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Eternal Tales is a huge RPG storyline mod that adds more of new content: worlds, skills, quests and bosses!
Now the mod have over: 2000+ blocks, 1000+ items, 80+ sets of armor, 230+ weapons, 20+ sets of tools and 2 tools with unical usage, 80+ magic artefacts, 60+ potion effects, 130+ food and drinks, 150+ achievements, 200+ mobs, 20+ bosses and 6 minibosses, 9 new dimensions, 30+ music discs, 9 skills, 10 quests.
Lore. Dimensions. Bosses. Kings and Gods. Skills System. Magic. And more!
Mod version 1.6.23 and higher (for Minecraft 1.20.1) requires Curios mod to be installed
Reccomented info and QoL mods to play with this mod: Just Enough Items (shows items crafts), Just Enough Resources (shows mobs drops), Enchantment Descriptions (show enchantments descriptions)
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Version 1.2: Deep into the Nether - trailer:
Version 1.4: Final - Trailers!
Version 1.6: Let us tell you a Story - Trailers!
Brief description of the passing mod:
Vivid boss stage:
First you need to mine a Ruby that spawns in geodes like Amethysts with a diamond pickaxe and make a Ruby Pickaxe. This pickaxe already produce cobalt and make a cobalt pickaxe.
After that, look on the plains or in the forest for a special dungeon that looks like a huge fortress. This is a Vivid Maze.
It has to be passed and on the top floor you will find the Vivid Statue. It is destroyed only by a Cobalt Pickaxe and calls the boss - Vivid.
After the murder of Vivid, go to Nether, having improved your Cobalt Pickaxe with Livetree Sawdust.
Dead Egyptian Martyr boss:
In Nether you need to get some materials from new mobs:
- Profaned Crystal (Damaged Infected Crystal in older versions) - Drops from Melters that spawns in Nether Wastes, Basalt Deltas and new Profaned Forest biome.
- Destroyer's Eye - Drops from Inferns that spawns in Nether Wastes, Basalt Deltas and Crimson Forest.
- Bone Shard - Drops from Butchers that spawns in Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest and Bleeding Caverns.
- Basalt Ore - Spawns anywhere in the Nether.
From all this craft an Ashy Scarab in the amount of two pieces.
Find a pyramid in the desert where at the entrance will be a picture of a scarab. It opens the door. Afterwards, go to the main hall of the pyramid, opening the doors with materials from Nether.
You will find an altar and 8 pillars around it. When you activate it with a scarab, the mobs will start to spawn and attack you. Special drops fall out of these mobs. When you disconnect 9 of these you get activated drop. Use it on the altar, when the pillars extinguish to move to a new level. When you pass enough levels, the boss - Dead Egyptian Martyr will appear.
Infected Kraken boss:
Next, go to the Mucunfectio Biomes (Mucunfectio Beach, Mucunfectio Cliffs, Mucunfectio Abyss and Mucunfectio Caves) - a special blue biomes. There you need to find this materials:
- Sea Prism - Drops from Prismatic Ore and Infected Ceratioidei mobs that spawns in Infected Dungeons. Also can be found in Infected Dungeon chests.
- Infected Shrimp - Drops from Infected Shrimp.
- Infected Meat - Drops from Infected Zombies.
Craft the Kraken Bait and call Infected Kraken in any Mucunfectio Biome during the rain (rain can be started by Storm Emblem thath drops from Vivid. Or by command if you're cheater).
Comets dimension and Terrible Tree boss:
After that, you can go to the flying islands that you probably noticed in the sky. There you need to find the destroyed portal, complete it and activate it by Comets Crystal. Blocks of portal can be also crafted from Comet Brick and Cloud Concrete thar drops from Vivid and Dead Egyptian Martyr.
Comets Crystal Craft (in Interdimensional Creator)
Requires 2 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Ancienzyte-Framed Bleedwood (Crafts from Bleedwood and Ancienzyte, both can be found in Nether)
2. Inverted Mud (Crafts from Mud (before 1.19.2 versions Mud spawns as ore in Jungles) and Cleaning Powder)
3. Terra Crystal (Drops from mod Overworld mobs)
4. Grave Dirt (Craft Grave and place it in dark place. It will summon Grave Zombies, that drops Grave Dust from which Grave Dirt can be crafted)
5. Hyacinthum Gold Block (Craft Hyacinthum Grass Block and place Gold Block near. WARNING. Infection spreads so place it on non-infectable blocks, Glass for example)
You will enter in a new world - Comets. There you will find or beat up Aerolite Nuggets and make an axe of them.
After that, make a grave. When it is in a dark place, cemetery zombies spawn on it. Kill them and make a cenetery dirt out of their drops. Combine the dirt with an axe, get an Tragedy Axe (Axe of Evil in old versions of mod).
When you break Comets tree log called the boss - Terrible Tree.
Rock-Blaze boss:
After killing Terrible Tree, go to Nether and find there a fortress of indestructible bricks. On the top floor there will be an altar. Clicking on it with the Hellfire, you will summon the boss - Rock-Blaze.
Hell Fire can be crafted from:
- Fire Oil - Drops from Livetree Fire Traps in Vivid Maze. Fast tool for destroy it is Axe.
- Fire Charge.
- Glowlichen - Can be growth on Gardener's Pot. See information about Growing Skill to know how to use it below.
- Skylite Ingot - Smelts from Skylite Ore in Comets or drops from Terrible Tree.
- Aerolite Alloy Ingot - Nuggets of this ingot can be founded in Comets chests or drops from Terrible Tree.
- Ashy Scarab.
Click on Rock-Blaze with Asteroid Stone, you got a Hellrock, that needed to enter in Purgatorium.
Purgatorium dimension and Nyetet, the Fallen Titan boss:
Purgatorium portal can be found in Nether.
Purgatorium Crystal.
Requires 4 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Nether Fire Moss Block (can be found in Nether as ore or plant)
2. Skylite Ingot.
3. Lapsidian Ingot (Smelts from Lapsidian Dust that crafts from Lapis Lazuli Blocks and Obsidian)
4. Aerolite Ingot.
5. Hellrock.
Then you need to collect the three Parts of the Fallen Rune in Purgatorium.
The first part drops from the Rock-Blaze, the second part is crafted from the materials drops from Purgatorium mobs, the third part is bought from the Purgatorium Wanderer.
Second part materials:
- Phantom Fire - Drops from Purgatorium Phantom.
- Agate - Drops from Thin.
- Blood Stone - Drops from Purgatory Watcher.
Find a Fallem Tower and go inside it activate a special altar with Fallen Rune.
The boss Nyetet, The Fallen Titan, will be spawned.
Gardens of Eden dimension and Jaghax boss:
Portal to Eden can be found in End.
Gardens of Eden Crystal.
Requires 6 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Silver Block - Silver spawns as ore in End.
2. Sunstone (Sunstone Nugget on 1.18.2) - Sunstone Shards drops from Nyetet.
3. Dragon Breath.
4. Sunstone (Sunstone Nugget on 1.18.2).
5. Monster Blindness - Grows on Gardener's Pot. Way to grow it is written below at Growing Skill. Monster Blindness plant can be found in the next Purgatorium biomes: Purgatorium Wasteland, Purgatorium Bone Wasteland and Purgatorium Taiga.
Craft Jaghax lamp from:
- Fire Oil.
- Soulbone - can be bought from Sunfurry Messiah in Church structure.
- Djinn's Lamp - Drops from Sjinns in the Prison structure.
If you activate Lamp in Eden, you will spawn Jaghax.
Next you can go to any of two dimensions - Rayana or Lands of Karvat.
Rayana dimension and Pterion boss:
Rayana portal can be found in Jungles or in Big Wolf Skeletom structure in Purgatorium.
Rayana Crystal Craft.
Requires 9 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Darkplasm.
2. Soulbone.
3. Destroyer's Eye.
4. Sunhog Leather.
5. Nether Fish (Way to catch it is below at Fishing Skill)
In Rayana you need to craft Bloody Eye and summon boss Pterion by click on Bloody Altar. Altar can be finded in Pterion Cave. Find posts of cobblestone-like blocks and dig down.
Bloody Eye crafts from:
- Topaz - spawns as ore in Rayana at y = 50-319.
- Turquoise - spawns as ore in Rayana at y = 0-200.
- Vampyre Jewel - drops from Vampyres and Falpyres in Rayana.
- Fermented Tarantula Eye - crafts from Tarantula Eye (Tarantulas spawns in Rayana or in vanilla spawner dungeons), Tropical Sugar (crafts from Tropical Reeds that grows in Rayana Reed Grove biome or can be found in Rayana Interdimensional Structure chests) and Profaned Mushrooms (grows in Nether in Profaned Forest biome.
Lands of Karvat dimension, Arla, Haciru, Ikkorh and Hirots mini bosses and Enicrih boss:
Lands of Karvat portal spawns in the Comets.
Lands of Karvat Crystal.
Requires 9 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Darkplasm - Drops from Jaghax.
2. Sounbone.
3. Comet Crystal - Crafts from Comets Shards that drops from Benshees and Cometheads in Phantom Tower structure in Comets.
4. Spore Edennus - grows in Eden.
5. Nether Eel (Way to catch it is below at Fishing Skill).
In Lands of Karvat you need to find god Gulibeg in orange temple. He got you a quest to kill 4 minibosses and boss Enicrih and items for summoning them. Go to 4 pyramid-like temples and kill 4 minibosses: Arla, Haciru, Hirots and Ikkorh. Then go to black cube dungeon, pass it and kill boss Enicrih, then talk with Gulibeg.
Arahulum boss:
Then craft Ender Artefact and summon Arahulum in special structure in End.
Crafting materials:
- Ichor - Drops from Gulibeg's Reward that Gulibeg gives you after killing Enicrih. And drops from Enicrih after getting reward.
- Dark Ichor - drops from Enicrih.
- End Crystal - Crafts from End Shards that drops from End mobs.
- Eye of Ender.
After Arahulum's death in End starts to spawn new ore - Aragotium. It's spawns different ways in different versions of mod, but always in new chunks.
In 1.16.5 - spawns as usual ore.
In 1.18.2 - spawns on Enchanted Asteroids.
In 1.19.2 - spawns on Enchanted Islands.
Enchanted Islands.
Spawns only on 1.19.2. It's a structure when spawns Aragotium Ore. There spawns Enchanted Totems and generates Eye of Arahulum spawners. Eye of Arahulum get resistance to any damage when Enchanted Totem in 30 block radius.
Volcanech dimension and Volcanic Golem boss:
Volcanech portal spawns in Eden Volcano structure (or just in Gardens of Eden in 1.18.2 versions and before)
Volcanech Crystal.
Requires 13 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Ichor.
2. Tayemiyadoht Tapinella (Grows on Gardener's Pot. Way to grow it is written below at Growing Skill).
3. Aragotium Ingot.
4. Armored Chitin - drops from Armored Beetle in Lands of Karvat.
5. Dark Ichor.
Collect materials from this dimension:
- Uranium - ore from Volcanech.
- Melting Volcanite - drops from Vulcs.
- Melting Sulfur - drops from Sulfeers.
- Pyronzyte Ingot - drops from Executioners.
- Chiseled Ashstone - crafts from Ashstone at Stonecutter. Ashstone crafts from Ash that can be found in Volcanech in Ash Dunes biome.
Craft Flame Sphere from them. Click on any spawner in Volcanech with Flame Sphere and it will be spawn Flame Spheres mobs. Kill them and craft Pyro Volcanite. Click on Volcanech Golem Statue with Pyro Volcanite and spawn boss - Volcanic Golem.
Kingdom of Amber dimension and Xaxxas XIX boss:
Kingdom of Amber portal spawns in Volcanech.
Kingdom of Amber Crystal
Requires 16 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
1. Pharos (crafts from Blaze Powder, Glowstone Dust, Geobstractsite Dust (crafts from any blocks from Geobstractsite biome that generates in Overworld about bedrock layer), Ayeris Bottle (see Sorcery Skill)
2. Illuminati Fish (Way to catch it is below at Fishing Skill).
3. Flame Sphere.
4. Truadamantite Ingot - Crafts from Adamantite Ingot, Venetium Ingot, Tungsten Ingot, Netherite Ingot, Phantom Membrane and Brimstone Fungi (can be founded in Brimstone cave biome that spawns under vanilla Mushroom biome)
5. Crystal of the Greatness (or Fragment of the Greatness on 1.18.2 versions) - Drops from Flame Spheres.
Pass of this dimension is different in different versions:
1.18.2 and before:
When you enter in portal you'll see a chest appears near you. Inside it will be a note, that tells small history of Amber and key into the maze.
After some time in Kingdom of Amber if you don't have any quests will spawn Amber Robber NPC. He'll give you a quest to find Amber Maze.
Then passing of mod is the same.
Next you need to find an Amber Maze that appears 2000 blocks west of first portal to Amber.
You need to pass labyrinth and find the central room - Planetarium. There's a wall with history of Amber. When you read it you can summon boss of Amber, but where he is?
Amber Castle located 2000 blocks east from first portal in Amber. There's Royal Altar. If you have read an history of Amber you can summon king of Amber - Xaxxas XIX.
This boss can summon his warriors and when they near him, Xaxxas is invincible. But when warrior is hurted Xaxxas has hurt too.
Next talk with Miguel. He will disappear and drop Black Book. Place it somewhere and you get materials for building Unahzaal Portal and Cursed Page. Craft Damaged Astral from Cursed Page and mod swords, next craft Unahzaal Crystal.
Unahzaal Crystal
Requires 20 Sorcery Skill Level (only on 1.19.2+ versions)
No one of ingridients are not spends in this craft.
1. Kingdom of Amber Crystal.
2. Comets Crystal.
3. Damaged Astral.
4. Gardens of Eden Crystal.
5. Volcanech Crystal.
After that you can pass the Unahzaal dimension and pass the final boss.
Also there's the another one world. It's joke world.
The Ultimate World
For the first time you can get to it only by one way. You should get the Fourteen Flame book from Unahzaal boss. This book can teleport you to any dimension and to the Ultimate World. After that you can find Ultimate bricks in small structures in this world and build the portal.
The Ultimate Crystal craft:
1. Unahzaal Crystal
2. Rayana Crystal
3. Ultimate Bricks
4. Lands of Karvat Crystal
5. Purgatorium Crystal
All Damaged Astral Swords crafts:
Next you need just pass the Final world with Final boss - Unahzaal and his trials! Good luck!
Additional Bosses and way to spawn them:
- Halloween boss - the Spirit of Halloween. His summon item is crafts from Aerolite Nugget (can be found in Comets chests and drops from Comets mobs), Hyacinthum Ingot (See Comets Crystal craft), Jack'o'Lantern and Ectoplasm (Drops from Spirits in Overworld and Broken Souls in Soul Sand Walleys in Nether).
- Dreadful Sapling - get the Dreadful Seeds from Halloween Spirit boss and click on any Gardener's Pot with it. It becomes Dreadful Gardener's Pot. Put 666 water and fertilizer in it and grow this plant. After it grows it become the boss.
- Brimstone Agaric - find the Brimstone dungeon in the caves under vanilla Mushroom Fields biome and break the Suspicious Brimstone Fungi there.
- Piglin Warlock - Click on post sustain of Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Bricks and Gilded Blackstone with Chronicles of Nether.
- Tsar of Piglins - Click on Hyacinthum Netherite Block by Staff of the Circle of Flames.
- Arei Spirit - Click on Arei Altar with Ritual Activator [Arei Summoning]
- William - Click on Ritual Stone under which Truadamantite Block and Pharoses on the sides with Ritual Activator [Starfall]
- Ravrite Queen - spawns naturally in structure called Ravrit Queen Nest in the Amber Plains biome in Kingdom of Amber or can be spawned with a low chance when the player breaks or collides Ravrite Nest Amberwood block in Fallen Amberwood Tree structure in Amberwood Forest biome.
- Khogachi - find the Great Yasiden Tree structure in Yasiden Garden biome in the Kingdom of Amber. It spawns naturally there.
- Noxifer, Forever Blind - get -10000 Humanity in Eternal Darkness Mode and use Daredian Moon.
- Luciden, Starfire Warrior - get +10000 Humanity in Eternal Darkness Mode and use Forge of the Light.
- Ekatebrina - break Gifts in Ice Tower to get Ekatebrina's Core. Activate it by crafting it with Ice Crystals and Cold Crystals. Use Activated Ekatebrina's Core in cold biomes.
- Ekatebrina. Tier II & Ice Dragon - Upgrade Activated Ekatebrina's Core with Ice and Cold Crystal to make Awakened Ekatebrina's Core.
- Ekatebrina [Tier III] and Everfrost Serpent - can be spawned by Everfrost Ekatebrina's Core in Comets Icelands biome.
- Eternal Dawn - boss for Drink of the Sun quest. This quest can be obtained from D'Kudja in Gardens of Eden.
- Mucunfectio Crab - can spawn in any Mucunfectio biomes (usually underground)
- Smuciel - find a Scary Calvary structure in Purgatorium. Boss will spawn during you exploring this dungeon.
- Crabzilla - use Fourteenth Flame that can be dropped by Unahzaal and teleport to the Ultimate World. Find a Crabscaller and activate it. It will be spawning 10 Ultimate Crabs (more powerful version of Mucunfectio Crab) each 10 seconds and after 100 Crabs spawning it will spawn the Crabzilla.
There's 5 skills in Eternal Tales:
1. Growing - grow mod plants on Gardener's Pot. First plant you can grow it's Blueberry. Add Water (Eternal Water Bucket also can be used) (or Lava if it's Nether Gardener's Pot) and Fertilizer in Gardener's Pot. Then place a plant on it. If Water and Fertilizer level bigger than 50, plant start to grow.
2. Digging - dig ores and get additional ore nuggets for levels of skill.
3. Fishing - you need Fishing Net and some bait. Craft Bug Net and catch some bugs, then place Fishing Net in water (1 blocks of water on each side and 2 block below), then click on Net. Some fish needs biome or level to catch.
4. Sorcery - on 0 level of level you can only break Rune Stones to upgrade your skill. Runic Stones spawns in some dimensions as structures. In Overworld it's stone post. Rune Prospector Enchantment on pickaxe and Rune Matrix on armor will increase getting points and runes dropped fron Stone.
How to craft some Sorcery items:
Ayeris, Isaris and Tefius Bottles - break Runic Stones and get the Runes. Craft Extracting Cauldron and Extract the Runes on it to get some essences. When any of essence is bigger than 10 you can place in Soul Sand Bottles.
5. Speech - upgrades for buying something from NPCs and pass the quests. Adds discounts for some NPC's trades.
6. Slaying - upgrades for killing enemies. Gets you ability to use Emblems - items that adds useful potion effects.
7. Catching - upgrades for catching bait bugs. Highter levels allow you to catch bugs with more Fig\shing Luck level.
8. Archaeology - upgrades for excavating suspicious blocks from mod by Venetium or Truadamantite Brush. Higher levels allow you to get more useful stuff.
9. Fear - this skill only for Eternal Darkness Mode. When player gets 3 or less HP he have Fear Effect. This Effect adds Speed and Strength. Skill increases when player kills mobs when has this effect.
List of where the different emblems can be obtained from:
* The list constructed as:
* Name of emblem (old version name of emblem) - way to get it.u
- Warrior (Spider-Man) - Temple of Vivid.
- Trickster (Invisible Lady) - Ruined house in the Overworld.
- Inferno (Star Lord) - Drops from Infern.
- Storm - Drops from Vivid.
- Bat (Batman) - Underground Structure.
- Aqua (Aquaman) - Infected structure in mucunfectio biomes.
- Miner (Green Arrow) - Ruined house in the Overworld.
- Liar (Loki) - Drops from Dead Egyptian Martyr.
- Wild (Wild Dog) - In the Martyr's Pyramid.
- Steel (Iron Man) - Underground Structure.
- Fist (Hulk) - Drops from Halloween Spirit.
- Torch (Torch Man) - Drops from Terrible Tree.
- Ender (Vibe) - Frops from Nyetet.
- Plasma (Scarlet Witch) - Structure of the ruined portal to Karvat.
- Immunity (Black Lightning) - crafted.
- Mite - drops from Crabzilla boss.
- Cheater - can be dropped when you win in Bartender NPC's game with a low chance.
- Travel - can be dropped from Beast mob.
- Swordsman (Wonder Woman) - Drops from Jaghax.
- Thief (Rocket) - crafted.
- Lightning (Thor) - crafted.
- Soldier (Drax) - crafted.
- Undead (Deadpool) - crafted.
- Fast (Flash) - Drops from Pterion.
- Star (Star Girl) - crafted.
- Fighter (Black Widow) - Drops from Infected Kraken.
- Blood (Dex Starr) - crafted.
- Fantasy (Green Lantern) - crafted.
- Cosmos (Guardians of the Galaxy) - crafted.
- Speed (Reverse Flash) - crafted.
- Ninja (Black Panther) - Drops from Volcanic Golem.
- Wonder (Captain Marvel) - crafted.
- Inhuman (Superman) - crafted.
- Light (Lanterns) - crafted.
- Superspeed (Zoom) - crafted.
- Vision - Purchased from the Amber Trader.
- Lord (Shang-Chi) - Structure of Giant Wolf Skeleton in Purgatorium or drops from Arahulum.
- Team (Avengers) - crafted.
- League (Justice League) - crafted.
- Traveler (Silver Surfer) - crafted.
- Lightspeed (Savitar) - crafted.
- Raccoon (Starfox) - crafted.
- Supernova (Starly) - crafted.
- Godspeed - crafted.
- Black Hole (Silver Surfer Black) - crafted.
- Orange - Drops from Xaxas XIX.
- Ikar (Ikaris) - crafted.
- Titan - crafted.
- Grand Divine (Grand DC) - crafted.
- Grand Marvel - crafted.
- The Grand Emblem - crafted.
How to use Ravrite Nest:
To get Tamed Ravrite Nest you need to kill Ravrite Queen. It's a boss that can spawn itself in Kingdom of Amber in Ravrite Nest structure or be spawned when Amberwood Ravrite Nest block is broken with 5% chance.
To kill her you need to attack Ravrites around her. She's didn't get damage herself. When you kill her you get Ravrite Queen as an item.
Right click on Amber Dirt or Grass Block with it in hand and it transforms into Tamed Ravrite Nest.
It works next way:
Click on it with Ravrites in hand (Ravrites can be catched by Bug Net). As much Ravrites in Nest as more materials it will give to you. You can take Ravrites from Nest by clicking Garden Shovel in hand. If you destroy the Nest Ravrites doesn't drop.
Then you need to choose material to recycling. It can be Geobstractsite Dust, Golden Dust, Lapsidian Dust, Quinine or Ravrite Honey.
Ravrite Honey recycling by different from another way.
For getting any of first four materials you need to put one of it in nest and then place some blocks of any Amber Leaves around the Nest. When Ravrites ate 10 blocks of leaves they will generate material in amount equal to number of Ravrites in Nest.
How to generate Ravrite Honey:
You need to put Flowering Leaves in the Nest as a material and place blocks of Flowering Leaves around. Amber Leaves doesn't work for Honey. When Ravrites ate 10 blocks of Flowering Leaves they will generate Honey. You can click on Nest by any Shears to get Ravrite Honeycombs or click by Bottle to get Ravrite Honey Bottle.
Guide to mod effects:
- All Skills Boost - grands you more any Skill Points when you get them.
- Antibacterial - makes you immune to Infection. Can be got from Vaccine.
- Archaeology Luck - gives you more chance to get a Blueprint from mod Suspicious Blocks. Can be got from Archaeology Totems.
- Archaeology Skill Boost - grands you more Archaeology Skill Points when you get them.
- Archery Luck - adds more danage to mod ranged and throwing weapons. Can be got from Archery Gloves.
- Archery Skill Boost - grands you more Archery Skill Points when you get them.
- Archery Wit - adds more danage to mod ranged and throwing weapons. Can be got from some Archery armor sets.
- Bad Builder - doesn't allow you to place blocks. Can be got when your world is in Eternal Darkness Mode and you're close to Block of Worthness or some Bosses. Also this effect can be turned off in Journal or on the Notice Board.
- Bleeding - you get more damage when you get any and then the effect removes. Can be relieved by Bandage. You can get Immunity to Bleeding effect from Plaster, Electric Needle, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Broken Wings - doesn't allow you to fly.
- Catching Skill Boost - grands you more Catching Skill Points when you get them.
- Chili - attacks you.
- Cold Fire - attacks you. You can get Immunity to Cold Fire effect from Christmas Tree Toy, Rudolph's Bells, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Death - slowly kills you.
- Digging Skill Boost - grands you more Digging Skill Points when you get them.
- Electric Shock - deals damage and shakes you.
- Electrocution - can hit you with Lightning Bolt. You can get Immunity to Electrocution effect from Pocket Lightning Rod, Electric Needle, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Emblem Reload - doesn't allow you to use Emblems.
- Fear - grands you Speed and Strength with level equal to your Fear Skill Level and Night Vision. Also adds Fear Skill Points when you killing enemy in number of enemy's max health divide by 20.
- Fear Skill Boost - grands you more Fear Skill Points when you get them. Can be got from Stress Pills.
- Fishing Skill Boost - grands you more Fishing Skill Points when you get them.
- Flight - grands you flight. Can be got from the Grand Emblem.
- Growing Skill Boost - grands you more Growing Skill Points when you get them.
- Healing Cooldown - doesn't allow you to use Heal Potion.
- Heating - grands you immunity to Hypothermia, Slowness and Mining Fatigue Effects. Can be got from Gingerbread Latte that drops from Ekatebrina [Tier 2].
- Hooking - grands you more fishes per bait when you fish by any Fishing Net. Can be got from Fishing Hooks.
- Hypothermia - can generate Powder Snow around you, Ice Spike that attacks you under you and spawn Cold Overseer. You can get immunity to this effect by Heating effect or Immunity to Hypothermia effect from Snowy Scarf, Rudolph's Bells, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Bleeding - make you immune to Bleeding Effect. Can be got from Plaster, Electric Needle, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Cold Fire - make you immune to Cold Fire Effect. Can be got from Christmas Tree Toy, Rudolph's Bells, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Electrocution - make you immune to Electrocution Effect. Can be got from Pocket Lightning Rod, Electric Needle, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Hypothermia - make you immune to Hypothermia Effect. Can be got from Snowy Scarf, Rudolph's Bells, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Infection - make you immune to Infection Effect. Can be got from Giant Virus, Mutated Virus, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Lunar Flames - make you immune to Lunar Flames Effect. Can be got from Micro Planet On A String, Moon Eye, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Plague - make you immune to Plague Effect. Can be got from Dead Old Plague Rat, Plaster, Apothecary's Satchel, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Slowness - remove Slowness effect from you.
- Immunity to Radiation - make you immune to Radiation Effect. Can be got from Elementary Gem, Mutated Virus, Terra Necklace, Heart Of The Elements and The Ultimate One accessories.
- Immunity to Unahzaal Acid - make you immune to Unahzaal Acid Effect. Can be got from Little Curios Eye, Moon Eye, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Immunity to Vampirism - make you immune to Vampirism Effect. Can be got from Bunch Of Garlic, Apothecary's Satchel, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Infection - kills you when the effect expires. You can get immune to this effect by Antibacterial effect that can be gor from Vaccine, relieve this effect by Syringe or you can get Immunity to Infection effect from Giant Virus, Mutated Virus, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Lunar Flames - decreases your Essences. You can get Immunity to Lunar Flames effect from Micro Planet On A String, Moon Eye, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Magic Resistance - when you attack Haciru boss she gets more damage.
- Monstrous Appearance - monsters of Purgatorium doesn't attack you usually, but not always. Can be got from Monstrous Mask that drops from Smuciel boss.
- Oiliness - push you up from the water.
- Petrifying - doesn't allow you to move. Can be got from Repaired Forbidden Mask.
- Plague - attacks you. You can relieve this effect by Medieval Pills or get Immunity to Plague effect from Dead Old Plague Rat, Plaster, Apothecary's Satchel, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Poker Luck - gives you more chance to win in Bartender NPC's game. Can be got from Emblem of Cheater that can drop with a low chance when you win in that game.
- Portal Disease - damage half of your Health if you trying to teleport with some items during this effect.
- Radiation - attacks you. Elementary Gem and accessories that made of it can grand you Immunity to this effect.
- Sacred Flames - apply fire on undead entities and Gardens of Eden monsters around you.
- Slaying Skill Boost - grands you more Slaying Skill Points when you get them.
- Sorcery Book Reloading - doesn't allow you to use Sorcery Books.
- Sorcery Skill Boost - grands you more Sorcery Skill Points when you get them.
- Soul Absorption - WIP Effect. Grands you Strength II and Regeneration II when you kill a mob but grands Weakness if you don't killing anyone for a long time. Can be got from Stone Of Victim.
- Speech Skill Boost - grands you more Speech Skill Points when you get them.
- Sun Fire - attacks you like fire but deals more damage.
- Trick-Or-Treating - when you kill some bosses drops their costumes. This effect can be got after killing of Dreadful Sapling boss.
- Unahzaal Acid - attacks you and make you vision green. You can get Immunity to Unahzaal Acid effect from Little Curios Eye, Moon Eye, Eye Of The Storm and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
- Vampirism - if light level = 0 grands you Strength VI, Resistance IV, Health Boost VI, Speed VIII, Haste VI, Night Vision. If light level > 0 and <- 4 grands you Strenth V, Resistance II, Health Boost IV, Speed VI, Haste III, Night Vision. If light level > 4 and <= 8 grands you Strength III, Resistance II, Health Boost II, Speed III, Haste II, Night Vision. If light level > 8 and <= 12 grands you Strength II, Speed II, Hunger II. If light level > 12 grands you Weakness III, Health Boost II, Slowness III, Mining Fatigue II. And burns you if you're under the sun. You can relieve this effect by Cleric Pills or get Immunity to Vampirism effect from Bunch Of Garlic, Apothecary's Satchel, Terra Necklace and Heart Of The Elements accessories.
For guides of older version go to our Discord. also you can ask any quenstions there.
good mod but some more useable weapons, etc. would be fun. This is fun to build with.