Muddy Mod

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Do you have problems with things like gravel being useless, Or do you want to build a fancy house out of dirt because why wouldn't you?  Well this is the mod for you, It makes use of mostly useless things like dirt and gravel! (Oh and cookies too)

 + 25+ Interesting blocks

 + A dimension that's easy to get to early game with... interesting mobs... [Note: Mud Creep is deadly and destructive!]

 + 10+ Food Items

 + Useful plants and machines!



Minecraft mod files
Muddy_mod_1.12.2_2.jar Uploaded on: 02/25/2023 - 05:41   File size: 4.55 MB


 -Public Release

1.1.0 Let's Get Green Update

 +2 biomes for the Muddy Dimension! 

  +Spoog biome that grows Spoog Trees which can be used to make sponges!

  +Gollge biome that grows Gollge and Gollge Cores which can be used in gunpowder seasoned crackers!

 +2 mobs for the Gollge biome!

   +The Creatainturn, a hostile mob that has cobblestone arm that whack their enemies!

   +The Flatter that is very flat and very cute!

 +More Machines like the String Machine and Dirt crusher and factorys!

 +The gravel house structure that has a hidden bedrock tool that can remove and drop bedrock on a right click. [In survival!]

1.3.0 Unforgotten Update

 +2 biomes for the Muddy Dimension! 

  +Pasatele biome is a very weird place to be!

  +Special Desert with Cyan Cacti and new Bol Dre mobs everywhere!

 +9 new mobs!

  +Bol Dres, little rocks with attitude are gonna get you!

  +Bol Dre Piles which are on their own harmless, but the more they are hit, the more Bol Dres spawn!

  +Mud Man Villagers which can be found in Mud Man Villages!

  +Crazed Mud Man will kill anything in the Muddy Dimension! [Including You!}

  +Mud Hippos and Anteaters are... quite odd for animals.

  +Who knows what Cave Jerry is talking about...

  +Lutoious Extinctorus is extremely dangerous and can spread upon mud men!

  +2 Wip Mobs Mud Coin Mob and Sharp Block Walkers. Suggest what I should do with them!

 +2 Structures For the Muddy Dimension!

  +Mud Men Villages with a very, Very dumb Chief

  +Cave Jerry's house where Cave Jerrys Journal can be found... Please tell me what any of the Journal means...

 +Many Blocks and Items!

 +Muddy Achivements!

 ~I use my beautiful voice to make voice acting for Creatainturns and Flatters

 ~Jerrys now yell at you for trying to give him stuff he doesn't want!

 ~Creatainturn nerfed

 1.5.0 Return to Earth

 ~Yeah, it's been a while... I've adjusted this mod in so many little ways, that I couldn't keep track of changes. Just think of it as some cool surprises! :)

Nice mod :)
Some of your textures don't line up well though. I'd also recommend either having them ALL 64x or ALL 16x. A mix of both doesn't look all that great :/