(Discontinued!) Leo's Backrooms, a simple backrooms made by Leo...
There is no escape (Yet :>)
VERY IMPORTANT: The Mod has been discontinued after mental issues, there is a new mod in the works, it could take a few months as im making it without pressure.
The mod is Available on:
Information and Socials!
Official Trello Board!
Information about How updates are Going:
Official Discord Server!
Information about updates etc:
I got a dead Reddit.
Mod showcase from What was my friend https://youtu.be/m22J3ajdjIQ
(Outdated) Made on version 0.4.0
For Mod of the week, for now the updates for the next version are here, but i am buzy fixing something for it (fixed it :D)
Updates about the next update.
This has been Moved to the Discord!
The mod at V0.20 needs Undertale Foods By Marshmello7119 to operate, so this acts an warning when V0.20 comes out.
(This is Invalid as i tried it but it ended pretty badly so compatibility is not possible at the moment)
The link to it https://mcreator.net/modification/96719/undertale-foods
This mod is Early Stages of alpha and may contain many Bugs and Glitches, if you perhaps find then you can report it true the comments or discord server.
Q:when will level Fun Have level generation?
A:Prob never as i have tried with V0.13 and it just doesn't work so i need an more complicated generation system for it
Q:How many levels do you want to add
A:It depends on allot of factors but im thinking i wanna do at least the base 9 levels so level 0 - 9
Q:How can i suggest stuff?
A:At the moment there's no real way of doing it but i will fix that at one point. But for now use the reply section
Q:Will you make an fabric version?
A:No because i did forge so that its compatible with most good shader mods like optifine
Q:How accurate is it to the backrooms?
A:I don't know what to say really but i would say level 0 is pretty accurate from what i heard form my friends
Q:Will there be custom sounds/music?
A:Well i have talked to my friend (who knows an decent amount of music/ambiance creation) and were right now looking into it but i cant guarantee it
Q:Is the mod scary?
A:What do you think >:)
Q:Will the mod be server compatible?
A:Im not sure if its possible but i can try.
Q:Can i make Extra Addition Mods for this mod?
A:You can if you want but i don't recommend it in this early state of the mod, as i am not sure what to add everytime so if you maybe make an level like level -0 for example then maybe in the future i make an level called level -0. My point is that if you make an additions mod there's an chance that it becomes useless in the next update.
Q:Can i add this to my modpack?
A:you can add it to an modpack, do you have to give credit ofc.
Q:Will the mod get texture updates?
A:Yes every now on and then i will do an texture overhaul.
Recommended mods
Just Enough Items (JEI)
Shaders BSL worked good with me but others do aswell
Important Stuff
Interesting stuff
Wait the mod is already 1year old?
What i want to add
Level 0 Generation
64 by 64 Textures for Level 0
Entity Spawning Procedures
Level You Cheated! (if its possible)
No glitches in Generation
Custom Title Screen
Level ! (if its possible)
Base 0 - 9 Levels
Level 10 and 11 (if its possible)
Not so many tabs
Make an Custom working and fuctional YT for the trailer/mod
1K downloads Update (Maybe)
Actual Survival Compatibility
A good mod Description (Good Enough)
Actual Form/Wiki
Leo's Backrooms 2.0.5P Alpha
Version 2.0.5P Includes.
Level info book (not craftable at the moment)
Level (t h e v o i d)
Back Coin has a more harder recipe,
New advancement,
some performance tweaks,
new ways to clip into the backrooms include.
Noclip during sleep (gamerule: True by default)
Noclip when falling (gamerule: True by default)
Leo's Backrooms 2.0.3P Alpha
Patched vending machine
Patched level 4
Crate Texture improved
Added BackCoin
Added A pipe (Literally)
Added Failed April Fools Update
Windows dont work yet.
Released Leo's Backrooms V2.0.0 (V0.20) Alpha.
Added Level 4, for some reason has holes (being looked into).
Added Vending Machine (Being Fixed)
Added Windows (Being Fixed)
Added Almond Water (doesnt generate at the moment)
Disabled Levels 1, 2 and 3.
Info Tab for Level 0 and 4. (Press Tab to see it)
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.13H Alpha
Added a halloween Level
Added jackolanterns to the smiler
Thats it
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.12 Alpha
Added level 1 generation
Added level 2 with generation
Added level 3 with generation
Added level 37 with broken generation (sadly)
Added an hammer
you can use the hammer in an crafting table to make spiked wood!
Memorial for an building my friend made in my mod once.
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.111 Alpha
Emergency bug fix
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.11 Alpha
Added 16 Structures
New Level 0 Biome's
Dark Area
Dotted Wallpaper Pillar Area
Striped Wallpaper Pillar Area
Arrowed Wallpaper Pillar Area
New Textures
Updated Striped wallpaper texture
Updated Dotted wallpaper texture
Fixed Block Spawning out of nowhere
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.1 Alpha
Added working generation for level 0
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.07 Early Alpha
Added Level 1
Added Level 94
Added Level Fun
Added crate's
Added "working" generation for level 94
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.066 Early Alpha
Changed the textures of
Level 0 wallpaper block
Level 0 wallpaper block Red
Level 0 wallpaper block slab
Level 0 wallpaper block Red slab
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.065 Early Alpha
Added Orange Wallpaper slab
Added Yellow Wallpaper slab
Added Green Wallpaper slab
Added Blue Wallpaper slab
Added Purple Wallpaper slab
Added Pink Wallpaper slab
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.06 Early Alpha
Added Orange Wallpaper block
Added Yellow Wallpaper block
Added Green Wallpaper block
Added Blue Wallpaper block
Added Purple Wallpaper block
Added Pink Wallpaper block
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.1 Test Ver 2 Alpha
Added new machine
Added new ore
Added an new structure
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.1 Test Ver 1 Alpha
Added the smiler prototype entity.
Made the texture of the computer an bit different
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.05 Early Alpha
added plastic ore
added plastic ingots
added plastic block
added plastic armor
added plastic tools
added an computer
added corrupted books
added glitched books
added microchip
added glitched microchip
better texture for striped wallpaper
better texture for striped wallpaper slabs
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.03 Early Alpha
added recipes to slabs
added striped wallpaper
added red ceiling
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.025 Early Alpha
this add slab that shoulda had already been present from the start
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.02 Early Alpha
this is aiming to show some of the progress/items im working on.
Released Leo's Backrooms V0.01 Early Alpha..
this is to get feedback and maybe some help...
yea i have noticed this same isue and i am looking at how i can maybe make it an little less copy looking but that will be prob take an few tries of texturing and right now generation is an absolute pain so im not in the mood right now to fix em but maybe when i have some time over than just generation i can maybe try and make them custom and i think its also an good transition to 32 by 32 bit textures