Voxelprint's Halloween

Published by Nwago on
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[Modrinth Link]

Using the Hallowfall Teleporter, explore and fight in a new dimension, upgrade your equipment kit and defeat the powerful God of Dread!


  • Equipment - When teleporting to the Hallowfall Dimension, you will be automatically be equipped with a teleporter, weapons and armour, a runebook and an iron pickaxe.
  • Runebook - Used for upgrading your equipment kit, empowering your weapons with essence and purchasing additional items.
  • Currency - Pumpkin Tokens and Essence will be dropped by all custom mobs found in the dimension.
  • Progression - While any items acquired will be lost when leaving the dimension, your kit upgrades and achievement progress will be saved.
  • Final Boss - The mod features a final boss that can be found in the Dreadnought Plane. Check Advancements descriptions for more information.


  • All mobs in the Hallowfall Dimension are split into 3 categories: Flame, Sculk and Soul.
  • The mod uses a rock-paper-scissors system, which causes certain equipment to deal more or less damage depending on the essence type.

Flame -> Sculk -> Soul -> Flame {Strong Reaction, Weapon to Entity}

Flame <- Sculk <- Soul <- Flame {Weak Reaction, Weapon to Entity}

  • Essence Effects - Mobs will at random gain a potion effect matching their essence type. Essence Effects can also be applied by dealing damage with an essence enchanted weapon, or by being hit by an entity with the effect.
  • Essence Fusion - Two or more essence effects on an entity will cause them to cancel out and create a reaction, dealing extra damage and creating a special effect.
  • Essence Bonus - Killing mobs will give you certain potion effects depending on their essence type.

Useful Information

  • It is recommended that you only travel to the Hallowfall Dimension with only a teleporter in your inventory, as your inventory will get overwritten.
  • You need to toggle the /hwsafe command before being able to use the teleporter.
  • Your armour and weaponry will only be updated on dimension enter, while you can re-empower your equipment at any time.

Other Content


  • Hallowfall Dirt, Grass Blocks, Rock, Logs, Leaves
  • Scarecrows
  • Graves
  • 12 Types of Tall Grass


  • Soul Splicer
  • Ember Blade
  • Sculk Reaper
  • Hallow Armour


  • Custom Soundtrack
  • Sound Effects
  • 3 Music Disc Rewards for completing various Advancements.

Special thanks to Danz for the mod logo and various textures and models <3

Minecraft mod files
Use Modrinth.zip - Use the link at the top of the page instead! <3 Uploaded on: 10/27/2023 - 13:24   File size: 212 bytes