I work on this mod alone. There are some coins (and you can use it on villagers trades), armors, minerals and a lot of villagers trade (and a new villager, the Flea villager). I add some old vanilla crafts, like the enchanted golden apple (8 golden blocks and an apple) and a moded craft like the trident. I add a potion on you have 3 effect in (is a special craft for do this). I add a lot of achivments, cores (for craft an upgrade netherite sword). I add a dimention and dangerous water. I add an enchantment (Call of the withers). I add hardened obsidian. Discover the other things I add in the mod :).
This mod ask a lot of work and I work on another one (surly compatible with this one)
Plz support and have fun !
1.1.0!!!. I have one thing to say: "My mod is officially realased !" Wath does that mean ? : Well, I'l do less updates !!!.... Nah, seriously.., I'l stop to do tiny updates and do only bigs ones, more random and stupid stuff ! (but still usfull) Aaand, that it. Welp, have fun with the mod and dont forgot to check out the mod sometimes to see if it's updated !
Thanks to all of you to support me with this masive number of downloads (273). I am very happy to finnaly be at the 1.1.0. If you have questions or stuff to report or suggestions, feel free to tell it on the coments, there are no stupids questions. So uhhh that all I have to say and : THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPPORT <3
V 1.0.0 (official start)=> Start of the mod. Too many things in for telling it =) (go see up for learn a little bit on the mod) => 24/09/2024
V 1.0.1 => Tiny update. Add vanilla crafts and bug fixed. => 24/09/2024
V 1.0.2=> Grinstone update. Add grindstone, coal fragment, super ingot fragment and lapis fragment. => 25/09/2024
V 1.0.3=> Potion update. Add a levitation potion.=>26/09/2024
V1.0.4=> Add strong diamond and netherite items, burned items (usfull just for moules), add saturation and adsorbtion potion. Add paints and music, add a new trade with the wandering trader, add the wither potion. =>03/10/2024
V1.0.5=>Patch some bugs, add the colored paper and invisible paper, add colored 5 billets and invisible 5 billet. Add a provisory texture to the flea villager because pepoles dont see is old one.=>28/10/2024
V1.0.6=>The Eye of power add, recipice for spawner, recipice for spawn eggs and a painting.28/10/2024
V1.0.7=>The overworl, nether and the end disc, weird disc and bug fixed with crafting.=>04/01/2025
V1.0.8=>Make differant things burnable, added a cute wither (item), mixed coal and mixed coal block, added a simple eye of power and compessed gold block / compressed redstone block. Added a craft for the totem. =>07/01/2025
V1.0.9=>Hardened obsidian fixed, colored bricks added (Thx Knarfy for the idea), Block added.=>17/02/2025
V1.1.0 !!!=>Haste potion and sugared pickaxe adedd, name of an item fixed, coin, lava coin and water coin added, added villagers trade, flower totem added, tiny iron golem added, srynges added, light golden apple and glowing golden apple added, darkness potion added, dust added.
123.. Downloads... Huhhhh, I dont know wath to say.. At first, thx a lot for this support, second, I'l work on the 1.0.6, and, huh, you cant immigine my head wen I see 123 downloads. Dam, I love this. Dont forgot to upvote ! (just kiding, you do wathever you want)
Sorry, I took so long to upload the 1.0.7