Fairy Codex

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TIP:The mod is in alpha as I have not yet implemented all the necessary mechanics
Many things in the modification can be confusing, I highly recommend using the Jei or analogs

Since I live in the frontline zone of Ukraine, do not have financial stability and also work on the modification alone:
 - updates take a very long time to come out or suddenly can stop altogether.

-> link to Dungeon teaser on youtube <---
Immerse yourself in a world of mushroom forests, ghosts and their mysteries!
Despite the fact that the mod is in alpha version it already has:
- Two detailed biomes
- many different decorations
- surprises and food
- breedable creatures
- large dungeon with a boss

To defeat the boss you need an enchanted needle.
To defeat a ghoul you need a stake and/or garlic.

To enter the world you need to craft a mushroom, and wait for it to grow.

for 1.16.5 snapshot you need to create special blocks and key

About snapshot:
The snapshot is not considered a permanent development for 1.16.5.
some things in it may not work, or not do it correctly.
it also lacks most of the generation from the original, but giant mushrooms can be grown independently and the snapshot has some of its own generation of simple dungeons, 
as well as ordinary living creatures in the world.

About addon "Endless Caves":
It exists exclusively for 1.12.2. Adds the dimension of caves, which have 4 biomes, but no mobs of their own. for now. 
To get into the world of caves you will need to make a typical frame from coal blocks and light it with a special stick.
WARNING generation can be quite heavy.

Tea recipes:

If you wish, you can find on the Internet the music that I wrote for my world, as well as the one that I use in modifications:
ElliemoreCasp Forbidden souls
ElliemoreCasp Koschei broken musicbox

If you want contact or support me in any way:
Deviant art.

social page here.

telegram channel

also try my other mod Sweetness Valley

Minecraft mod files
Elliemore_FCDX_1122_dev2024_10.jar - 2024 main version for mc 1.12.2 forge Uploaded on: 10/17/2024 - 11:53   File size: 16.06 MB
FairyCDX snapshot 1165 2024_10.jar - latest snapshot version for mc 1.16.5 forge Uploaded on: 10/17/2024 - 11:51   File size: 16.26 MB
Elliemore_EndlessCaves_alpha_2.jar - addon for mc 1.12.2 forge Uploaded on: 03/19/2024 - 16:51   File size: 638.21 KB

Hi! I have a technical question, if I may. I was looking for someone who seems to have successfully solved this issue, as no one on the forum could provide an answer.

I have a very basic problem: when I try to generate a custom tree, in many cases, two trees grow next to each other. During the generation process, the leaves of one tree destroy the trunk of the other, or if it generates next to a wall, it overwrites that as well.

It's not about the lack of a Structure Void; rather, I want the generated tree's leaves not to destroy anything but instead break themselves if they come into contact with something.

Can u help me please 🥲

Hi. Unfortunately, I haven't practiced anything like that in my mods and mostly relied on checking structures.

I can only advise you to adjust the generation frequency and variety of trees, so that some of them are higher or lower than others, which would make them do less damage to each other.
Or add more checks for interference and correctly place.

judging from the thumbnail this seems well made, some of them are very dark and hardly visible though