This mod adds crafting recipes for things that don't have recipes in the vanilla game! This includes:
All Horse Armors
Chainmail Armor
Name Tag
Enchanted Golden Apple
Structure Void (Invisible)
Light (Like a torch, but can not be seen. WARNING: CAN NOT BE BROKEN ONCE PLACED!! This is not a bug, just an unsolvable side effect of using a Creative block in Survival.)
Sculk Sensor
Sculk Shrieker
Echo Shard
Sculk Catalyst
Heart of the Sea
Wool to 4 String
Nether Wart Block to 9 Nether Wart
Smelting Cobblestone in a Blast Furnace to get Stone
Smelting Stone in a Blast Furnace to get Smooth Stone
Haste Potion
Mining Fatigue Potion
Absorption Potion
Conduit Power Potion
Dolphin's Grace Potion
Health Boost Potion
Hero of the Village Potion
Luck Potion
Saturation Potion
Bad Luck Potion
Bad Omen Potion
Blindness Potion
Darkness Potion
Glowing Potion
Hunger Potion
Levitation Potion
Nausea Potion
Wither Potion
I recommend using JEI to view crafting recipes. Otherwise, you can ask me in the comments.
This mod is canceled because I lost the workspace. If you would like a remake of the mod, please let me know! Once this mod gets 15+ upvotes, I will recreate it.
V1.1.0 Added crafting recipe for Trident.
V1.1.2 Added crafting recipe for the Debug Stick and all pieces of Chainmail Armor.
V1.1.3 Bug Fixes. Added pictures to show all crafting recipes. Added Name Tag crafting recipe. Modified Saddle recipe.
V1.2.0 Edited Mod Page. Added crafting recipes for all missing potion effects, credit to cube _3.14
V1.2.2 Added crafting recipes for Sculk-related blocks, Enchanted Golden Apple, Light, and Structure Void. Removed Debug Stick, as it does not work in Survival.
V1.2.3 Added Heart of the Sea Crafting Recipe.
Why only wither doesn't have potion after in potions?
It should be 'wither potion' instead of just 'wither'