Dimensional Progression

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In development
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Mod releases have been paused until full release.

The mod will continue releases sometime in a few months, but until then, just wait I guess :/

Though releases are paused, development will still continue. The next update will be HUGE (I hope). I also plan on creating a new mod page so that it will be seen by more.

Thanks for your patience,

 - Flarf

Update: Moved to another page

Minecraft mod files
DIMPROG_Indev-0.1.0.jar - Indev release #1. Barely has anything. Uploaded on: 06/11/2022 - 20:12   File size: 1.36 MB
DIMPROG_Indev-0.2.0.jar - Indev release #2. Actually adds portals and dimensions! Uploaded on: 06/15/2022 - 22:22   File size: 1.91 MB

Sorry for the pause, I kinda can't take the weekly posting yet. It should be back up in a month or two.

Also, gotta give credits to Scimiguy, creator of Advent of Ascension (Nevermine), who I take great inspiration from. Link to Advent of Ascension here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advent-of-ascension-nevermine

New versions are being moved to a separate page, just as a warning. Alpha releases are nearing completion, and will hopefully be published soon. When soon is, who knows

Quick update for those curious, the next version will be massive. Not going to say much else...
Release date is still unknown