Pre-Wild Update

Published by KaidinOk on
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This mod is outdated, unoptimized and buggy, and is currently being replaced by a better, more up to standards version of it called the "Feral Mod." See you when it's done. (Never thought I'd touch this website again, lmao.)

Progress on the Feral Mod will be documented on forum posts and on the Unofficial MCreator Discord Server.








(the ethereal mod is coming out sooner or later, I'm just working on this first) ((if you even know that exists))

Minecraft mod files
Pre-Wild Update V1.jar - The First Version (will always be here) Uploaded on: 04/11/2022 - 23:45   File size: 428.99 KB
Pre-Wild Update V1.1.jar - The previous version Uploaded on: 04/21/2022 - 20:52   File size: 4.13 MB
PRE-WILD UPDATE V1.2.jar - The CURRENT version Uploaded on: 10/27/2022 - 01:00   File size: 7.78 MB


This mod, like the actual wild update, updates biomes and mobs. This one does the same but with biomes that probably won't be updated/added.

As of now there is only two biomes: Maple Forest and Mushroom Island.

Recommended to use JEI with this mod!




-Mushroom Fields-

Two new mushroom types: Purple and yellow, yellow is the biggest mushroom, sometimes towering up to 20+ blocks tall.

Purple is the rarest mushroom, but if it does spawn it spawns in many groups. They also come in their plant variants.


One new plant: Cordyceps

Cordyceps spawn mostly in the island, and are used for decoration. Pretty underwhelming, I know.


One new wood type: Sere

Sere is a grayscale wood type that uncommonly spawns in the island.

You get the idea already.


Three new mobs: Shroombie, Infected Spider, and Disinfected Spider

Shroombies are passive mobs that spawn in the island and are used to get Red Cloth, and Shroomshards.

Infected Spiders are passive mobs that spawn on the island and are used for getting infected spider eyes. (Can also drop slimeballs and cordyceps.)

Disinfected Spiders are passive ridable mobs that must be spawned by a player, the spider is fast, but it can still take fall damage, be warned!


Eight new items: Red Cloth, Shroomshards, Infected Spider Eye, Cepdough, Cepbread, Covered Shroomshard, Shroomsword, Shroomheal

Red cloth are dropped by shroombies and can be used to make covered shroomshards.

Shroomshards are dropped by shroombies and can be used to make covered shroomshards, and the shroomsword.

Infected Spider Eyes are dropped by infected spiders and can be used to make cepdough.

Cepdough is crafted by combining 4 infected spider eyes in a crafting table, and can be used to make cepbread.

Cepbread is crafted by coming 6 cepdough in a crafting table, and restores 4 hunger points, and takes half the time to eat than most food.

Covered Shroomshards are made by combining red cloth and a shroomshard in a crafting table, and is used to make shroomheals.

Shroomswords are swords that can be crafting by surrounding a netherite sword in shroomshards. it does 7.8 damage, 2035 durability, and has a 2.2 attack speed.

When you hit an entity with a shroomsword you will gain a temporary regeneration III effect.

If you right click you can dash horizontally, and can even be used as a elytra boost! (this took way too long to implement)

Shroomheals are made using diamonds, covered shroomshards, and an infected spider eye in the middle. 

It is used to disinfect infected spiders and turn them into disinfected spiders.

Nine new advancements: Shroomhanced, Mushed, Tasty Whats In This, Even More Disgusting, Don't Take Drugs, Best Bugs Forever, Hidden In The Shrooms, We've got you covered, and Shroompower.

Shroomhanced: Find a mushroom fields biome.

Mushed: Create cepdough.

Tasty Whats In This: Create cepbread.

Even More Disgusting: Collect an infected spider eye.

Don't Take Drugs: Craft a shroomheal.

Best Bugs Forever: Heal an infected spider.

Hidden In The Shrooms: Collect a shroomshard.

We've got you covered: Craft a covered shroomshard.

Shroompower: Craft a shroomsword.


-Maple Forest-

Be warned, maple forests are an unfinished feature in itself, but in the future there will be maple syrup, deer, and more!

Five new plants: Leaf Piles, 3 Fallen apple variants, and Maple Bushes.

Leaf Piles spawn all the time in maple forests, and is used for decoration.

Fallen apples and its variants spawn in the maple forest commonly and spawn in these three variants: Red Fallen Apples, Green Fallen Apples, and Yellow Fallen Apples.

Fallen apples can be picked up and drop the regular apple and its variants.

Maple Bushes spawn sometimes in the forest and is used for decoration.


One new wood type: Maple

Maple logs are a gray colored logs that spawn in the forest, while maple planks are a light-yellowish-brownish color.

and yes, its a combination of the two worst wood types, birch and acacia.


Two new items: Green and Yellow Apple

Green and yellow apples are harvested by breaking the fallen apples.

Green restores 2 hunger points, but takes shorter to eat (24 ticks). Yellow restores 6 hunger points, but takes longer to eat (42 ticks).


Even though theres not alot to them, I tried to make the maple forest interesting.

Theres unfinished buggy blocks and items only accessed through commands for the maple syrup making, but you can't make maple syrup yet.

Thats all from me for now, see you in Desert Update V2! Yeah, I copied and pasted this, what're you gonna do about it?



V1.01: Main changes: Added stripped versions of the wood types, added giant cordyceps structures, added new Funglin mob, (going to be used to trading soon.), Added giant mushrooms in maple forests.

Small changes: Shroombie spawn egg color changed, title name changed because version numbers are not allowed in the title.

V1.1: You can now trade with funglins, added new items: Forgotten Shard, Power Shard. Changed textures and names of items: Shroomshard, Red Cloth (now Maroon Cloth), Covered Shroomshard, Shroomheal (Now Totem Of Remedy) Added New Shroomhome structure, one funglin will now always spawn in it. Added new music disc (Kaidin - Autumn) Dash sound now plays when dashing with a shroomsword.

V1.2: This isn't used anymore


I have put out a beta for pre-wild update V1.2, please tell me if there is any bugs