SHC: PVZ Zengarden

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This it's the first mod I've created! :D

This mod add plants and other stuff based on the famous game Plants vs Zombies to minecraft!

[ Geckolib Required ]

Mod information:


This mod has a in game basic guide book, but here you can find more detailed information:


Blocks, tools & items information:


Gardening Table:
-You can use it to synthetize thing of the mod (The recipes are in the guide book) 
-Villagers become crazy villagers when using the table.
-To use the table you need SunCharges.
-You can use Suns to Give SunCharges to the table.
-The Table can slowly charge itself during the day if there's no solid blocks above or bad weather.

-Can be crafted in the gardening table.
-RIGHT CLICK to use it on sptouts.
-SHIFT & RIGHT CLICK to use it as "Super Bone Meal".
-RIGHT CLICK on any plant to heal it.

Bug Spray:
-Can be crafted in the gardening table.
-Hold RIGHT CLICK to start constantly Spraying a poisonus gas.
-This gas will act diferent depending on the entity.
-Spray on Arthopods: Gives wither 6, weakness 4 & slowness 6.
-Spray on plants: Gives ressistance 2.
-Spray on Other mobs: Gives Poison 4 & weakness 2.
-the bugspray will have a small cooldown after you stop using it.

-Can be crafted in the gardening table.
-Have their own gardening system.
-Can mutate & grow into 3 diferent sprout variants.

Gardening Glove:
-Can be crafted in the gardening table.
-RIGHT CLICK in on any plant to storage them in seedpackets.

-RIGHT CLICK on a valid spot to use it.
-The seedpackets will emit a little sound if you try to use a seedpackets on a wrong position.

Small Sun:
-Use 4 small suns to craft 2 big suns.
-Can be used as fuel like coal (Burn 1.5 items).
-Gives 1/2 SunCharges to the gardening table.

Big Sun:
-RIGHT CLICK to use it on blocks.
-can be decrafted into 2 small suns.
-Can be used as fuel like coal (Burn 4 items).
-Gives 1 SunCharge to the gardening table.

Giant Sun:
-Crafted with 5 big suns & 4 small suns.
-RIGHT CLICK on a block to place it
-can be decrafted into 6 big suns.
-Can be used as fuel like coal (Burn 12 items).
-Gives 3 SunCharges to the gardening table.

Soldier Helmet:
-Can be buyed from Wandering Traders & Armorer Villagers.
-Can be used like a normal helmet.
-Can be trimmed like the rest of the helmets.
-Repeaters can use it to evolve into Gatling Peas.

Mowed Grass:
-RIGHT CLICK with shears on a grass block to mow it.
-Mowing the grass will naturally make it have the classic chess pattern.
-Have 2 color variants: lime & green.

Zombie Dummy:
-Can be crafted in the with 1 stick, 2 wools & 2 wheats.
-All the plants that can evolve by training will attack the dummy.
-RIGHT CLICK the dummy to reposition where it's looking.
-RIGHT CLICK while pressing shift to remove the dummy.
-The plants that are targeting the dummy gain x5 exp per shoot.
-The plants priorise attacking real monsters in the area.


Plant Information:

Basic Plant Information:
-The plants have diferent types that determine where can be planted & other characteristics.
-Some plants can be evolved under specific conditions.
-Some plant evolutions can be devolved under specific conditions.
-RIGHT CLICK with a shovel to any plant to recycling it into 3 small suns.
-RIGHT CLICK with nothing on hand to pet the plants :3.
-The plants instantly die if they catch on fire.
-You can use a Flint and Steel to put the plants on fire :D.

List of plant types & characteristics:
-Normal: The most common type, doesn't have anything special.
-Spore:Have regeneration & ressistance by potzol, mycelium & nylium.
-Frozen: Inmune to freezing.
-Ignited: Inmune to fire.

List of planting spots:
-Common: All the plants can be planted on Any dirt, moss, mud, lily pads & pots (shift for plant on pots).
-Dessertic: Can be planted on any sand blocks (No plants use this for now).
-Frozen: Can be planted on snow & blue ice blocks.
-Ignited: Can be planted on netherack, magma blocks, soul sand & soul soil blocks.
-Spore: Can be planted on nylium blocks & get a small buff by it.
-Acuatic: Can only be planted on water (No plants use this for now).
-Other: Plants that are not attached to grown can be planted on any place (like Wall-Nut).


Plant List & Characteristics:


-Grow from green sprouts (first stage) by using Big Suns.
-Shoots normal peas the enemies (1 Pea per shot).
-Evolve into Repeaters after shooting 1000 times.
-Evolve into Snow Peas by been in powder snow for too long.
-Evolve into Fire Peas by been in The Nether for too long.
-Plant type: Normal.

-Grow from green sprouts (first stage) by using Bone Meal.
-Can also grow from green sprouts (first stage) naturally.
-Generate suns during the day if there's no solid blocks above or bad weather.
-Have a special texture if it's named "Fire Flower".
-Plant type: Normal.

-Grow from green sprouts (second stage) by using bug spray.
-Throw it with RIGHT CLICK on air while holding a Wall-Nut item.
-Plant it with RIGHT CLICK on ground while holding a Wall-Nut item.
-Their item cooldown can't be disabled.
-It's item have a stackeable limit of 16.
-Stops the monsters with its high ressistance.
-RIGHT CLICK with nothing in hand to reposition where it's looking. 
-SHIFT & RIGHT CLICK with nothing in hand on them to launch it.
-Start cracking when losing health.
-Healing it when they're cracked give them a special texture.
-Mobs priorize attacking it before other plants.
-Plant type: Normal.

Snow Pea:
-Peashooter evolution.
-Shoot frozen peas the enemies (1 Pea per shot).
-Devolve into Peashooters if a player use a flint and steel on them.
-Plant type: Frozen.

-Grow from green sprouts (second stage) by using Big Suns.
-Attack Monsters & animals with strong bites.
-Have a cooldown before it can attack again after killing a mob.
-Have a special texture if it's named "Piranha Plant".
-Plant type: Normal.

-Peashooter evolution.
-Shoot normal peas the enemies (2 Peas per shot).
-Evolve into Gatling Peas if a player use a Soldier Helmet on them.
-Can't be devolved.
-Plant type: Normal.

-Grow from Reddish Saplings (first stage) only with natural growth.
-Produce a smooth light.
-Plant type: Its a block, not an entity.

Gatling Pea:
-Repeater evolution.
-Shoot normal peas the enemies (2 Peas per shot).
-Can't be devolved.
-Plant type: Normal.

Sun Shroom:
-Grow from Bluishrooms by using Bone Meal.
-Generate suns at the same rhythm as sunflower.
-Don't have limits on when they can generate suns.
-Have 3 stages of growth: small, big, Giant.
-Small Stage: generate 1 small sun.
-Big Stage: generate 1 big sun.
-Giant Stage: generate 1 big sun & 2 small suns.
-players can speed up their growth process by using fertilizer.
-Collecting it will reset their growth progress.
-Have a special texture if it's named "1UP".
-Have a special texture & sound if it's named "Super Mushroom".
-Plant type: Spore.

Puff Shroom:
-Grow from Bluishrooms only with natural growth.
-Shoots poisonous bullets to the targets.
-Shoot at double speed that peashooters, but have less range.
-Puff Shrooms die after 3 days of begin planted.
-their life time can be expanded another 3 days if they are healed.
-Evolve into Fume Shroom after begin fed with 10 fertilizers.
-Evolve into Scaredy Shroom after been feed with 15 fertilizers.
-Plant type: Spore.

Fume Shroom:
-Puff Shroom evolution.
-Shoot a poisonus gas that can pierce multiple targets.
-Shoots twice as slow that peashooter shooting speed.
-Can't be devolved.
-Plant type: Spore.

Scaredy Shroom:
-Puff Shroom evolution.
-Shoots poisonous bullets to the targets.
-Shoot at double speed that peashooters.
-It will hide underground if there's a monster nearby.
-Mobs priorize attacking other plants before attacking them.
-Can't be devolved.
-Plant type: Spore.

Fire Pea:
-Peashooter evolution.
-Shoot ignited peas to the enemies (1 pea per shot).
-Devolve into Peashooters if its in powder snow for too long.
-Plant type: Ignited.

Cherry Bomb:
-Harvested from cherry leaves by using bigsuns.
-It's item have a stackeable limit of 16.
-RIGHT CLICK to throw it.
-Explode on contact without damaging the terrain.
-Hit directly a mob to cause extra damage.
-Plant type: Its an item, not an entity.

-Grow from Reddish Saplings (First stage) by using bigsuns.
-Use it's fire breath to burn the targets in a small range.
-It's fire breath can ignite torchwoods.
-Shoots twice as slow that peashooter shooting speed.
-Evolved into Cold Snapdragon if its in powder snowfor too long.
-Plant type: Ignited.

Cold Snapdragon:
-Snapdragon evolution.
-Use it's frost breath to freeze the targets in a small range.
-Shoots twice as slow that peashooter shooting speed.
-Devolve into Snapdragon if its right clicked with a flint and steel.
-Plant type: Frozen.

Ghost Pepper:
-Can be buyed from wandering traders & crazy villagers.
-It's item have a stackeable limit of 16.
-RIGHT CLICK with the item to summon a ghost pepper in your position.
-Fly around searching for monsters.
-Attack all the monsters in a small area.
-Explode 1 minute after being summoned.
-Plant type: Ignited.

-Grow from Reddish Saplings (Second stage) by using bigsuns.
-Ignite all peas that pass through it.
-Have 3 forms: stump, ignited & wispy.
-Stump form: More ressistance that Wall-Nut, don't ignite peas.
-Ignited form: less ressistance that Wall-Nut, ignite peas.
-Wispy form: much less ressistance that Wall-Nut, ignite peas into blue fire peas.
-RIGHT CLICK with nothing in hand to reposition where it's looking.
-RIGHT CLICK with a flint and steel to ignite.
-RIGHT CLICK with a water bucket to extinguish.
-Its flames extinguish if it's raining & it's not properly covered.
-plant it in soul sand/soil & ignite it to activate its wispy form.
-Can't be extinguished by the rain when it's in wispy form.
-Plant type: Ignited.


Other Information:


Mod Game Rules:
-Seedpacket Cooldown (Default True): Make seedpackets have cooldown after use.
-Starter Kit (Default True): Give a Zengarden Guide & unlock some basic recipes to all the new players.


Q. Will you add the zombies?

A. ZenGarden is only focused on the plants of all Pvz saga, The zombies will Have their own Mod in the future.

Q. Can I use this on my modpack?

A.Yes, I'm more that happy if you want to use this in your modpack! :D

Q. Will you update this in the future?

A. Yes, I have some stuff planned for the development of this mod.

Minecraft mod files
pvz_zengarden-1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 05/06/2024 - 15:52   File size: 865.25 KB
pvz_zengarden-1.2.0.jar Uploaded on: 05/25/2024 - 20:17   File size: 1018.47 KB
pvz_zengarden-1.3.0.jar Uploaded on: 06/25/2024 - 21:01   File size: 1.06 MB
pvz_zengarden-1.4.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/29/2024 - 08:00   File size: 1.31 MB
pvz_zengarden-1.5.2.jar Uploaded on: 11/10/2024 - 04:20   File size: 1.71 MB

Zengarden 1.5.0 Update:


-All the plants now have a small probability to drop their seedpacket after dying.
-All the plants can be planted on coarse dirt again.
-Bugsprays now are crafted with a fermented spider eye, a bottle, a nether fungus & 4 suncharges.
-Blue mushrooms have been renamed to "Bluishroom".
-Bluishrooms now can be crafted with a overworld mushroom, a pot, a nether fungus & 2 suncharges.
-Bluishrooms now only naturally grow into Puff Shrooms.
-Bluishrooms now have more probability to grow naturally.
-Fertilizers no longer give resistance to the plants when healing.
-Puff shrooms now last 3 minecraft days before dying.
-Puff shrooms now evolve into Scaredy shrooms after been feeded with 15 fertilizers.
-Puff shrooms now evolve into fume shrooms by shooting 500 times.
-Peashooters now need to shoot 1000 times to evolve into repeaters.
-Sprouts can't naturally grow into plants anymore if they have blocks covering the sun avobe them.
-Some plants animations have been Slightly improved.
-Plants can now be planted on farmlands.
-Plantern no longer grow from green sprouts.
-Shrooms now can also being buffed by Potzol & nylium.
-Soldier helmets have a new texture for the item.
-Soldier helmets now show the trims in their item like the rest of the helmets.
-Zengarden guide gui have been sligthly improved.

Player related Changes:
-Now you need to press shift and right click to use fertilizer as bone meal.
-Now you need to press shift and right click to use seedpackets on pots.
-Sprouts no longer give you a pot if you place them in creative mode.


-All the plants now have a spawning animation when are planted on ground.
-Bugspray weapon mechanics have been reworked.
-chomper got a new texture when is named "Piranha Plant".
-Devolution: Now ignited & frozen plants can be devolved.
-Mowed grass: Use Shears on grass to make mowed grass blocks.
-New plant & seedpacket: Fire Pea "Shots fire peas at the targets"
-New plant & seedpacket: Snapdragon "Shoots fire through it's mouth".
-New plant & seedpacket: Torchwood "Ignite all peas that pass through it".
-New plant & Item: Cherry Bomb "Natural Granade".
-New plant & Item: Ghost Pepper "Scare the monsters away".
-New Pea type: Soul Fire Pea, deal twice the damage of ignited peas.
-New & updated pages in the zengarden guide for the plants & items.
-Planterns now grow naturally from Redish saplings (First stage).
-Planting spots: Now plants have special places where they can be planted.
-Players can use a flint and steel to burn plants alive, perfect for those rebel plants :D.
-Reddish Sapling: A new stage of the sprout gardening, Have 2 growth stages.
-Sunflower got a new texture when is named "Fire Flower".
-Seedpackets emit a little sound when players try to plant them on a invalid position.
-Zombie Dummy: a new way to train your plants.

BugSpray Rework:
-Hold right click to start constantly Spraying a poisonus gas.
-This gas will act diferent depending on the entity.
-Spray on Arthopods: Gives wither 6, weackness 4 & slowness 6.
-Spray on plants: Gives ressistances 2.
-Spray on Other mobs: Gives Poison 4 & weakness 2.
-the bugspray will have a small cooldown after you stop spraying.

Planting spots explained:
-Common: All the plants can be planted on Any dirt, moss, mud & pots (shift for plant on pots).
-Dessertic: Dessertic plants can be planted on any sand blocks (No plants use this for now).
-Frozen: Frozen plants can be planted on snow & blue ice blocks.
-Ignited: Ignited plants can be planted on netherack, magma blocks, soul sand & soul soil blocks.
-Spore: Shrooms can be planted on nylium blocks & get a small buff by it.
-Other: Plants that are not attached to ground can be planted on any place (Like Wall-Nut).

Zombie Dummy explained:
-Can be crafted in the crafting table with 1 stick, 2 wools & 2 wheats.
-All the plants that can evolve by training will attack the zombie dummy.
-Right click the dummy to reposition where it look.
-Right click while pressing shift to remove the dummy.
-The plants that are targeting the dummy gain x5 exp per shoot.
-The plants priorise attacking real monsters in the area.

New/Reworked Plants explained:

Fire Pea (New):
-Evolve from Peashooter after been in the nether for too long.
-Shoot ignited peas to the targets.
-Doesn't get harmed by fire.
-Can be devolved if its in powder snow for too long.

Cherry Bomb (New):
-Can be harvested from cherry leaves by using bigsuns.
-Can be throwed with RIGHT CLICK.
-Explode on contact without damaging the terrain.
-Hit directly a mob to cause extra damage.

Snapdragon (New):
-Grow from redish saplings by using bigsuns (first stage).
-Use it's fire breath to burn the targets in a small range.
-It's fire breath can ignite torchwoods.
-Shoots twice as slow that peashooter shooting speed.
-Can be evolved if after been in powder snowfor too long.

Cold Snapdragon (New):
-Use it's frost breath to freeze & slow the targets in a small range.
-Shoots twice as slow that peashooter shooting speed.
-Can be devolved if its right clicked with a flint and steel.

Ghost Pepper (New):
-Can be buyed from wandering traders & crazy villagers.
-Right click with the item to summon a ghost pepper in your position.
-Fly around serching for monsters.
-Attack all the monsters in a small area.
-Dies after 1 minute after being summoned.

(Really like this plants, and its perfect for the season :D)

Torchwood (New):
-Grow from reddish saplings by using bigsuns (Second stage).
-Ignite all peas that pass through it.
-Have 3 forms: stump, ignited & wispy.
-Depending on the form of torchwood will have different attributes.
-Stump form: More ressistance that wall-nut, don't ignite peas.
-Ignited form: less ressistance that wallnut, ignite peas.
-Wispy form: much less ressistance that wallnut, ignite peas into blue fire peas.
-Right click with nothing in hand to reposition where it's looking.
-Right click with a flint and steel to ignite.
-Right click with a water bucket to extinguish.
-Its flames extinguish if it's raining & it's not properly covered.
-plant it in soul sand/soil & ignite it to activate its wispy form.
-Can't be extinguished by the rain when it's in wispy form.

(The wispy form it's based on Wispywood from Pvz: All Stars, I tought it was perfect for the season)


-Fume shrooms were dealing x2 it's intended damage when attacking.
-Giant suns could not be placed on fake air blocks.
-Gardening tables was consuming the wrong amount of suncharges when crafting some items.
-Gardening tables was not naturally charging if were placed around & above Y 100.
(Note: All already placed gardening tables would not naturally charge unless you update the block)
-Peashooters shooting action wasn't correctly synced with their animations.
-Plants could not be planted in the nether.
-Sun shrooms was growing a lot more faster that intended.
-Scaredy shrooms animations was freezing after stoping hidding.
-Seedpackets were showing their cooldown when the "SeedpacketCooldown" gamerule was set to false.


-The seedpackets planting system have been completly remaked.
-The plants bullet system have been reworked.
-The tag systems of the mod have been completly remaked.
-The evolution system of the mod have been remaked & reworked.

(Usually I dont add these type of changes in the changelogs because it's nothing you gonna notice).



Zengarden 1.4.0 Update:


-Wall-Nut is only 1 entity again with some new mechanics.
-Gatling pea have a new hairstyle.
-Sunflowers can no longer generate suns when raining or thundering.
-Sunflowers generate suns more slower.
-Sunflowers now play a sound & animation when it's trying to generate suns.
-Sunflowers now can naturally grow from green sprouts and not just by using Bone Meal.
-Sunflowers have increased chance of growing a from green sprouts when using Bone Meal.
-Sprouts gives you the pot back when placing, but breaking a Basic Sprouts no longer give you anything.
-Sprouts now need a sapling to be crafted & can be crafted with any seed/sapling.
-Pea Bullets have a new model & textures.
-Fertilizer can now be also used a "Super Bone Meal".
-Fertilizer now also give resistance 2 for 3 minutes when used to heal plants.
-Gigantic Suns can now be decrafted into 6 Bigsuns.
-Snow Pea now gives the freezing effect when attacking.
-Gardening Tables now will slowly charge during the day, allowing you to start the mod without villagers.
(Needs the same conditions as sunflowers, gardening tables emit a little particle when charging)
-Gardening tables now play a little sound when charging using suns.
-All the plants & Shrooms quickly die if they get on fire.
-Slightly improved the "shooting" animation of all peashooting plants.
-All the items of the mod can now be found in different creative tabs and not just in the zengarden tab.
-Suns can now be used as fuel like coal (Small Sun: 1.5 items, Big Sun: 4 items, Gigantic Sun: 12 items).
-Small changes to bug spray, green sprouts & other varius textures.
-Soldier helmets are compatible with trims now (The trims don't affect gadling peas textures).
-The gamerules for zengarden have been moved from "Player" to "Misc" section.
-You can pet plants now by doing right click on them with your bare hand :3.
-updated various entrys of the zengarden guide.


-Blue Mushroom: A new stage of the sprout gardening.
(this shroom grows from the sprout for player's commodity)
-New "Plant" type: Shrooms, they gain regeneration & resistance 1 if they are planted on mycelium.
-New Shroom & seedpacket: Sun Shroom "Start small but can grow big".
-New Shroom & seedpacket: Puff Shroom "die after some time & can evolve".
-New Shroom & seedpacket: Fume Shroom "Pierce through enemies with poisonus gas".
-New Shroom & seedpacket: Scaredy Shroom "Shoots poisonous bullets, hide if is scared".
-New pages in the zengarden guide for the new plants.


-Snow Pea was playing their shooting sound twice.
-Chomper animations could get stuck on their "munching" animation.
-Seedpackets could spawn under blocks when collecting plants.
-Player wasn't swinging their arm when using a shovel to recycling plants.
-Repeaters & Gatling Peas could not shoot the right amount of peas when placed on pots.
-The mod recipes weren't unlocking in the vanilla recipe book.

New/Reworked Plants explained:

Wall-Nut (Rework):
-throw it with right click on air while holding Wall-Nut item.
-Plant it with right click on grown while holding Wall-Nut item.
-They always have cooldown, doesn't matter if the Seedpacket cooldown gamerule is disabled.
-Wall-Nuts items have a stackeable limit of 16.
-Reposition where yours Wall-Nuts are looking doing right click on them with your bare hand. 
-Launch your Wall-Nuts doing right click while pressing shift on them with your bare hand.
-Wall-Nut start cracking when losing health.
-Healing a Wall-Nut with regeneration when they're cracked give them a special texture.
-Mobs priorize attacking Wall-Nuts before other plants.

Sun Shroom (New):
-Generate suns at the same rhythm as sunflower.
-Unlike sunflowers they don't have limits on when they can generate suns.
-Have 3 stages of growth: small, big, massive.
-Sun shroom play a little sound and animation when it's trying to generate suns.
-players can speed up their growth process by using fertilizer.
-Generate 1 small sun on their first stage.
-Generate 1 big sun on their second stage.
-Generate 1 big sun & 2 small suns on their last stage.
-Collecting Sun Shrooms will reset their growth progress.
-Rename a Sun Shroom to "1UP" to get a special texture.
-Rename a Sun Shroom to "Super Mushroom" to get special texture & sound.

Puff Shroom (New):
-Shoots poisonous bullets to the targets.
-Shoot at double speed that peashooters, but have less range.
-Puff Shrooms die after 10 minutes of begin spawned.
-their life time can be expanded another 10 minutes if they have regeneration.
-Evolve into Fume Shroom after begin fed with 10 fertilizers.
-Evolve into Scaredy Shroom if there's monsters nearby while evolving.

Fume Shroom (New):
-Shoot a poisonus gas that can pierce multiple targets.
-Shoot at same speed that peashooters, but have less range.

Scaredy Shroom (New):
-Shoots poisonous bullets to the targets.
-Shoot at double speed that peashooters and have the same range.
-Scaredy shrooms will hide underground if there's a monster nearby.
-Mobs priorize attacking other plants before attacking Scaredy Shrooms.


-Wall-Nut Block.



Zengarden 1.3.0 Update:


-Reworked Gardening Table interface & crafting system.
(Now the table have "Sun Charges", place Small, Big or Massive Suns to charge the table)
-Hoppers can be used to collect craftings with the gardening table.
-The Seedpackets now have a cooldown when use.
(There are 3 types of cooldown: Fast, Slow and Very Slow)
-Plant bullets are smaller.
-Plants use a different particle when having a frost evolution.
-Soldier Helmet have a new texture.
-Armorer Villagers can sell Soldier helmets.
-Minimal changes on Gatling Pea texture.
-The Zengarden Guide can be stored in Chisheled Bookshelfs.
-small reorder the Zengarden Guide Tools, Block & Items entrys.
-Wall-Nut defensive features are back in a diferent way.
(If a monster get in contact with a Nut, it will be stuck until break it, or something move them)
-Mobs no longer evade Wall-Nut blocks.
-Reduced Chomper range of view. (Before: 16, Now: 4)
-Increased chomper damage. (Before: 14, Now: 18)


-Seedpacket Cooldown gamerule (Default: True).
(Seedpackets show the cooldown even if the gamerule is set to false, this is just a visual bug)
-Massive Sun: it can be placed like a block and give 3 sun charges.
-Massive Sun Zengarden Guide page.


-The game load could be freezed when crating a new world.
-Plants counted as a Monster type, preventing Hostile creatures spawn around.
-Pea bullets was spawning too high above peashooter's mouths.
-Gatling Pea was called "Repeater" in the zengarden guide.
-Plants could start twitching randombly.
-Breaking a gardening table with a crafting ready would duplicate the items.


-Ahora el mod esta traducido al español :3 .



Zengarden 1.2.0 Update:


-Improved Chomper AI to be only 1 entity.
-Reworked wall-Nut to be a decorative block & weapon.
-Reworked the plants bullet system to make bullets able to change between each other (Frozen peas can melt into normal peas and normal peas can ignite into Fire peas).
-The plant bullets now have a 3D model.
-The plant bullets don't have knockback anymore.
-The Peashooting plants no longer shoot up and down.
-Now the plant projectiles ignore the I-Frame (Invulnerability frames).
-Peashooters now need Bigsuns to be obtained from sprouts.
-Now the plants can be placed in flower pots.
-Slightly increased all the peashooting plants damage.
-Reduced Chomper damage from 25 to 14.
-Changed Chomper size to be bigger.
-Frozen peas now do half of the damage that normal peas do.
-Plants can no longer be planted on coarse dirt.
-planterns have a new less smooth animation but now they can blink.
-Now plantern have a 3D renderer in the Zengarden Guide.
-Slightly increased all the plants damage resistance.
-Wall-Nut now have a unique item instead of a seedpacket item.
-Updated Zengarden guide information for Wanll-Nut, Peashooter and Seedpackets.
-Increased all peashooting plant range to 32 blocks (Before was 14).

-New Evolving animation.


-New Gamerule when creating the world to have the Zengarden Guide after first joined the world (Default: True).
-New armor and evolving material: Soldier Helmet.
-New plant and seedpacket: Gatling Pea.
-New ability for Wall-Nut: can be thrown like a bowling ball with RIGHT CLICK on air.
-You can use Fertilizer on plants to give them regeneration.
-New type of flower pot when a plant is placed over it.
-Wandering Traders can sell Soldier Helmets.
-1 New type of plant projectile: Fire pea Bullets.
-New animation for Chomper for swallowing a enemy.
-2 New pages in the zengarden guide.


-Plant bullets was false hitting other plants.
-Mobs could reflect the plant bullets
-The Gardening Glove didn't had durability.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using the Bug Spray on sprouts.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using the Fertilizer on sprouts.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using Big Suns on sprouts.
-All the peashooting plants AI could turn off if the player left the game in the middle of the shoothing animation.
-The player was false clicking the plants and Big Green sprouts.
-The peashooting plants ignored the armor.
-Chomper Bite animation was playing 2 times each attack.


-Chomper Munching entity.
-Original Wall-Nut entity.
-Wall-Nut Seedpacket.
-Normal Pea item (this was for testing only).
-Frozen Pea item (this was for testing only).

Your mod is really cool, how did you make the plants appear in 3D in the book?

In the same procedure that it's used to chance the page I added a return entity block for the static entity:
and then just added a entity model for checking that return block inn the gui:

with the block "Static entity instance of type "No entry selected" (No spawning)" block you can select the mob its gonna show by double clicking in it.
You can find this block in the section "advanced"

quick tip; you might want to quickly redo your pictures. you have a visible hot bar in them, and for some reason Mcreator officals don't like that. one of my mods was removed over it (i did testing) also great work with the rest of the mod. how many work hours?

a month and a half??? yeah- i would say thats about how long i've been working on my current mod. Document 17, i had a huge about that i'm almost ready to release. so k=if your interested, keep an eye out for Version 6. its going to change like the entire mod.