Cultivate the Eternal Realm

Published by 1811Trung on
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Academic Free License v3.0
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I am Vietnamese and of course the mod will be almost entirely in Vietnamese to fit the genre context I am aiming for. I know I'm still very weak in modding and still try every day to improve my modding. Because the mod was created with the desire to create special abilities for myself, the mod does not have a clear development direction and so currently my mod should only take items in light mode. create and switch to survival mode to experience. Or you can also experience it directly in creative mode because there will be quite a lot of interesting things.
The mod is inspired by the Chinese Immortal Cultivation series.
I only use Vietnamese for weapon names, skill names and entity names to describe them most fully. If you want to learn about their names you can use chat bots.

Currently the mod has 22 weapon types which are graded in the mod description and the types of magic sizes you want to apply for each situation.

- Mod requires Geckolib, Player Animation and Curios

- Mod can be combined with Better Combat 

About practice: Mod changes the mechanism for accumulating experience to level up. Instead of gaining experience just to enchant weapons, the experience bar now has a new function. Use repeated command blocks and gradually increase your experience level from 1, 10, 100, ..., 10000000 to understand how the mod works.

Regarding weapon skills: For now, I will use the left CTRL button to change weapon modes. CTRL right to open the main magic panel. Right click to use weapon passive skills and C button to use special skills. In particular, go to the control section - assign keys and select "slash with the left mouse button" to experience the weapon in a great way.

Main features of the mod: You can get weapons or cultivation support items when breaking through new experience levels. Most of the mod's weapons have great power because the experience level required for you to achieve is also high. In addition, the mod includes entities that increase in level from mortal to divine, so you will never run out of opponents.

My big ambition: to create bosses whose powers match the rewards you'll receive, and make sure you won't get bored with their fighting style. If you don't believe me, download it and try it out 

Link My Channel: Trung Lưu - YouTube

Minecraft mod files
waifu_of_god-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - --Upgrade the entire interface and magic system-- Uploaded on: 02/13/2025 - 12:28   File size: 19.22 MB

Hi, the mod is very confusing to me. You need to gain lvl 201 for the first cultivation rank? I don't see any keybind to cultivate

As in the description, click CTRL on the right to open the main menu, then click on the image below to see the description of the cultivation realm as well as weapon levels.
As for how much experience level to start cultivating, over 10 levels is fine.

You can't republish third party mods without their permission (you provided no proof that you have it), so I removed dependency downloads. Please don't re-add them without proof that you are permitted to do that - I suggest you link to their original mod pages in the description as an alternative.

As for the language issues, you are using the default EN translation for Vietnamese translations. I suggest you use the translation files correctly and add a Vietnamese translation as an alternative. This way it's compliant with the way Minecraft works and you still get to keep your translation.

Honestly this isn't as much of a requirement as a suggestion. I think the EN audience is much bigger than just the VN one and I also can't really review a mod I don't understand (hence making it more or less ineligible for MOTW since I do the reviewing). I think your suggestion is fine, since you can't really translate personal names.

Yeah it's nice to be able to understand what each weapon does (and they do look spectacular doing what they do - but they hit performance a lot, maybe look into optimization before adding more features). It would be nice if names that don't have any lore background would also be translated (like the new dirt type etc.). Lastly it would be great if the mod were playable in survival :)

Since the mod can only be done by 1 person, in the near future it will be difficult to actually survive with the mod, but I have plans to improve in the near future by adding other ways to increase experience instead. for only killing monsters and trading with villagers.

It's understandable that weapons are too powerful for normal survival. The first is that the mod was originally created just to satisfy my ability to freely use magic. Second, because based on Chinese storylines, there will be many strong enemies that can control the whole world so I can't just halfway develop the mod.... Anyway, super weapons It all takes time to gain experience or a lot of materials to refine later, so there's no need to worry too much about losing balance. For me, I'm quite annoyed with the fact that some spells have majestic names but the way they are presented is very boring so I want those spells to be made according to their names.

Since the mod can only be done by 1 person, in the near future it will be difficult to actually survive with the mod, but I have plans to improve in the near future by adding other ways to increase experience instead. for only killing monsters and trading with villagers.

It's understandable that weapons are too powerful for normal survival. The first is that the mod was originally created just to satisfy my ability to freely use magic. Second, because based on Chinese storylines, there will be many strong enemies that can control the whole world so I can't just halfway develop the mod.... Anyway, super weapons It all takes time to gain experience or a lot of materials to refine later, so there's no need to worry too much about losing balance. For me, I'm quite annoyed with the fact that some spells have majestic names but the way they are presented is very boring so I want those spells to be made according to their names.