Fabric Generator [1.20.1]

Published by Goldorion on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
MCreator Fabric Generator
Upvotes: 1104
About the plugin

This plugin adds a new Fabric Generator to your MCreator.


I decided to stop MCreator and leave the community. Please read this topic.


Important Information

  • Supported Global triggers

  • All procedure blocks (and global triggers) are marked as supported, but several of them will fail to build. THIS IS NORMAL. Do not report them.
  • Mods will also require Fabric API to function properly, so when you want to play your mod, make sure you have Fabric API.
  • Some features are disabled because they are Forge-related features, so I can not support them.



  • This generator re-uses a lot of the code used by the official Forge generators.
  • Supporters on Ko-fi 💚❤️


  • Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0  
  •  Mods created with this tool may be closed-source and/or distributed with a different license.
  • Appropriate credit must be provided to the creators and maintainers of this software.
  • Forked versions of this software must be distributed under the same license as this with attribution if distributed.
  • Changes must be stated if any modified works are to be distributed.
  • Under no circumstances can you state that the original creator endorses modified works.


To see a complete changelog of the plugin, check this file.

Last versions:


(Thank you NerdyPuzzle)
* [#520] Removed support for TerraBlender API (biome generation is now done similarly to Forge generators)
* [#417, #520] Add support for cave biomes
* [#521, #520] Custom items caused a build error in several cases
Project members
Lead developer
GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3)

Plugin downloads
Fabric Generator 1.20.1 - 1.10 - generator-fabric-1.20.1_2.zip Uploaded on: 03/25/2024 - 02:12   File size: 349.25 KB


Hey Goldorion, when i try to open mcreator and click on fabric it says "No plugins supporting this generator type are installed" even tho i have installed this plugin, and added it to my plugins folder; Could you help?

can u make end biomes or do we need to make a separate plugin for fabric end biomes

I noticed on the plugin's github that fluids aren't supported, does that mean they won't ever be supported or that you haven't started working on them? I only really make decorative stuff so its not needed just would be handy to be able to make green water for example.

Hey just wondering if this also works for previous versions such as 1.19.4 and so on (i know it says 1.20.1-1.10 but its worth double checking), and when im in MCreator, do i simply have to set the to "Minecraft Fabric for 1.20.1 - 0.83.1" for all Minecraft versions 1.20.1 - 1.10? Or is there something else I have to do to set it to a specific version (for example 1.19.4)?

Hey Goldorion, i would like to use the mod Photon for the vfx for my mod, so i need to make this Photon mod as a plugin. Do you have any links or tips on archiving this with the experience you have ? No worry, i don t ask you to do it. If you could just make me go in the right path, it would be amazing !
I know mcreator, i m new at coding but learn fast. So do you have any tips (video, discord, ...) thanks very much ;)

First, read a bit of the Wiki pages about making plugins. They are not up-to-date, but you still have quite a lot of useful info. Afterwards, you can check existing plugins and MCreator's built-in plugins. https://mcreator.net/wiki/section/mcreator-plugins

why are so many thing incompatible with fabric? it seems weird because i see other fabric mods (not made in MCreator) with stuff that we cant use here, is it just because MCreator isn't very advanced? i mean forge has more stuff but i think it might be cuz its built in (not tryna be rude, i really want some stuff like villager professions avaliable)

Several features that are marked as not implemented are simply features added by Forge itself that require much more work on my side to implement them. There are also some other features I just didn't implement yet (e.g. villager professions).

Is there a way to get notified when there's an update for the plugin/MCreator in general? I know this plugin especially is still a work in progress, so I want to be sure I'm up to date

Go in your Preferences and then in Notifications. You'll have to enable 3 parameters. The first 2 parameters (with a red circle in the screenshot) are about MCreator's updates and the third one is for plugin updates. Not every plugin use the plugin update system notification, but I make sure to use it for my plugins, so you will always be notified when a new version is released. https://i.imgur.com/3RhCZJL.png