(Yipeee update) The Stupid Experience

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The Stupid Experience also known as the minecraft egg mod, is a mod that adds jeff! a "Creature" who follows you! and will not* kill you!

*not guaranteed



Jeff block

guaranteed death Life!

Lets surpass the diffy experience as the MOST ANOYING FREINDLY MINECRAFT MOD!
Can use in Modpacks! Just credit me HydraGenisis

Now includes: Jeffory, a companion, who fights Jeff (real this time) who can be tamed with a jeff soul, obtained by killing Jeff! and YIPEEE who can be tamed with a cosmic oreo, obtained by killing jeffory. To get Yipeee you need to combine a jeff essance with a cosmic oreo! jeff esance can be obtained by commands. (other methood bugged out will fix soon)

Minecraft mod files
StupidExperienceMod1.0_0.jar - Yeah 1.0 Uploaded on: 11/03/2023 - 22:19   File size: 83.91 KB

Now includes: Jeffory, a companion, who fights Jeff (real this time) who can be tamed with a jeff soul, obtained by killing Jeff! and YIPEEE who can be tamed with a cosmic oreo, obtained by killing jeffory. To get Yipeee you need to combine a jeff essance with a cosmic oreo! jeff esance can be obtained by commands. (other methood bugged out will fix soon)

The fact that this mod is ripping off the Diffy Experience only makes it MORE ANNOYING