Lord NoobSlayer's Paintball Mod

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     Have you ever wanted to play paintball in Minecraft?  Well, today is your lucky day. In this mod there is:

Instant bases

Supply crates


Paintable wood, and bricks



and so much more!

Minecraft mod files
LordNoobSlayer'sPAintballmodv2.jar - v12.2 You didn't ask for foods, but i gave'm to you anyways, also the tank is under some testing Uploaded on: 10/18/2019 - 14:59   File size: 9.55 MB

Vehicles are coming!

Foods are being introduced

Vehicles are coming!

more armor will be available later


but most importantly.....




Vehicles are coming!

Hello Everyone This next update will be called:
----Vehicle Update-----
This Update will consist of (Hopefully):
Tanks And other vehicles

Hey everybody, just so you know i am make another update. I'm planning on adding tanks and other vehicles. Also, i'm hoping to improve other stuff as well. Let me know if there is anything that you want fixed

I'm working on the new up date.(suggestion are always helpful.tell me what you want and i'll see what i can do) Here's what i'm adding:
This is an biome update
~NEW Biomes~
-Monochrome Biome
-everything is grey
-Red Wood Forest
-Blue Wood Forest
-Orange Woods
-Green Biome(Debating if I should call it the asparagus forest or the Giant Broccoli Forest)
-Purple forest(This ones a beauty)
-Yellow biome(it's a mix of a forest and a desert so I could't think of a name)

~New Blocks~
-Red, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, and Purple Logs
-Red, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, and Purple dirt
-Red, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, and Purple Grass
-Red, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, and Purple Leaves

~New Portals~
-Biome portal
-Made by Fish & Chips(ps Chips is coal, i just though chips sounded better)

Once i get 100 Downloads i will make another update, Tell your Friends, family, your dog, or your friend's family, to download this mod

I used a free software called Blockbench. The nice thing about it is that it is that it allows you to customize what it will look like in HUDs and how large it will be. I then would simply go to file then save, and it would save it as .json. After that I would go to File the export as .obj. After all of that, i would import both the textures that were saved in the editor, and the obj and json. Use the .json file because it allows you to choose the textures and uses the textures.

first of all, you should go to resources, click textures, then import. if you're putting it on a custom model, then you import it as a block. Then go to the 3d models tab and click import, import obj with MTL. Select those, and then go to Import json. it should (if you are using Blockbench) then allow you to select texture materials via texture mappings. select each box and place your textures you imported and then you can use it.

I don't know how 1.7.10 works exactly, but i thought you would be using 1.8.2. if you upgrade, this will work. Also it will probably work better than mine because my laptop used to be a windows xp but is now upgraded so ya i can't do most things on it. it should be fine on yours though