Here they are. Two MCreator updates, both supporting container GUIs, machines and custom bullets for Minecraft 1.7.10 and Minecraft 1.8. If you would like to get them right now and to read more about what we have changed, click read more right now!
You can also find this article on our blog.
This update brings to new MCreator versions. One for 1.7.10 (MCreator 1.6.3) and one for 1.8 (MCreator 1.6.4). The purpose of them is to fix some bugs related to specific Minecraft version (for Minecraft 1.8 and 1.7.10) and to add support for the most requested features from the newest MCreator 1.6.5 to the older versions of Minecraft as a lot of modders in MCreator's community still use Minecraft 1.7.10 or 1.8 as a lot of mods still weren't updated to the newest Minecraft.
Below, you can see the full changelog for the both releases:
MCreator 1.6.4 [1.8]
This update of 1.8 MCreator is based on MCreator 1.6.0 [1.8] and built upon this version
- Updated Minecraft Forge to 1563 1.8 version
- Officially verified MCreator Windows 10 compatibility (target platform for further updates for Windows platform will be Windows 10)
- Updated bundled MCSkin3D to version
- Added silent update option if update is not so important
- Improved console display with improved color highlighting
- Improved code editor
- Custom bullets for guns (textures) (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Custom 3D Techne bullet models for guns (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Custom sounds for guns
- Added JSON model support for guns
- Added OBJ model support for guns
- Added container GUI support in GUI creation (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Added support for blocks to have inventories (and support for comparator output of blocks) (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Add, remove items to slots and empty inventory of block event results
- Added remove amount of items from inventory gui event result
- Added new event condition: has block item in slot
- [Bugfix] Fixed shift-clicking in custom slot GUIs causing Minecraft crash
- [Bugfix] Gradle console wanted to run as sudo user although this wasn't necessary on Linux and Mac
- [Bugfix] Items dropped by custom slot GUI were not dropped properly when it was closed
- [Bugfix] Slots with condition crashed Minecraft if they were empty
- [Bugfix] User could create GUI with custom slots even if GUI type was not the one with slots
- [Bugfix] Fixed E key not closing custom GUI
- [Bugfix] Slot conditions cause build errors when custom blocks are used in them
- [Bugfix] Reduced CPU usage of MCreator after some mods are made by fixing some Thread related bugs
MCreator 1.6.3 [1.7.10]
This update of 1.7.10 MCreator is based on MCreator 1.5.9 [1.7.10] and built upon this version
- Updated Minecraft Forge to 1558 1.7.10 version
- Updated bundled MCSkin3D to version
- Officially verified MCreator Windows 10 compatibility (target platform for further updates for Windows platform will be Windows 10)
- Improved code editor
- Custom bullets for guns (textures) (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Custom 3D Techne bullet models for guns (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Custom sounds for guns
- Added container GUI support in GUI creation (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Added support for blocks to have inventories (and support for comparator output of blocks) (thanks to Nuparu00)
- Add, remove items to slots and empty inventory of block event results
- Added remove amount of items from inventory gui event result
- Added new event condition: has block item in slot
- Added silent update option if update is not so important
- Improved console display with improved color highlighting
- Improved outline display in code editor: now it supports recursive class lookup
- Removed Dropbox support from MCreator as it only caused troubles and was not commonly used
- [Bugfix] Fixed shift-clicking in custom slot GUIs causing Minecraft crash
- [Bugfix] Gradle console wanted to run as sudo user although this wasn't necessary on Linux and Mac
- [Bugfix] Items dropped by custom slot GUI were not dropped properly when it was closed
- [Bugfix] Slot conditions cause build errors when custom blocks are used in them
- [Bugfix] Slots with condition crashed Minecraft if they were empty
- [Bugfix] User could create GUI with custom slots even if GUI type was not the one with slots
- [Bugfix] Reduced CPU usage of MCreator after some mods are made by fixing some Thread related bugs
- [Bugfix] Fixed MCreator being stuck on Loading Pylo sync API
- [Bugfix] Fixed E key not closing custom GUI
- [Bugfix] Fixed autoscroll in gradle console not working
As both of these updates are similar to the MCreator 1.6.5, it is worth to read this article, if you would like to see some of the screenshots and a spotlight video. If you like these two updates, leave a comment. And stay tuned as we will upload some cool tutorials for container GUIs, machines and more in the near future!
If you want see (propably first) fully functional furnace like gui with progress bar , potion effects or other cool stuff made in MCreator , look on this sneak-peek from new version of 7 Days to Mine mod.
(Yes , it is all made just in MCreator)
LINK: https://youtu.be/Vcj5m8NZ6Gs
Any way to increase the heap space for MCreator? I have a pretty decent-sized mod; and on importing its .mcr file, MCreator hangs indefinitely. In the past, I've been able to adjust the heap size with a few commands; but they don't seem to work here.
Suggestions? Teh Googles do nothing.
wait guns. is this now projectile and custom bow