Attributes (Nerdy edition)

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
Java plugin
MCreator plugin
Upvotes: 39
About the plugin

This is just an updated version of the attributes plugin by Azzier, which I will continue to maintain until the author can work on the plugin again. Switching between this and the original version of the plugin should not be a problem. Though this might not stay the case in the future as it seems the author is not coming back.


Item modifier procedures can only be used with the calculating attribute modifiers trigger. If not, they cause a build error.



-Ported to 2024.2 and neoforge 1.20.6
-Item modifier procedures are no longer deprecated, along with the attribute modifiers event
-The add modifier to item procedure that did not require the event is now deprecated
-Removed old bugged attributes from the attribute selection datalist
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads
2.3.8 (MCreator 2023.4 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 16:41   File size: 96.32 KB
2.3.8 (MCreator 2024.1 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 04/13/2024 - 04:32   File size: 109.6 KB
2.4 (MCreator 2024.2 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 07/20/2024 - 09:35   File size: 64.56 KB


some procedure blocks are missing, such as "adding/removing modifier of an other mod attribute to entities" or "if has a entity modifier with uuid of an other mod attribute".

With some parts of this plugin (or similar at least) being added to base MCreator, will a conversion tool be available in some form and will you still update the plugin but without the built in parts like keeping modifiers etc?

Is there a reach attribute in neoforge or is porting a mod from forge that uses the forge attributes block_reach and entity_reach not possible?

Silly question here, but adding this plugin to my workspace will make it a dependency when releasing the finished mod? Thanks 😊

Regarding the "calculating attribute modifiers" trigger, I am working with item modifiers, which have to use the "on right click" trigger.
The issue is I cannot use that trigger anymore, plus there are blocks that do not support local variables which i see are necessary for the modifiers, how are item attributes supposed to get modified the way I intend it to, or it is simply not possible? :c
I've read the original author's tutorial, if you have any other I can watch let me know!

Heya, i have a problem, that im not sure how to fix. It cant find the symbol "_event" and it is to be expect if i wouldnt use the Calculating Attribute modifiers trigger, but the issue is that i am using that event trigger. Can you assist me with this issue?

hi, i wanna ask if theres something within the plugin that removes the HP cap for mobs, i really want to make a strong boss with a lot of hp but the cap limits me

hi ,i have an error says (the following plugin failed to load)
What should i do?