WARN:Unfinity Craft is in developing,so this snapshot (that is also the first version) is going to change because this IS a beta version of Unfinity Craft.
Unfinity Craft is a mod that add a lot of usefull and useless things in minecraft like the Medikit that can be used for restore your life and add extra lives for a limited amount of time or like the cement that is...simply a decorative block/reinforced block.
this mod was made with mcreator by me (Hynop3r or Syndex on yt and Koala123),you can found this mod in Syndex's official Website (not already).
we DO NOT earn ANITHING by ANYONE with Syndex's website or other's and DON'T earn ANITHING IN ANYWAY WITH THIS MOD.this mod was made only by the fun of two friends so we hope that you have fun with it.
P.s. if you want to put your mod in your modpack you only have to put it in your modpack folder because we allow you to use it in your modpacks,only a little warn DO NOT say that this mod is yours and DO NOT say that you or i earn anithing with this mod because its NOT real so have fun with this.
Can you add pictures please ?