multiplayer connection problems
- [Bugfix] Add potion procedure blocks sometimes caused the potion effect never to expire
- [Bugfix] Player enters/leaves dimension advancement triggers were not triggered for custom dimensions when traveling through their portals
- [Bugfix] Biome generation parameters were disabled for data pack generators
- [Bugfix] MCreator Link procedure triggers caused build errors
- [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements
Feature overview video
If you would like to see all the most important features of the 2023.2 update collected in a video made by our contributor Goldorion, check it out below.
Thanks to contributors
I would like to thank all the contributors on GitHub for their hard work in making this update Minecraft 1.19.4 compatible. Updating to a new Minecraft version is a tedious task with a lot of repetitive work, so I deeply appreciate all the work they put into making this possible.
Tell us what you think about the update in the comments! We are already looking forward to all the new creative mods using all the new features :)
Patch update 1
We have released a patch update to fix some bugs found in the 2023.2 release:
- [Bugfix] Using certain UI languages caused the Blockly editor to stop working
- [Bugfix] Custom dimension portal igniter procedure template was not working properly
- [Bugfix] MCreator is not starting on macOS 11 and 12
- [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements
To install the patch, re-download 2023.2 and install it again. Make sure to uninstall the current version first.
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when is 1.20 support coming?