1.0 Alpha
Energized Sentry (mob)
Energized Sword (Weapon/tool)
Energized multi Tool (multi use tool)
Energy Boosted Armor (armor)
Energon block (block, used to make sword,multi tool and armor)
2.0 PRE-RELEASE Energy Chain Gun (Gun) Energy bullets (Item) SetinelGod (mob) God of Chaos (mob) God of Retribution (mob) Infected Biome (biome) Plaque IV (block) (gives potion effect on right click) Plaque IX (block) (gives potion effect on right click) Apacolyptic Staff (tool) GUI updated (GUI) Energized Sentry Bug Fixed
Energized Sentry (targets Player,Skeletons Avoids Creepers)
Energon (used in most recipes Tools,wepaons,armor)
Energy boosted armor w/effects
Energy Boosted Armor
Energon depot w/ energized sword in hand
Finding one of the plaques (they give potion effects)
From left to right God of retribution,Setinel God,God of Chaos
Energized Multitool (M=Energon block, dig up energon and use the block)
Energized Sword (M=Energon block, dig up energon and use the block)
Help book (right click to open GUI)
energized chain gun (M=energon, dig up energon and use the block)
energized bullets (M=energon, dig up energon and use the block)
@#5 thnx Lmever67! and i was actually already thinking about turning this into an rpg based mod, the mod name will be (ArchMage) i was gonna keep allot of the stuff here but re-work some of the textures for the mobs,weapons,items etc. also i got allot of plans for doing quests,side quests and hopefully adding in a store!! hopefully the first version will be released a few days after the next update cause i want to add in overlays to....
HI, does the multi tool break the stone?