Stories of Below

Published by Zolpi on
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-Stories of below is still in beta stage, but I'm pretty much alone on this project and need feedback.

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Curseforge page : Stories of Below - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge



Stories of Below is an underground biome mod aiming to add less real life-like caves to explore.

Each biome mainly focuses on a specific gameplay type, such as exploration, combat etc...


Shapeshifters' Den

  • Shapeshifters' den is a forest looking cave inhabited by various transforming creatures.
  • It's gameplay type is exploration. The items found in there are obtained by and for exploration. You might for example play hide and seek with some entities or be requested specific items by other...
  • The rewards it gives are much worth it if you're looking for practical travel items such as portable chests, new mounts to go trough various terrain types or a way to light up your path without filling your pockets with torches.


Battlefield Catacombs

  • Battlefield Catacombs are rather large gloomy places in which you must fight for your survival, and face more and more challenging bosses.
  • As you might have already guessed, it focuses on combat, adding new weapons, armor and enemies to slay. The structures left in there contain sealed powerful entities which can be fought if given the right offering. Don't be fooled if you think the first one you encounter is easy to defeat, the bosses are categorized in level classes, the next class requiring better equipment and tactics to beat.


Subterranean Orchestra

  • Subterranean Orchestra is the long-lasting project of adding as much musical instruments as possible.
  • It revolves around sound and music, allowing you to play instruments and compose pieces to record and play whenever you want.
  • The endemic entities inside are references to classical music pieces for most, along with their structures.
  • You may also secure your valuables behind a sound locked door and use a sound blaster to repel the cave spider that have decided to nest in the cristalline fibers.


Toy Tunnels

  • Toy Tunnels are a complex of cavities, perhaps man-made, entierly made out of cardboard.
  • The main gameplay is related to puzzle solving and customizable games. The items you find there can in fact be used to create your own board games or challenge your friends in a game of chess.

Features you probably wouldn't know about without a guide


  • The unlit firefly lantern needs to be placed in shapeshifters' den and filled with brown sugar to start charging. When charged, it will light up and can be right clicked to spawn temporary lights.
  • Chromabirds can be bred with shimmerblooms but will only lay eggs if nearby an empty nest. The eggs hatch over time when placed in the nest.
  • The eye of deception can create mounts when right clicked on specific structures : a sanctuary stone with shimmerbloom on top ; an upright hollow log with four branches ; an empty nest with feather blocks beside.
  • Feather blocks can change color depending of the redstone signal they recieve.


  • Warmetal weapons can have a secondary ability with right click.
  • You can pacify starving wolves with rotten meal. You cannot tame them though.
  • Dropplet pets will spit out grief swirls sometimes.
  • The "offering" for the first two bosses is a warmetal block
  • Pliers can break iron grates with right click.
  • Dusty glass can be reinforced with one iron nugget and then cleaned with a brush


  • The activate button on instruments converts blank composition paper into instrument-specific paper. There is a slot in the top right of the GUI.
  • Sound keys codes can be set using the encoder block, it has a limit of five notes. You can use them in the music reader.
  • To make an acoustic door, build a 3x3 wall of acoustic door parts with a key reader in the center then right click with the key. Once the door is done, shift click with the key to set the code and right click to open.
  • The music reader is activated using redstone signal.


  • Player dolls can be rotated with shift click and picked up with right click. You can change its shirt with dyes. It cannot move without the dice.
  • Chess pieces needs the ruler of the checkerboard item to be moved and rotated.
  • Toy cars need to be charged up with shift click and released with right click.

What's next ?


  • Animation rework in some cases.


  • Custom sounds for blocks items


  • More instruments will eventually be added, but this is a long term project.


  • Three more bosses are already planned and designed, along with an arena where you fight stronger versions of all of them in order.


  • Five other caves are already designed with concept art.

Software used : Mcreator, Blockbench,, Cakewalk by bandlab, Audacity

Models, Textures, Animations, Most concepts : made by Zolpi



Minecraft mod files
stories_of_below-0.1.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 07/02/2024 - 17:02   File size: 5.59 MB
stories_of_below-0.1.1-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 07/08/2024 - 17:34   File size: 5.82 MB
stories_of_below-0.2.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 07/23/2024 - 20:29   File size: 7.38 MB

V-0.1.1 :   - made much needed texture improvements (stone types and their variants, chess pieces, leaves, forest soil/moss)

                 - fixed mobs not dropping experience and fused assemblimbs not dropping assembly boxes

                 - fixed underdragon pedestal being already cracked in its spawn structure

                 - fixed  lotus generating underwater in shapeshifters' den


V-0.2.0 :  -Added two bosses in battlefield catacombs along with special items crafted with their drops

                -Violin and Viola are now fully working and obtainable in survival

                -Strings player can be bartered with using diamonds

                -Swans now have a chance to fish lilypads

                -Added the Playlab in Toy Tunnels with new blocks inside

                -Added advancements

                -reworked animations for swan and toy car

                -reworked texture for swan and note

               -Fixed hunter's bow not working

               -Optimized structure spawning in battlefield catacombs (they can now be found with /locate)




Thanks :) The textures have already been reworked (at least the worst ones) in version 0.1.1 ! However maybe some of them still need improvement so please tell me which ones needs it if any

From what I can see on the thumbnails, I think the chess realm has washed-out texturing and the patterns don't go that well together to make a cohesive environment. Similarly the blue leaves on the black barks could have some specks of black to feel more natural when placed next to other blocks in that biome (like some black specks, maybe some less saturated pixels and so on)

Hey there! if you need someone to remake your textures you can ask me! i love creating textures and thing a couple of them need a little work

Amazing mod ;) But i have on question. what font generator did you use for the text i can't find any good ones.