Ready, Set, PLANT! This is my take on a Plants vs. Zombies mod for Minecraft.
This one is focused on accessibility and gameplay for the Survival gamemode.
I am VERY sorry to inform that I've lost the workspace of this mod due to a much-needed factory reset of my laptop after it was rendered unusable due to poor production quality. This will no longer receive any updates, which sucks, really, as I was working on a fully fleshed-out Garden Ops minigame and a bunch more content set to release this year. Forgive me, folks.
(Alpha phase! content is subject to change)
- A Variety of plants to defend your brains, such as Sun Producers, Peashooters and Instant-Use plants!
- Relentless zombies that will track you from long distance to get a sip of that brain juice.
- Advancements!
- Music discs for Grasswalk, Moongrains, Watery Graves, Rigor Mormist, Graze The Roof, Loonboon, Cerebrawl and Brainiac Maniac.
- New blocks.
- A new biome
Download Link:
Known Issues:
- Plant projectiles do not go through other plants.
Peashooters are your main line of defense. They fire peas at zombies.
Sunflowers power your war machine. Right-click them to obtain sun under direct sunlight.
- Cherry Bomb
Cherry Bombs are single-use powerful plants that explode shortly after you plant them, devastating any zombies caught in it's range.
- Potato Mine
Potato Mines take 30 seconds to arm themselves, and once they are armed, they will explode the first zombie that touches it.
- Wall-Nut
Wall-Nuts are bulky defensive plants that block zombies and protect your other plants.
- Iceberg Lettuce
Iceberg Lettuces completely freeze a zombie for 10 seconds.
- Endurian
Endurians are plants with high health that stab zombies who bite it.
- Snow Pea
Snow Peas fire peas that slow down zombies.
- Primal Peashooter
Primal Peashooters fire peas that push zombies back.
Goo Peashooter
Goo Peashooters fire peas that poison zombies.
- Sweet Pea
Sweet Peas fire peas that weaken zombies.
- Lighting Reed
Lightning Reeds fire electric charges that may spread to nearby zombies.
- Puff-Shroom
Puff-Shrooms are dirt-cheap attackers, however they have a short range and start to die when in contact with sunlight.
- Sun-Shroom
Sun-Shrooms are like Sunflowers, but instead of collecting sun at day, you do it at night.
- Fume-Shroom
Fume-Shrooms are short-ranged shooters that briefly stun zombies they hit.
- Scaredy-Shroom
Scaredy-Shrooms are long-range shooters that hide when zombies come near them.
- Doom-Shroom
Doom-Shrooms are single-use plants that explode violently on a large radius, killing most zombies caught in it's range. However, it does leave a crater on your lawn.
- Plantern
Planterns reveal invisible Bandit Zombies in it's range.
- Squash
Squash instantly kills a zombie in close range.
- Gloom-Shroom
Gloom-Shrooms attack nearby zombies rapidly and regenerate their health after hurt.
- Browncoat
Browncoats are the cannon fodder of the zombies. They eat your plants, and if you're unlucky, your brains.
- Conehead
Coneheads are over twice as tough as Browncoats.
- Buckethead
Bucketheads are five times as tough as Browncoats.
- Brickhead
Brickheads are almost twice as tough as Bucketheads.
- Flag
Whenever spawned, Flag Zombie summons a horde of zombies with him.
- Football Zombie
Football Zombies are faster and stronger than most zombies.
- Jack-In-The-Box
Jack-In-The-Box Zombies explode whenever they get close to your most valuable plants.
Bandits go invisible and gain resistance whenever they are hit, however the ability is lost when in the range of a Plantern.
- Pirate variants of Browncoats, Coneheads, Bucketheads, Brickheads and Flag Zombies.
Pirates are stronger but slower compared to regular zombies.
All pirates spawn only on beach, shore biomes and rivers.
Seagull Pirate
Seagull Pirates ignore small plants and are faster than most pirates.
1.0.0 - Mod published.
1.0.1 - Additions Update
(Major Changes)
- Added 4 new plants: Goo Peashooter, Doom-Shroom, Fume-Shroom and Gloom-Shroom.
- Added 2 new blocks and a tool: Lawn Tiles and Gardening Shovel.
- Plants can now only be soiled on Lawn Tiles. Right-click a Grass Block with the Gardening Shovel to turn it into a Lawn Tile.
(Minor Changes)
- Increased the health of all plants.
- Added 3 new advancements.
- Removed the Graveyard structure.
- Modified most zombie spawn rates.
1.0.2 - Defensive Update
(Major Changes)
- Added 3 new plants: Wall-Nut, Potato Mine and Endurian.
- Added 1 new zombie: Brickhead Zombie.
(Minor Changes)
- Added 1 new advancement.
- Fixed Graves.
- Fixed Fume-Shroom's particles.
- Fixed a bug where Gloom-Shroom would start shooting faster permanently after being hurt.
- Fixed a bug where Puff-Shroom and Fume-Shroom could be pushed by the player and other entities.
- Added a 2-second cooldown to harvesting sun from Sunflowers and Sun-Shrooms.
- Added more sound effects.
1.0.3 - Scallywag Update
(Major Changes)
- Added 2 new plants: Lightning Reed and Sweet Pea.
- Added 6 new zombies: Pirate Zombie, Conehead Pirate, Buckethead Pirate, Barrelhead Pirate, Flag Pirate and Seagull Pirate.
Pirates take extra damage from plants like Lightning Reed.
- Added 1 new grave: Pirate Grave.
- Reworked Graves. They now spawn zombies of their theme ranging from Browncoats to Brickheads with a Random Number Generator.
- Added 2 new blocks: Plank Tiles.
(Minor Changes)
- Added 2 new advancements.
- Fixed Jack-In-The-Box Zombie's spawning.
- Graves disappear on daytime. - Scallywag Update
(Major Changes)
- Added 1 new plant: Iceberg Lettuce.
- Added 1 new zombie: Football Zombie.
(Minor Changes)
- Added 1 new advancement.
- Tweaked Cherry Bomb and Potato Mine's explosion particles.
- Fixed the "Ahoy!" advancement's position on the tab.
now THIS is a good mod!