(W.I.P)Unreachable Fantasy Mod(updated)

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unreachable fantasy mod


Mod Trailer



remember: some of the things here are not in the early access 


your goal in this mod

In the overworld is a giant temple that contains 8 dimension related rooms.

With A piece of the final portal that leads to the final dimension.

Every dimension related room has a locked door.

So you will need keys.

You can find those keys in a temple.

Every dimension has a temple with a boss.

Those bosses contain the keys.

When you finished the portal, you can enter the final dimension and search for the final temple.


If You kill the Final boss

Then You get a infinite Dungeons wand.

If you have the infinite dungeons wand then You are able to generate infinite Dungeons.




This mod currently has 8 dimensions there are going to be 9.

These dimensions are in development.

The dimensions are:


rainbow dimension: The rainbow dimension is full of colored biomes like blue, red, yelow, green, purple ect.

It has colorfull mobs but they are really dangerous.


magical dimension: The magical dimension is a dimension with floating islands.

But these floating islands are different then you would expect them to be.

This dimension has some weird mobs you never have seen before.



the caves: The caves is a dimension full of stone.

It has a landscape with a really high reliëf.

The mobs in this dimension are weird too.

These mobs are based on stone and like to attack you.



fantasy: The fantasy dimension is a place with biomes you have never seen before.                       

It looks a bit like nature gone wrong biomes.

It has mobs with a crazy theme.

And if you are lucky you may find an iluminati temple. 



the sky: The sky dimension is full of cloud blocks but has landscapes that stick out of the clouds.

The mobs look like they came from heaven but aren't that friendly.



the galaxy: The galaxy is a dimension made out of planets and a lot of galaxy blocks.

You may find a biome that looks like the surface of earth, moon, mars and planet x

Some of the mobs are little planets other mobs will have an alien like theme.



war dimension: The war dimension has 6 types of monsters: humans, buggs/glitches, fish people, endermans, doomed monsters, crystals.

Most of them will fight against you and the humans.



down under: a new hell dimension that will generate in spirals and floating islands.

there are icy cubes inside the dimension that contains a icy themed nether.

there will be mobs like a big pigman or a big wither skeleton.



the final dimension(going to be added): a overworld like dimension that is harder then the overworld itself.


This Mod adds a lot to the game.


It adds:


247 Blocks and 9 Dimensions 


52 Items


45 Tools


110 Mobs


a lot of new dungeons!


144 Biomes


new bosses


​​​0 Boss temples (sadly)


(for now)




there are some people that helped/are helping me with this mod


name------------------------------   their mods----------------------- their roles for the development
firebit chaotica           modeler, texturer 



sound editor



development follower
Der Freischütz valtoria mod modeler

The Rules of the Arcane


Intellectually Computational Gadgets: Rethought!

modeler, texturer
ShadowzWalker Heal craft detail guy
Enfys   LSC compat tester
asdsa   development follower
CNKManga   LSC compat tester
gigano   tester
Hariq   development follower
MrFurlex   tester
ツ 𝓩𝔞𝔠𝑘𝟽𝟸𝟿𝟸 ツ   Texturer
TYprincejack223   development follower
UserofBricks   modeler


  development follower





Sometimes my english isn't that good:/


hey you there!!!

if you want to help me/test the mod/follow the development/request things  here is a link to my comunity discord:)



Minecraft mod files
unreachable fantasy modv0.2.9.jar - a even newer version Uploaded on: 01/12/2019 - 20:01   File size: 27.31 MB
unreachable fantasy modv0.2.5.jar - Brand new version Uploaded on: 11/24/2018 - 10:55   File size: 20.34 MB
unreachable fantasy modv0.1.0.jar - a early access of this mod with a lot of buggs Uploaded on: 10/23/2018 - 10:11   File size: 9.59 MB

removed a lot of buggs

the mod is more stabilized

removed herobrine

Oh, I haven't played these mods, but I plan on! I've heard a lot about them! and I just found out today that my favorite mods (this one and Exploration Expasion) belong to you! I was very happy about this surprise! soon I will start creating my own mods! I have sooooo great ideas!

(yes you guessed it! XD)

I wonder what sounds ima make next for the mod.

oh and yes, im Mystic_Arceus >:D