Depending on how you want it to work the code will differ, this example here will remove all logs in a 6x6 area as this is a Procedure template I'd recommend using which I have slightly modified to accept all blocks tagged in "minecraft:logs".
The template location:
Something similar to this should work:
but again this removes all logs in a 6x6, you would have to modify it in more detail to work as you want it to. for an example if you want it to only check upwards then just remove the part that extends in the X and Z directions.
Depending on how you want it to work the code will differ, this example here will remove all logs in a 6x6 area as this is a Procedure template I'd recommend using which I have slightly modified to accept all blocks tagged in "minecraft:logs".
The template location:
Something similar to this should work:
but again this removes all logs in a 6x6, you would have to modify it in more detail to work as you want it to. for an example if you want it to only check upwards then just remove the part that extends in the X and Z directions.
I Don't know why is this not working
The if found=true part will only run on the last block.
To fix this move everything out of the if block at the end and put it here it sets found to true in the middle.
Then remove the if found=true block which will then be empty.
Oh yeah that's true, yeah follow what they said
What? My brain can't process this
Nevermind, it works THX