Mortius' Weaponry is a mod that aims to add new weapon types for players and add more variety. Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages and can be crafted with every material.
It's recommended to use a mod like JEI to see every crafting recipe.
Compatible with Better Combat.
You can add this mod in your modpacks.
Planet Minecraft download link:
Forge download link:
Modrinth download link:
Weapons :
Fast and can pierce armor, but has low damage compared to every other swords.
War Hammer
Deals more damage the more armor an entity has, but is slightly slower and has a lower base damage.
If a shield is in the off-hand, it has a chance to block the incoming attack. It's slightly faster than most swords.
Deals more damage if the player hits an entity while not being seen, aswell as in the dark. Has a lower base damage.
Can give the opponent mining fatigue and make them drop their shield.
Can reach entities from far away and can disable shields. It's slower to use and needs two hands to be used.
Deals more damage if an entity isn't wearing a helmet. Has a bigger sweeping attack and high damage, but it's really slow and needs two hands to be used.
Parrying Dagger
When put in the off-hand, the dagger can be swung. The dagger will absord 10% of incoming damage. Deals very low damage, but it's faster than most swords.
Jousting Lance
Deals more damage if the player is riding an entity.
Can reach entities from very far away, but needs two hands to be used and is slower than most weapons.
Auto Crossbow
Fires normal arrows at a rapid rate, but deals less damage than normal crossbow. Doesn't need to be reloaded.
After being hurt, the wielder has a small window of time to recover some of their lost health.
Applies Bleed on hit, which does +10% damage every hit. Fast to use.
Protects the wielder from 25% of incoming damage. If hits are given without stopping, the blade will become faster.
A long sword with more reach and bigger sweeps. It's two-handed and is slow to use.
Executioner Sword
Has a chance to deal double damage when an entity is below half health. It's slow to use.
A polearm with a moderate reach which allows for sweep attacks.
Deals less damage than a regular sword, but is faster and has a bigger sweeping attack.
Can be thrown.
Has bigger sweeping attacks and is faster than the Greatsword, but has lower damage
Deals more damage to bleeding targets and protects the user from 15% of incoming damage
A very long spear with a really long reach. It's Two-Handed and slow to use
A slow weapon that deals more damage if the entity is at full health
Battle Axe
Deals more damage if the entity isn't wearing any armor and has a chance to make them not able to regenerate health for a short time. Can be used as an axe.
Deals more knockback and more damage to armors and shields.
Deal respectable damage at a long range, but are slow to reload. Can use special ammo.
Special Weapons
Special weapons are like normal weapons, but with special abilities. These powerful weapons can only be obtained by crafting them with special materials found all throughout the world.
Vials are potions that can be put on your weapons to inflict nasty effects upon your foes. They can be brewed at a brewing stand.
Frequently asked questions :
Will it have a Fabric/Quilt/Other Mod Loader port ?
Not for now, maybe in the future.
Is it compatible with Better Combat ? How about Epic Fight ?
Yes, it's compatible with Better Combat. Although some weapons, like the Leaf Cutter, doesn't work properly, not much can be done. For Epic Fight, the weapons unfortunately don't have animations and custom stats, this also applies to most other combat mods that are similar.
Will there be weapons with X modded material ?
For now, I'm focused on adding more and more weapons, but it is planned, yes.
1.20.X ?
I can't port it for newer versions for now. This is because I need to wait for more Mcreator updates.
Older versions ?
I won't be porting this mod for versions below 1.19.
License Update
Now under MIT license
ah sorry I didn't read, it's okay, I'll look for help by asking on this site