The World Cooking Mod (2022 small update, check bottom of page)
You maybe think there are not enough food / good food on minecraft ?
Me too , I think this , so , I created this mod .
Did you ever dream of a biome full of cheeseburgers ?
Did you ever dream win a food contest like the weird man at the first picture of the mod ?
Did you ever dream to create a REAL restaurant ?
Did you ever dream to have something to eat when you are hungry ?
If you are okay for 1 (or more) of the 5 sentences, this mod is for you.
And If you are okay with 0 sentences... look anyway because maybe you'll like it.
Lets see the mod !
(Disclaimer : this mod isn't inspired from any other mod ! Everything here is inspired from the ideas I got.This means I don't need to credit any other mod since I got 100% of ideas present in this mod.)
(almost everything is craftable)
when I say "give" , I want to say "drop".
Weapons & Armors:
-Fries Sword : 500 durability & 7 attack damage.
-Fries Big Sword : 250 durability & 8 attack damage.
-Cooker's Clothes : Protect
-Cooking Knife : It's a tool and you need it for a lot of recipes !
-Back Soul (Cooking Knife) : It's like the Cooking Knife but in demonic. You need it for the demonic recipes !
-Alien Cooking Knife : The most expensive cooking knife.You need it for Aliens recipes !
-The Bottle : It's an item , use it for create some drinks. (It's not the vanilla glass bottle !)
-Spoon : It's a tool , you need it for create butter.
-Bag : It's an item , use it for fries and nuggets.
Mustard Crate : Give 3 mustard when breaked and need an axe to break it easily.You can find some in caves or craft.
-Tiles Block : A block of tiles like the tiles in the restaurant's kitchens.Use a pickaxe to break it easily.
-Cheeseburger Block : give 4 cheeseburgers when breaked.Use an axe to break it easily.
-Cheese Block : give 4 cheese when breaked.Use an axe to break it easily.
-Smart Meat Furnace : Cook all animals meat (vanilla) when you rightclick it with the meat in your inventory.Use a pickaxe for break it easily.
-Orange Three Log : Use an axe to break it easily.
-Orange Three Planks : Use it for anything , just decorative.Use an axe to break it easily.
-Orange Three Leaves : Use it in a craft to get oranges.Use an axe to break it easily.
-Salt ore : give 3 salt when breaked.Use a pickaxe for break it easily.
-Tomato Plant : give 3 tomato when breaked.
-Pepper Plant : give 2 pepper when breaked.
-Chilli Pepper Plant : give 2 chilli pepper when breaked.
-Satureonus Plant (alien plant) : give 3 satureonus when breaked.
-Lettuce : give an lettuce when breaked. (not the same lettuce !)
-Strawberry Plant : give 3 strawberrys when breaked.
The number is the number of food point added . ex : 0,5 = 1/2 food point
-Cheese : 3
-Tomato : 2,5
-Pepper : 2
-Chilli Pepper : 1
-Satureonus : 1
-Frost French Fries : 2
-Frost American Fries : 2
-French Fries : 3
-American Fries : 3
-Bag Of French Fries : 4
-Bag Of American Fries : 4
-Cola : 2,5
-Satureonus Juice (alien) : 10 (full)
-Lettuce : 1,5
-Burger : 6
-Cheeseburger : 7
-Pizza : 7
-Fajita : 5
-Croissant : 3
-Water Bottle (not the vanilla) : 0,5
-Mustard : 3,5
-Sausage : 4
-Hot dog : 6
-Eye Of Death (demonic) : 5 (you not die by eating this !)
-Pasta : 1
-Spaghettis : 6,5
-Soft Bread : 2,5
-Bread Crumbs : 0,5
It's a lot of food no ?
There is more.
-Nuggets : 3
-Salt : 2
-Bag Of Nuggets : 5
-Death Pizza (demonic) : 6
-The "Hot Lava" (demonic) : 5
-Netherwart Chips (demonic) : 3
-Bag Of Netherwart Chips : 5
-Ham : 2
-Butter : 2
-Sandwich : 4,5
-BCLC Sandwich (B = bread ,C= chicken ,L= lettuce ,C= cheese) : 7
-CBLT Sandwich (C= cheese ,B= beef ,L= lettuce ,T= tomato, I don't added the B for bread) : 7,5
-Demonic Sandwich (demonic like the name) : 4
-Jeff (The Sandwich God) : 10 (Cheese,Beef,Lettuce,Tomato,Chicken,Chilli Pepper,Ham,Pepper,Salmon(you don't need it to create Jeff),Apple,Butter and Soft Bread.With this your stomach will explode.)
-Alien Juice (alien) : 5
-Omelette : 3
-Guess what is it. : 2,5
-Cooked Flesh (Yay finally an utility !) : 3,5
-Chocolate Bucket : 3
-Chocolate : 3,5
-Donut : 5
-Maxpingouin Cake : 10 , Do you will eat me ? :,-(
-Apple Juice : 3
-Orange : 2
-Orange Juice : 3
-Soul In A Bottle (demonic) : 3,5
-Strawberry : 0,5
-Strawberry Juice : 3
Try to eat all of this food IRL in 1 hour and you will die so don't do this IRL but if you want you can try this in minecraft.
I think I will add entitys for next updates.
Here is the list of upgrades I will maybe add shortly.
-Food Dimension
-Food Monster (maybe later)
-More Food (Beans & Chili)
Maybe I will buy a 2nd stomach for me.
For know all recipes and crafts download JEI
How to play with the mod ?
1-Download and install forge 1.10.2 (you can look a video for this)
2-search %appdata% on your computer after select minecraft and put TheWorldCookingMod and JEI in "mods"
3-Launch your minecraft launcher and create a new game version with forge 1.10.2.
3-Start your Minecraft with the game version.
4-Have fun (You should create a new world to play with the mod)
Don't forget to download the mod , leave a comment , a suggestion , an update idea or report bug/glitch/error.
I will update the mod very soonly !
Only 1 week after winning MOTW with one of my mods , I won MOTW with this mod.
Thanks you very much !
If you want to add my mod in a modpack , ask in the comments.
Most recent update includes 2 new food items, 1 new recipe item , 2 new weapons and achievement
some bugs are present in some item names and achievements
If you already downloaded the previous versions a few years ago thank you for still being here
Its been almost 4 years already...
In case you're wondering I still plan to make a total remake but it will take lots of time because it will include other mods I made and lots of new stuff.
Goodbye and enjoy your meal !
- Alpha (1.0) : no bugs/errors/glitchs but only a very small number of food.
- Beta (1.1) : More Food than the alpha but some errors.
- 1st Released (1.2) : No bigs errors , maybe one or two in the food name but a stable game.(more foods than the Beta)
- 2nd Released (1.3) : No bigs errors , stable game.(more foods than the 1st Released)
- (1.4) - No info
- (1.5) - No info
- (1.6) - Added MEGA MEAT, Bean toast, 1000C° knife, satureonus grenade and chemical syringe. Added achievements