
Published by quasar7892 on
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You wake up, the sun in your eyes, its daytime but you know night will come fast. You have been through this song and dance countless times and you know what you need to do first, punch trees, get wood, build a shelter, a shelter that can hopefully one day be called home. As you run over to your nearest tree you trip over something. Something shiny, purple and blue, adorned by a gemstone and locking away countless stories, a scroll. you open the scroll confused and curious at what may be held within and your directives change. Punch trees, get wood, make a shelter, get... cosmicium? You have no idea what this stuff is what it can used for but the excitement of the one who wrote this scroll hints at its potential. you head off on your new journey to find this writer and find out what all of this will eventually lead up to. all you need to do now is follow in the footsteps of this ghost.

Slipcraft is a mod that has you build machines that can harness the magics of a new material called cosmicium. machines that can help out with mundane tasks, unlock the ability to craft and use magical wands, automate some things and tear open the fabric of reality into new and strange dimensions. This all begins with you trying to figure out who wrote this strange scroll and what there motivations of doing all this was.

This mod started as a remake of my original murky mod but turned into something entirely different.

I posted this on curseforge a few days ago as of typing but forgot to post it here, so here it is.

Please join the discord for updates, tutorials, and to report bugs.

Discord Link:

I also uploaded this mod on Curseforge, Link:

Modification files
slipcraft-0.1.0-forge-1.20.1.jarUploaded on: 08/10/2024 - 23:38   File size: 19.54 MB

added wooden mechanism
added displacement dowser
added cosmicium plant
added budding cosmicium plant
added raw cosmicium
added obsidian tears
added resonant blend
added precursive cosmicium blend
added boiled cosmicium residue
added tiny drop of boiled cosmicium
added small drop of boiled cosmicium
added drop of boiled cosmicium
added cosmicium attuned iron nugget
added cosmicium attuned iron ingot
added sweetened cosmicium
added obfuscated malice
added liquid cosmicium
added rudimentary cosmicium boiler
added cosmicium attuned diamond
added cosmicium forge core
added cosmicium maw
added rudimentary cosmicium pipe
added rudimentary tank
added rudimentary cosmicium splitter pipe
added cosmicium magnetization coil
added blaze rod injection heater
added magnetized cosmicium pipe
added magnetized cosmicium splitter pipe
added magnetized cosmicium tank
added blazing cosmicium boiler
added pure cosmicium crystallizer
added crystalline cosmicium mesh
added pure cosmicium filter
added pure cosmicium splinter
added pure cosmicium gem
added pure cosmicium crystal
added cosmicium forge pillar
added cosmicium reflector
added dimensional slip stabilizer
added slip steel
added pseudo stable slip steel
added slip plate
added cosmicium short sword
added soylent greed
added cosmicium coated log
added cosmic eye
added portal core items for the cosmic veil murky and tumult
added mind eater
added gem of voids depth
added gem of exulting bliss
added lots of advancements
added observation block
added lucy pickaxe
added liminal mind
added dream catcher
added cosmic dagger
added nebula dagger
added wand of suffusion
added apollo
added liminal pick
added volatile strike suffusion enchantment
added ender stride suffusion enchantment
added spectral enderman
added double jump suffusion enchantment
added cosmic burst
added cosmundic condensate
added cosmundic scrubber
added cosmundic calcinator
added cosmundic tar
added cosmic rust
added cosmic ash block
added fading ear
added shadow tablet
added shadow obelisk
added star well core
added star well pillar
added quartz star
added ceramic coating
added magic sleeve
added mage hand
added path changing glyph
added disintegration glyph
added temporal actuator
added temporal tension absorber
added causality stabilizer
added dynamic cosmic mechanism
added cosmic lens
added corporeal stabilization projector
added augur of mortality
added cosmic goggles
added glyph base
added cosmic chalk
added slip cleaver

added the cosmic veil dimension
added cosmic forest biome
added cosmic stone stairs slabs and walls
added cosmic moss
added blooming cosmic moss
added cosmic stalk
added gleaming weed
added cosmic wart plant
added tall cosmic wart
added cosmic wart item
added excited potion
added nebulous log
added nebulous planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added nebulous petal blocks purple orange pink green and blue
added nebulous sapling
added star like ore
added star like gem
added star like gem block
added cosmic stone bricks stairs slabs and walls
added cosmic armor set
added weeping logs
added weeping petals
added weeping planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added seedless weeping fruit flesh
added seed filled weeping fruit flesh
added polarized matter
added polarized potion
added cosmic aura potion
added lesser wand of sparks
added lesser wand of tides
added lesser wand of plenty
added wand core
added wand focus
added wand of vitality
added wand of clairvoyance
added wand of urgency
added wand of aegis
added wand of wind
added wand of storm
added wand of jaws
added wand of haunting owls
added rouge forests biome
added lost stone stairs slabs and walls
added lost stone bricks stairs slabs and walls
added dense crimson crystal
added crimson crystal
added clear crimson crystal
added crimson crystal shard
added maroon moss
added rouge reeds
added fire vines
added blood grass
added dawn grass
added sun rise plant
added star flower
added beakling
added beakling trader
added beakling wizard
added beakling outcast
added stellar wart
added cosmic redstone ore
added cosmic lapis ore
added cosmic glowing ore
added cosmic aurelite ore
added aurelite chunk
added nebulium ore
added raw nebulium
added nebulium ingot
added block of nebulium
added stargrazer mob
added crimson worm mob
added raw grazer chop
added cooked grazer chop
added outcast axe
added outcast axe fragments
added crimson worm meat
added cosmic carp
added star fin
added mirror fish
added cosmic slime mob
added star filled slime
added cavestar mob
added mirrored caves biome
added block of mica
added mica
added mica rich stone
added cosmic schist
added mirror stone
added ethereal mirror stone
added mirrored golem
added aururic urn
added sorrowful aururic urn
added outer aururic urn
added star struck fields biome
added star struck stone
added star struck bricks stairs slabs and walls
added star struck ore
added star struck lantern
added star struck log
added star struck planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added falling stars
added stardust
added nebulous tool set
added crimson tool set
added cosmic stone tool set
added starry glass
added glowing starry glass
added chuting star
added chuting star fruit
added cobbled cosmic stone, stairs, slabs, walls
added cobbled lost stone, stairs, slabs, walls
added star treated planks stairs slabs fence fence gates
added star lamp
added beakling villages
added star calling egg
added small starry slime
added star bearing slime
added stargell
added block of stargell
added stargell cutlass

added murky dimension
added murky forest biome
added murky wetlands biome
added murky grass
added murky soil
added murky stone
added cobbled murky stone
added murky stone bricks
added murky stone stairs slabs and walls
added cobbled murky stone stairs slabs and walls
added murky stone brick stairs slabs and walls
added murky obsidian
added murky willow log
added murky willow leaves
added murky willow sapling
added murky willow planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added gloom shroom cap
added gloom shroom gills
added gloom shroom stem
added fibrous gloom shroom stem
added sappy gloom shroom stem
added murky iron ore
added murky gold ore
added murky quartz ore
added deep murky stone stairs slabs and walls
added deep murky iron ore
added deep murky gold ore
added violisium ore
added violisium gem
added block of violisium
added flourishing murky grass
added damp murky herbs
added healthy murky herbs
added vibrant murky herbs
added green healthy herbs
added blue damp herbs
added vibrant flowering herbs
added torch weeds
added ember weeds
added gloom shroom sap
added gloom shroomling
added murky geode ore
added alexandrite gemstone
added alexandrite gemstone block
added jasper gemstone
added jasper gemstone block
added onyx gemstone
added onyx gemstone block
added waxy pod
added waxy sprouts
added lunar fruit bush
added lunar fruit
added lunar fruit seed
added puffball plant
added potion of glowing
added potion of kindling
added potion satchel
added murky ferns
added peeping bulbs
added peeping bulb fruit
added peeping bulb jam
added gloomy agitate
added glowing mud sponge
added mud sponge nectar
added potion of dampening
added mucky mud
added murky clay blocks
added murky clay balls
added loamy mud
added murky loam
added mud stone stairs slabs and walls
added mudstone bricks stairs slabs and walls
added hydromass mush
added hydromass roots
added hydromass stalk
added hydromass bulb
added hydromass flower
added hydromass gasses
added hydromass sludge
added sludge bubble
added blighted overgrowth biome
added blighted stone stairs slabs and walls
added blighted bricks stairs slabs and walls
added blighted grass
added volatile blight block
added blighted vines
added spindle vines
added blighted log
added blighted leaves
added blighted sapling
added blighted planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added violisium cauldron
added cure of wither
added cure of poison
added cure of slowness
added cure of weakness
added cure of blindness
added cure of mining fatigue
added fungisium ore
added fungisium
added broken violisium disc
added violisium disc
added murky fin
added mud eel
added glowing violisium
added overgrown murky golem
added blighted grub
added wiggling blight stone
added blighted golem
added blight mutagen
added alchemical catalyst
added murky floater
added emberfly
added ancient gear
added murky gas bladder
added cooked gas bladder
added emberfly luciferase
added ancient alloy nugget
added temporal ingot
added argon cap
added xenon cap
added krypton cap
added uranium cap
added alchemists armor set
added acid puddle
added willow tool set
added murky stone tool set
added murky ruin bricks stairs slabs walls
added murky ruin tiles
added unstable murky ruin bricks
added ruin floor traps
added exposed cables
added fungus lamp
added ancient amalgamation
added illusionary ruin bricks
added bolted ruin bricks
added murky lock
added murky dungeon locator
added lost terminal
added murky dungeon
added ancient guardian
added violisium carver

added tumult dimension
added chaotic folds biome
added crypt stone stairs slabs and walls
added phasmacreep
added crypt slate
added oblivion stone stairs slabs and walls
added chaotic pseudo matter
added chaotic fabric
added fading spirit crystal
added spirit crystal
added vibrant spirit crystal
added twisted spirit crystal
added fading shade
added world enamel
added pearlescent world enamel
added world pearl
added world lotus
added decorative world lotus
added sorrowful creep
added whispering reeds
added fractalized pickaxe
added recursive pickaxe
added fractalized axe
added recursive axe
added fractalized sword
added recursive sword
added crypt stone bricks stairs slabs and walls
added wandering specter mob
added fearful specter mob
added wrathful specter mob
added whispering forests biome
added Wisper log
added wispervessel
added whispering nut
added whispering fruit flesh
added whispering planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added wandering soul bead
added fearful soul bead
added wrathful soul bead
added wispy soul fish
added shadow trout
added memray
added sightless stalker mob
added knowing soul bead
added liminal soul bead
added reminiscence
added whispering tool set
added crypt stone tool set
added cobbled crypt stone, stairs, slabs, walls
added world heart
added world eye
added world cleaver
added soulmarrow wand
added osseous giant
added soul vessel
added soul fire vessel
added soul fire singularity

added the fold dimension
added outer valleys biome
added monolithic fields biome
added night matter
added night matter dust
added night matter bricks
added bismare
added raw bismare
added bismare ingot
added night matter ingot
added tribulite
added trepidite
added monodite slabs stairs walls
added outer stone
added liquid meld
added bleak stone
added outer star
added shadow moss block
added folded motes
added monodite sockets
added chromatic ore
added chromatic essence blocks
added chromatic gems
added chromatic singularity
added silhouette mob
added cognicrystal
added congealed meld matter
added folded growth
added folded fibers
added unfolded fibers
added unfolded tool set
added trepid tool set
added cobbled trepidite, stairs, slabs, walls
added dense tribulite
added super dense tribulite
added word stone
added folded mind
added chromatic unwinder
added folded eye

added acidic maelstrom dimension
added calcitic whirlpools biome
added volcanic islands biome
added colossal reefs biome
added limestone
added orange limestone
added green limestone
added yellow limestone
added red limestone
added pink sand
added acrid coastal grass
added geyser
added colossal crab carapace
added vibrant colossal crab carapace
added acrid grass covering
added colossal lime, rose, lavender, and sky anemone tentacle blocks
added colossal summer, midnight, and flourishing anemone column block
added slate
added slate bricks
added scorching slate
added Scleractinia
added pumice
added scorched sapling
added scorched logs
added scorched leaves
added scorched planks stairs slabs fences fence gates pressure plates doors trap doors and buttons
added scorched pepper vines
added scorching pepper
added scorching pepper seeds
added candle root
added soot shrub
added caustic leaves
added caustic logs
added caustic sapling
added caustic planks
added shell pile
added cloralpod stem
added cloralpod bud
added tidal berry bushes
added tidal berries
added scorched spine
added barnacle cover
added zirconium ceramic plating
added colossal urchin
added scorched colossal urchin
added storm ray
added zircon ore
added raw zirconium
added zirconium ingot
added nostalgia
added zircon crystal
added green zircon crystal
added colossal mud sponge
added colossal mud sponge piece
added colossal urchin thorn
added colossal scorched urchin thorn
added caustic tool set
added crab shell tool set
added cobbled limestone
added cobbled limestone stairs, slabs, walls
added cobbled slate
added cobbles slate stairs, slabs walls
added slate stairs, slabs, walls

added blue moon gateway
added tear stone
added faded tear stone
added worm stone
added trypta stone
added decaying face
added hollow face
added weary eye
added eye cluster
added blue flesh fibers
added dormant vessel
added pulsating vessel

How'd you change the sky in your dimension? it looks great!

thank you :D , the custom sky textures are just custom sun and moon textures that load up when in specific dimensions. it was some custom code made and shared by someone in a i believe now deleted mcreator discord server unfortunately. the code was made for an earlier version but still works in the newer ones which was a welcomed surprise. i think the person who made and shared that code worked on the "space boss tools" mod? you could try to find and ask them

underated! Congrats on MOTW! should be called slickcraft of how cool it is!

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit ( and Twitter page (

Bro. This looks EXTREMELY good! It has a very nice atmosphere. MOTW 100% this week! :D