Fabulous Fletching

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The Smithing table is actually interesting now! (It wasn't when I made the smithing mod!) So to continue the pattern of making mods for things that Mojang will almost certainly get around to doing themselves at some point, I made a fletching mod! It involves arrows. 

  • Use the fletching table, (which now has a tweaked recipe involving copper), to craft arrows! You can make different tiers of arrows using different tips, and then modify them using different special ingredients.
  • The most basic Flint Arrows can be crafted using just a crafting table, (though you'll get more from the fletching table), and are the weakest variety of arrow. They're inaccurate, don't fly very far, almost always break when they hit hard surfaces, and always break when they hit an enemy. One flint, stick, and feather yields 5 flint arrows.
  • Slightly improved Iron Arrows are a bit more accurate, and fly substantially further, dealing slightly more damage. They never break when they hit hard surfaces, but always break when they hit an enemy. One iron nugget, stick, and feather yields 3 iron arrows.
  • Shiny Golden Arrows are lightweight but fragile- they fly the furthest, and pack a heavy punch, but break a third of the time they hit a target, and a third of the time they hit a hard surface. They're also slightly more expensive, requiring a gold nugget, stick, and feather to yield 2 golden arrows.
  • Fancy Diamond Arrows are an expensive investment, but a reliable choice for the picky archer. They fly further and deal more damage than iron arrows, (not quite as much as golden arrows), but rarely break on impact with an enemy, and almost never break on impact with a hard surface, making them extra-durable. A diamond, stick, and feather yields 2 diamond arrows.
  • Expensive Forged Arrows deal by far the most damage, but fly only as far as iron arrows. They deal unavoidable armor piercing damage on impact, are immune to fire and lava, and never break. Netherite scrap, a blaze rod, and a feather yields a single forged arrow.
  • Tipped Arrows can now also be crafted without the need of a lingering potion/dragon's breath. While lingering potions produce more arrows, you can use the fletching table to make tipped arrows with splash potions, yielding 2 tipped arrows per potion.
  • Breeze Arrows are crafted using breeze rods and copper; they deal the same damage as iron arrows, but fly unaffected by gravity, and produce a breeze charge on impact. A feather, breeze rod, and copper ingot produces 5 breeze arrows.
  • And lastly, deadly Cursed Arrows are crafted using a phantom membrane, a bone, and an echo shard. A cursed arrow deals up to 50 damage, reducing its victim's health to half a heart, and dealing damage to its shooter equal to the amount of health it took; they also inflict darkness and slowness II. Capable of reducing most enemies to a single hit kill, a dangerous and valuable weapon.


Arrows can now be modified using six different special ingredients. (Possibly more in future updates.) This includes:

  • Glowstone Dust, which makes Spectral variants of each arrow. (The duration of the glowing effect increases with the power of the arrow.)
  • Redstone Dust, which makes Seeking variants of each arrow, that course correct towards the nearest entity in a small radius.
  • Gunpowder, which makes Volatile, explosive variants of each arrow, dealing high damage, but destroying the arrow on impact. (Or producing Netherite Scrap when applied to forged arrows.)
  • Slime balls, which make Slimed, bouncy variants of each arrow. I can think of almost no practical use for these, but there you go. (The number of bounces increases with the power of the arrow.)
  • Prismarine shards, which makes Prismatic variants of each arrow that fly perfectly straight underwater.
  • And Ender Pearls, which make Warped variants of each arrow. Warped arrows teleport back to the shooter's inventory if they hit a block without breaking, and swap the shooter's position with enemies they hit. Use as you see fit.


All custom arrows should be (more or less) compatible with vanilla enchantments. (Infinity does not work on modified arrows, and arrows shot with a multishot bow do not drop items. Other bow enchantments are unchanged.) 

This mod was heavily inspired by Nock Enough Arrows! If you want a more extensive fletching system, check out their mod instead!

Minecraft mod files
FabulousFletchingV1.jar - First version of Fabulous Fletching, for 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 12/14/2023 - 15:08   File size: 709.93 KB
FabulousFletching(NEOFORGE)V2.3.jar - Latest version for Neoforge 1.21.1 Uploaded on: 01/25/2025 - 02:30   File size: 981.1 KB
  • Added quite a lot of new arrows,
  • Along with a new fletching interface with which to craft them.


  • Updated everything to Neoforge 1.21.1 (Which turned out to be kind of complicated, thank goodness that's over.)
  • Added Breeze Arrows, crafted using feathers, breeze rods, and copper ingots. These arrows are about the same as regular iron arrows, but are unaffected by gravity, and produce a wind charge on impact.
  • Added Cursed Arrows, crafted using phantom membrane, bones, and echo shards. A cursed arrow instantly takes up to 24 hearts from its target, and reduces its shooter's health by however much it took. It does not do fatal damage, but essentially renders most enemies a one-hit kill. Also inflicts darkness and slowness II.
  • Fixed some issues with multishot arrows; all arrows now use a generalized system to prevent duplicated arrows from being picked up.
  • Adjusted recipe book to reflect new recipes; changed diamond arrows to require sticks instead of blaze rods.
  • Fixed various issues with warped arrows hitting their initial shooter.
  • Updated potion tags so the tipped arrow recipe works with Neoforge.

Lots of fiddling around with arrow classes and locked elements- there's a built in file explorer, so if something's not quite possible with MCreator, taking a look at the vanilla code is a good place to start. (...Even if, like myself, you're also not totally familiar with java...)

This is great! I decided to do some playtesting and found out that the golden arrows are easily the best arrow. With diamond actually dealing slightly less damage and the forged arrows practically falling out of the bow, the golden arrow has basically no competition. Also it's cheap. I also found out that if you fire a slime-tipped arrow out of a punch 2 bow, you can get some insane knockback. The volatile arrows have an offset explosion when they hit blocks and need to be offset by +.5 on the X, Y, and Z coordinates for when they hit blocks. The prismatic arrows do eventually come to a stop in the water. I would recommend reactivating gravity after a timer, so that it sinks to the bottom, instead of just floating there. Overall, it's a great mod and I can tell you spent a lot of time and effort on it. Tons of fun to play around in.

This is absolutely amazing. The textures, the idea. Congrats on MOTW.

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/MCreator/) and Twitter page (https://twitter.com/PyloDEV).

hey, I'm looking at including something similar to this in my mod.

If its no too much trouble could you help me with how to get started on implementing firing arrows from a bow that aren't vanilla arrows as I'm drawing a blank on how I might go about this currently