Evil Bunnies Mod v1.1

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IM BACK the bunnies are back too

This is the Lost In The Void Mod, aka: The Evil Bunnies Mod. It mainly adds mobs, weapons, and a few structures. It includes about 10 Evil Bunnies. ElusiveEvilBunny, Destroyer, and The Ender are the boss mobs. They can be found in very rare strcutures that are found in the rabidlands and great desert biomes. The Ender has 900 health and hits for 15 hearts in EASY as well as can outrun a sprinting, so be very ready. The other bosses ar every deadly as well. The rabidlands are vital for defeating the evil bunnies. The rabidlands swarm with evil bunnies, and beware because in the next update, evil bunnies will have to ability to open doors. This mod took 22 days to make and relativley small at the momment. I speculate that in the next update, the number mobs will double. There are also many weapons including an obsidian sword and some 32 by 32 models. The strongest if surbo's revenge which deals 41 damage and is dropped by the ender. A second megaboss to the Ender called "The Angriest Rabid" will arrive, he too will wield surbo's revenge

v1.1 approximate release date 7-3-16

known bugs: When you spawn in a boss structure, a immoble hollow clone will appear for each mob in the schematic that does nothing

ShadowBear will have a texture in the next update

The Rabid Dimenson is relatively empty at this point but will be much more interesting soon

the schematics, sadly are small but will hopefully, increase the max schematic size.

THE RABID SPHYNX anf THE ENDER BOSS are here, super hard, 5000 downloads and ill add a second megaboss (the red fury soon)

over 10 mobs!






Evil Bunny: 60 health 8 damage

Rabid 125 health 10 damage 6 armor

Red Cow 75 health 10 damage 14 armor


killer 175 health 12 damage

Elusive 150 health 5 armor 12 damage


Elusive Evil Bunny: 400 health 20 damage 7 armor

Destroyer: 500 health 18 damage

ShadowBear 250 health 14 damage 11 armor


The Ender: 900 health 30 damage 10 armor


10 downloads (done)

50 downloads (done)

100 downloads (done)

250 downloads (done)

500 downloads (done)

937 downloads (done)

1210 downloads (done)

YAY 3000 downloads

THank YOU!

Obsidian Swords are a good idea! More weapons coming


Minecraft mod files
Lost In The Void.zip - Lost In The Void v1.0 Uploaded on: 08/10/2016 - 17:54   File size: 332.27 KB